Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 307 Zhou Bingyi's telegram

Chapter 307 Zhou Bingyi's Phone Call
New Year's Eve.

"Bingkun, you must give me a letter. When can you see Yao Lisong, and when will you go to Jichun?" Zhou Bingyi asked before leaving.

He hoped that Zhou Bingkun would meet Yao Lisong and talk about investment.

I also hope that Zhou Bingkun will go to Jichun to see a doctor for Hao Jinlong.

"Brother, after the first lunar month, I will go to Pengcheng to meet Yao Lisong first, and then go to Jichun, okay?" Zhou Bingkun said casually.He planned to deal with Zhou Bingyi first.He didn't plan to meet Yao Lisong and Hao Jinlong.He was going to go on a long trip in a few days, and he couldn't care less about seeing them.

"Okay, it's settled. Bingkun, you have to be polite to Yao Lisong, he is my old comrade-in-arms. Also, when you go to Jichun, be polite when you meet Dongmei's parents," Zhou Bingyi urged .

Zhou Bingkun nodded in response, thinking to himself, "Why should I greet others with a rude face first? I want to repay kindness with kindness, and repay grievances with honesty. This is the true principle of being a human being."

After Zhou Bingyi returned to the capital, he first contacted Yao Lisong.

"Hey, Lao Yao, Bingkun has promised to go to Pengcheng to find you."

"Really? Great! Bingyi, when will Dean Zhou come?" Yao Lisong was overjoyed.He didn't expect Zhou Bingyi to persuade Zhou Bingkun to come to Pengcheng to meet him.

"Bingkun said, go to Pengcheng when the first month comes out."

"It's the first month? Is there a specific time?" Yao Lisong had a bad premonition.

"Old Yao, don't think too much, Bingkun promised me, and he will definitely go." Zhou Bingyi also understood Yao Lisong's worry.But he felt that Zhou Bingkun had already agreed, so he would not regret it.

"Okay, Bingyi, I will let people do the preparations, and I will definitely entertain Dean Zhou well." Yao Lisong was relieved to hear Zhou Bingyi's assurance.He felt that what Zhou Bingyi said was still reliable.

After chatting with Yao Lisong, Zhou Bingyi called Jin Yueji again.

"Hi, Mom, I'm Bingyi."

"Bingyi, have you returned to the capital yet?"

"Just back, Mom, how is my father?"

"It's been fine recently, it's all right now."

"Mom, I asked Bingkun to go to Jichun around March to show Dad."

"Yes. But, Bingyi, don't worry. If Bingkun is busy, let him do it first. According to Xiaoqu, Bingkun has a big business now, and has invested in many factories in Pengcheng. Even in Jichun, a traditional Chinese medicine factory broke ground, which solved the employment problem of many people." Jin Yueji laughed.Now she has a certain understanding of Zhou Bingkun, knowing that Zhou Bingkun has become a big entrepreneur.

"Bingkun has done a good job in the past few years, he thinks more deeply than me, he..." Zhou Bingyi praised Zhou Bingkun a few words.

"Bingyi has time to bring Huihui back"

After chatting for a while, Jin Yueji hung up the phone.

"Is it Bingyi's call?" Hao Jinlong asked.He's been listening all the time.

"Yes, Bingyi said, Bingkun will come to Jichun to treat you around March." Jin Yueji said lightly.She no longer cared so much about Zhou Bingkun's coming to see a doctor.Because she felt that Hao Jinlong's illness was under control.

"Actually, you don't need to read it. I'm fine. I will pay attention to bringing enough asthma medicine in the future." Hao Jinlong said lightly.He also felt that there was no need for Zhou Bingkun to see a doctor.He had never seen Zhou Bingkun's medical skills, so he judged Zhou Bingkun based on his past experience.

In addition, he still didn't want to see the Zhou family.Secretary Huang has been transferred away, but Hao Jinlong is still wary of the Zhou family and does not want to associate with the Zhou family.

"Old Hao, since Bingyi has arranged it, let Bingkun take a look." Jin Yueji persuaded.

Hao Jinlong nodded and said nothing.Zhou Bingkun was still not taken seriously.

A few months passed in a blink of an eye.

this day.

Zhou Bingyi had been reading in the office all day and was about to go home when the phone rang.

"Hey, it's Lao Yao, why are you calling me when you have time?" Zhou Bingyi said with a smile.

"Bingyi, it's already July, and Dean Zhou hasn't come to Pengcheng yet. Look, can you ask Dean Zhou for help?" Yao Lisong waited for Zhou Bingkun from March until July.In the past few months, he has been hesitating every day whether to ask Zhou Bingyi.But he didn't dare to ask, for fear of making Zhou Bingkun unhappy.He waited until July and finally couldn't bear it anymore.

