Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 280 Sending off Zhou Bingyi

Chapter 280 Sending off Zhou Bingyi
New Year's Eve.

In a blink of an eye, it was time for Zhou Bingyi to leave.

Li Suhua dragged Hao Dongmei and talked endlessly.

"Dongmei, in three months, I will go to see you. When the time comes, I will wait for you to give birth."

"No need, mom, as long as you have righteousness, it's not convenient for you to go back and forth." Hao Dongmei wanted to agree, but didn't dare to answer directly.If she had a baby in the capital, she and Zhou Bingyi alone would definitely not work.

"Bingyi doesn't understand anything. At that time, he must be in a hurry and can't do anything well. I still have to go. That's the deal." Li Suhua made a decision.Her mother-in-law is still very responsible.She knew that Hao Dongmei's mother could not go to the capital.So she has to go.

"Okay, Mom." Hao Dongmei agreed happily.If Li Suhua didn't go, she would definitely have to find someone else to help.

"Bingkun, what, did Dongmei find the house in the capital?" Li Suhua turned around and asked.

"Mom, I've found it, and I told my brother, he'll just go and contact Director Zhao Dongwei directly." Qi Peng has asked Zhao Jianjun to contact the house.

Zhao Jianjun called Zhou Bingkun directly.He also complained that Zhou Bingkun didn't call him directly and should not let Qi Peng contact him.

Zhou Bingkun had to explain a few words, and agreed to invite Zhao Jianjun to dinner.

Zhao Jianjun is very grateful to Zhou Bingkun and regards Zhou Bingkun as a true friend.Therefore, he was not too polite with Zhou Bingkun.

"What does that Zhao Dongwei do?" Li Suhua asked.

"He's the director of the Housing Management Bureau near Capital University. He has prepared a two-bedroom house, just waiting for my brother to live in it." Zhou Bingkun said casually.

"That's good." Li Suhua nodded, and said to Zhou Bingyi: "Bingyi, you remember, when you go, you will find Zhao Dongwei Director Zhao, you have to be polite to him." Li Suhua kept urging.

Zhou Zhigang couldn't stand it anymore, "Okay, Bingyi knows how to deal with these things, so you don't need to worry about it."

"Hmph, you old man, why don't I say a few more words? Why don't you say so." Li Suhua was upset.Ever since Zhou Zhigang came home, he always picks on her.

"Let me tell you what I said, Bingyi, buy whatever you need when you go, don't be afraid to spend money. By the way, mother, did you give Bingyi the money and tickets?" Zhou Zhigang said.

"Oh, I almost forgot. Dongmei, look, here are the national food stamps, and milk formula stamps. There is still a little money, you take it, and go to buy more nutrition." Li Suhua took out a stack of tickets, and a lot of money.

"Mom, no need." Hao Dongmei hurriedly pushed away.

"Take it, don't save money when you go to the capital, look at you, you are still so thin." Li Suhua stuffed the money and tickets into Hao Dongmei's pocket, and patted them.

Hao Dongmei looked at Zhou Bingyi begging for help, she dared not accept what Li Suhua gave directly.Her mother Jin Yueji actually gave some tickets and money.However, not as much as Li Suhua gave.The tickets Li Suhua saved here were all given by Zhou Bingkun.

"Dongmei, take it. This is what Mom wants." Zhou Bingyi persuaded.Although he was sent money and tickets for college, but not much.It is almost impossible to eat well.Hao Dongmei is pregnant, so she must not let her go hungry.He secretly made up his mind that he must work hard in the future to repay his parents for their kindness.

At this time, the sound of a car came from outside.

Zhou Bingkun got up and looked at the window, "Master Tian is here, it's time to go to the train station."

"Bingkun, have Bingyi bought their train tickets yet?" Zhou Zhigang asked.A few days ago, Zhou Bingkun said to help Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei buy train tickets.

"I bought it. Master Tian went to the train station to pick it up yesterday. I didn't ask him to bring it over."

"Let's go then."

A few people walked out carrying things.

"Bingyi, you have to take good care of Dongmei, and remember what she is not allowed to eat." Li Suhua was still telling her something.

"Principal Zhou, the train ticket." Seeing Zhou Bingkun leading the way, Master Tian got out of the car and gave Zhou Bingkun the train ticket first.

"Okay, Master Tian, ​​thank you for your hard work." Zhou Bingkun said politely, and gave Master Tian a box of Phoenix brand cigarettes.

"It's not hard." Master Tian took the cigarette directly, not daring to be polite.If he helps Zhou Bingkun with affairs, Zhou Bingkun will give him some benefits.He dare not refuse.

