Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 274 Qu Xiuzhen's Guess

Chapter 274 Qu Xiuzhen's Guess
Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei walked to a villa.

"This should be my home." Hao Dongmei heard from Jin Yueji that their home was that building.

"Dongmei, the door seems to be closed, no one is there." Zhou Bingyi went to the door and pushed it, only to find that it was locked.

"It's broken, Bingyi, my parents are not here. Although we have come in, we still can't enter the house." Hao Dongmei said with an ugly face.She finally entered the community, but was turned away.

Zhou Bingyi's expression was not good at this moment.Because he was Zhou Bingkun's eldest brother, he managed to get in, but he still couldn't get into Hao Dongmei's house.

"Who are you looking for?" At this moment, a lame old lady walked over and asked.

"Are you Aunt Qu?" Hao Dongmei called out looking at the lame old lady.She recognized Qu Xiuzhen.

"Are you Dongmei?" Qu Xiuzhen also recognized Hao Dongmei.She met Hao Dongmei many years ago.

"Aunt Qu, your leg?" Hao Dongmei hurried over to support Qu Xiuzhen and asked.

"My leg is fine, it's sprained." Qu Xiuzhen said casually.Although she sprained her ankle, she still couldn't stay at home, so she came out for a walk.I happened to see Hao Dongmei and Zhou Bingyi wandering in front of Hao Jinlong's house, and thought they were some bad guys.

"Let me see." Hao Dongmei wanted to squat down and look at Qu Xiuzhen's feet.

"You can't squat down!" Qu Xiuzhen hurriedly stopped Hao Dongmei, "Dongmei, you are pregnant, don't dare to squat down like this, it will hurt the child."

"It's okay." Hao Dongmei said with a smile.

"Why are you alright? You should be more careful. It's been four or five months, right?" Qu Xiuzhen asked.

"Yes, Aunt Qu, I'm more than five months pregnant." Hao Dongmei smiled.

"Who is this?" Qu Xiuzhen looked at Zhou Bingyi and asked.

"Aunt Qu, he is Zhou Bingyi and my husband." Hao Dongmei said shyly.

"Hello, Aunt Qu." Zhou Bingyi was polite.

"Hello." Qu Xiuzhen looked at Zhou Bingyi, "The young man looks very energetic."

"Aunt Qu, your feet are uncomfortable. Standing for a long time will easily aggravate your injuries." Zhou Bingyi said with concern.

"I'm fine." Qu Xiuzhen didn't care.After she finished speaking, she suddenly remembered something, looked at Zhou Bingyi and asked, "What's your name?"

"Aunt Qu, my name is Zhou Bingyi."

"Zhou Bingyi, Zhou Bingkun, they sound like two brothers. Do you know Zhou Bingkun?" Qu Xiuzhen asked.

"Aunt Qu, I have a younger brother named Zhou Bingkun. He works in the provincial hospital and is the vice president. I don't know if it is Zhou Bingkun you mentioned." Zhou Bingyi smiled.

"It's him, that's right, hehe, I didn't expect that you are Zhou Bingkun's elder brother and the son-in-law of the Hao family. Then Zhou Bingkun became a relative of the Hao family." Qu Xiuzhen said with a smile.

"Aunt Qu, Bingkun's medical skills are good, do you want him to come over and show you your feet?" Zhou Bingyi asked.

"No need." Qu Xiuzhen was about to refuse, but the words changed, "Forget it, let's call him over. I still have a lot of things to do, and I can't always keep them at home."

"Aunt Qu, my mother is not at home, let's call your house." Hao Dongmei said.

"You guys just came back, right? Sister Jin just went out not long ago, and she won't be back in a while. Come to my house and wait." Qu Xiuzhen took Hao Dongmei's hand and walked home.

Zhou Bingyi followed behind.

"Dongmei, I heard from Sister Jin that you went to Beijing Medical University to study?" Qu Xiuzhen asked.When she chatted with Jin Yueji, Jin Yueji mentioned Hao Dongmei, but never Zhou Bingyi.