"What? Old Yao, hasn't Bingkun gone to Pengcheng to find you yet?" Zhou Bingyi asked in surprise.He thought that Zhou Bingkun had already gone to Pengcheng to find Yao Lisong.

"Yes, Bingyi, I know Dean Zhou is busy, so I have been waiting, haha." Yao Lisong smiled awkwardly.He felt aggrieved.

"This Bingkun is too outrageous, Lao Yao, wait a minute, I'll call Bingkun right away." Zhou Bingyi hung up the phone and hurried to the post office.

He directly called Xiangjiang Villa.

"Hello, Mom, is Bingkun at home?" Li Suhua answered the phone on the opposite side.

"Not here, Bingyi, what's the matter with you?" Li Suhua said with a smile.She is watching dramas, and there is a funny scene on TV, she is enjoying it.

"Mom, at the beginning of the year, Bingkun promised me to go to Pengcheng to meet Yao Lisong, but it's already July, and Bingkun hasn't gone yet." Zhou Bingyi complained in his tone.

"At the beginning of the year? Bingyi, at the beginning of the year, not long after you, Dongmei and Huihui set off, Bingkun went to Chou Country for business, and he hasn't come back yet." Li Suhua frowned.

"Bingkun went to Chou Country? What's the matter with him going to Chou Country?" Zhou Bingyi was surprised again.

"I don't know either. I don't understand what he said about electronic computers and high technology." Li Suhua said casually.

"Mom, can you contact Bingkun?" Zhou Bingyi asked.He seemed unable to make a phone call to Ugly Country.

"Yes, just call." Li Suhua can call Zhou Bingkun directly.Zhou Bingkun's home phone opened the service.

"Mom, then call and ask Bingkun, when will he come back? When will he go to Pengcheng to meet Yao Lisong, and ask about his going to Jichun. After you say hello, call me."

"Bingyi, are you calling your office?"

"Yes, Mom, I'm waiting for the call in the office."

Ugly country.

A villa somewhere.

Zhou Bingkun was chatting with some yellow-skinned young people.

"You all graduated from Qingbei, and you have come to Ugly Country to study for a year or two. How are you doing? Do you want to go back to China?"

"Mr. Zhou, we don't want to go back." Several young people made it clear that they didn't want to go back.

"Why?" Zhou Bingkun asked.

"Mr. Zhou, we are here, and our annual income is tens of thousands of dollars. If we go back, our annual income will be a few hundred dollars, which is too much difference."

"Mr. Zhou, it's more than that. If we go back, what we have learned will basically be wasted, and there will be no place to use it."

"Treating us is the same as treating ordinary workers. We have studied hard for many years, and we don't want to waste what we have learned."

"Also, this side treats us knowledgeable people with respect, unlike."

"Looking forward to recognition, looking forward to respect, looking forward to being useful." Zhou Bingkun finally understood why some people were unwilling to go back.The reason why this group of senior wage earners do not want to come back is very simple and straightforward.

Seeing them, Zhou Bingkun couldn't help thinking that a group of bosses had also left in later generations, "Why did they leave?" Zhou Bingkun couldn't figure it out.

"I see." Zhou Bingkun nodded, "Boys, I want to set up a company in Ugly Country, and I want to engage in computers, CNC machine tools, and other high-tech things.

You go back and summon the Xia people to work in my company, and guarantee that the wages and benefits are the same as here.

You can not only enjoy the same treatment as the Ugly people, but also serve our own country.

"Zhou Bingkun used his dreams and feelings, plus money, to encourage him a lot.

"Really? Thank you, Mr. Zhou."

"Thank you Mr. Zhou, we must do a good job!"

"Mr. Zhou, we are also patriotic!".
After Zhou Bingkun sent a group of passionate youths away, Li Suhua called.

"Hey, Bingkun, Bingyi asked you." Li Suhua told about Zhou Bingyi.

"I know, I have something to do in Ugly Country, let's talk about it when I go back." Zhou Bingkun responded with a few words, "Mom, you and my dad come to Ugly Country when you are free."

"We won't go, there are foreign devils over there, it looks uncomfortable."

"Well, foreign devils really don't look good."

Chat a few words and hang up the phone.

"Bingkun, I'm going to take the children back," Zheng Juan said.She also came to Ugly Country with her three children.However, she doesn't like the life here and wants to go back to Xiangjiang.

"Go back, Juan'er, wait a minute, I'm done here, let's go back together." Zhou Bingkun said.He also wants to start a company and build a factory here.Then, when the time is right, pack them all up and take them home.

"Dad, I'm hungry and I want steak!"

"Dad, I want steak too."


The three children ran over, wanting to eat Western food cooked by Zhou Bingkun.

(End of this chapter)

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