Zhou Bingyi took the train ticket from Zhou Bingkun, "Bingkun, did you buy a soft sleeper? In fact, you don't need a soft sleeper, just a hard sleeper."

"There are fewer soft sleepers, but more hard sleepers. It's inconvenient for you." Zhou Bingkun said casually.

"That's right, you should sit on a soft sleeper, and don't be afraid to spend money." Li Suhua said with a rare air.

"Okay." Zhou Bingyi's eyes turned hot, and he was a little moved.

"Get in the car."

"Master Tian, ​​drive slowly on the road."

"Bingkun, send Bingyi and Dongmei to the train and put the salute away."

Zhou Zhigang kept urging.Like Li Suhua, he kept talking.

"Dad, Mom, Zheng Juan, Guangming, we're leaving, you go back." Zhou Bingyi said with a smile in the car.Tears welled up in his eyes when he finished speaking.

On the road.

Zhou Bingyi adjusted his mood.

"Bingkun, actually, regarding the house, Dongmei's father also helped find a house."

"Really? That's pretty good too. Brother, go and check the situation. If you think that house is good, you'll live in that house." Zhou Bingkun said casually.He could guess that the Hao family was looking for a house for Hao Dongmei.He wasn't surprised by that.

"Bingkun, after I leave, the family will depend on you. You have been taking care of the family all these years, and Zhou Rong and I have not been of much help. When I work in the future, I will definitely make up for all the debts of these years. "Zhou Bingyi has always felt indebted to his family.

In the TV series, when Zhou Zhigang passed away, Zhou Bingyi was full of guilt at that moment.He obviously knew that he was not filial to his parents, he was an unfilial son.He was in the yard, digging holes alone as if venting himself.Zhou Bingkun wanted to help dig together, but he couldn't.

At that time, Zhou Bingyi knew in his heart that Zhou Zhigang was somewhat disappointed in him.One is a private matter, the Hao family and the Zhou family have never met.One is about optical film.Zhou Bingyi, as the leader of Jichun City, did not solve the problem of optical text.

"Brother, what you said is wrong. We are all a family, and we have nothing to owe or owe.

You go to the Corps not because you want to go, but because you have to.

Zhou Rong went to Guizhou, although it was a bit far away, but after she went to the countryside, I was able to stay at home.

It was you and Zhou Rong who paid first so that I could take care of my parents at home.

We all do things for the family, and no one does more or less. "

"Bingkun, thank you, I know I'm not good enough." Zhou Bingyi had a thorn in his heart.He wanted to change the Hao family's attitude towards the Zhou family, but he couldn't do anything.

"Brother, don't think too much. You should study hard and take care of Dongmei sister-in-law. Be happy, you are going to be a father." Zhou Bingkun could faintly feel Zhou Bingyi's sadness and helplessness.The integration of two families is always troublesome.Especially in such a situation where there is a huge gap, not to mention integration, it would be nice to be able to live up to face.

"I will definitely take care of Dongmei." Zhou Bingyi looked at Hao Dongmei and said.Because of the Hao family's affairs, his attitude towards Hao Dongmei also changed.

Hao Dongmei often frowned recently.She also felt Zhou Bingyi's discomfort.

She also wanted to change her parents' attitude towards the Zhou family, but her parents didn't care much about her words.

What Hao Jinlong did made people feel a little chilled.


After sending Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei to the train, Zhou Bingkun went to work.

There are already many patients waiting for him at the hospital.

He will continue to treat illnesses and save lives, and heal the wounded.

He is a good doctor, a miracle doctor in the hearts of many patients.

hospital building.

"Dean Zhou, here we come." Sun Chanchao greeted.He has been arranged by Zhou Bingkun to work in the provincial hospital, doing odd jobs in the department of purchasing medicine and medical equipment.In the hospital, he insisted on calling Zhou Bingkun the dean of Zhou, just like everyone else.

"Changchao, come to my office for tea when you have time, I'll go to work first." Zhou Bingkun patted Sun Chanchao on the shoulder, and hurried to the consulting room.

The support staff who was with Sun Chanchao hurriedly asked, "Chanchao, what is your relationship with Dean Zhou?"

"It's a classmate." Sun Chanchao didn't dare to say that he was a child.

"A classmate? Then the relationship is good. By the way, catch up, there is a shopping job in the afternoon, you can go along with it."

"Okay, if you have anything to do, just tell me, and I will do it seriously."

(End of this chapter)

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