"Yes, Aunt Qu, I was recommended to go to university in [-]. Bingyi and I went to university together, but it's not the same school. He is from Beijing University." Hao Dongmei laughed.

"Capital University? It's a good school, and it has cultivated many talents." Qu Xiuzhen said with a smile.

She was thinking in her heart, "Zhou Bingyi's ability to go to Beijing University means that Zhou Bingyi is doing well in his studies and other aspects.

But Jin Yueji didn't mention Zhou Bingyi's matter, which showed that Jin Yueji didn't like Zhou Bingyi.

No wonder Jin Yueji didn't ask Zhou Bingkun to see Hao Jinlong. It turned out that Jin Yueji also knew that Zhou Bingyi was Zhou Bingkun's brother.Jin Yueji didn't want to have anything to do with the Zhou family.

Jin Yueji looked away.

This Zhou Bingyi looks good.

More importantly, Zhou Bingkun is a good doctor.He might really be able to cure Hao Jinlong's asthma.

It's a pity that Jin Yueji still committed the old problem of the past, she likes to judge people from their origins, and pays too much attention to status.

Both Jin Yueji and Hao Jinlong have too many rules.

In this way, although it is applicable to most situations, Zhou Bingkun is still missed.

Zhou Bingkun is no ordinary doctor.

Kid Qi Peng said that Zhou Bingkun is better than the imperial doctor, he can be called the genius doctor of the world.

Kid Qi is not stupid, he can say that, which proves that Zhou Bingkun is really powerful.

Hao Jinlong missed the opportunity to cure his disease for nothing.

In the future, Hao Jinlong will definitely regret it, and so will Jin Yueji. "

While joking with Hao Dongmei, Qu Xiuzhen thought that there was a big problem with Jin Yueji's actions.

Actually, Qu Xiuzhen was wrong.

At this time, Jin Yueji didn't know that Doctor Zhou's name was Zhou Bingkun, nor that Zhou Bingyi was Doctor Zhou's elder brother.

Jin Yueji didn't pay too much attention to the Doctor Zhou that Qu Xiuzhen was talking about. Jin Yueji just knew that there was a Doctor Zhou in the Provincial Hospital who was good at medical skills. As for the name and origin, she didn't care much.

Maybe, Jin Yueji will ask Doctor Zhou what his name is when she calls Doctor Zhou over.

Jin Yueji always ignores people whose status is inferior to hers.In her eyes, Dr. Zhou is just a doctor who comes and goes when called, so it's not worth trying to understand.

"Aunt Qu, I'm in college." Hao Dongmei was talking about her time at Beijing Medical University.

When Zhou Bingyi entered Qu Xiuzhen's house, he was a little surprised at the luxury here.However, although he was surprised, he didn't pay much attention to it.

In this era, most people live a simple life without comparison, and everyone's pursuit of material is not as fanatical as later generations.

Because the poor are the majority.In future generations, although the poor are also the majority.But there are a lot more rich people.Everyone's pursuit of material things has intensified.

Qu Xiuzhen chatted with Hao Dongmei for a while.

The servant at home came over and said softly, "Sister Qu, Sister Jin who lives in front has gone home."

"Haha, Dongmei, your mother is back home. How long has it been since you and your mother have seen each other?" Qu Xiuzhen and Hao Dongmei were always chatting cheerfully.

She felt that Hao Dongmei didn't have Jin Yueji's city mansion, how should I put it, Hao Dongmei was purer.

She likes Hao Dongmei's purity.

"It's been almost a year. Aunt Qu, you haven't asked Bingkun to show you your feet yet." Hao Dongmei laughed.She also likes Qu Xiuzhen who speaks frankly.She felt that chatting with Qu Xiuzhen was more comfortable than chatting with Jin Yueji.Because you can say anything without hiding it.

Send Hao Dongmei and Zhou Bingyi away.

Qu Xiuzhen called Zhou Bingkun.

"Hello, is that Zhou Bingkun?"

"I'm Zhou Bingkun, are you Comrade Qu?" Zhou Bingkun recognized Qu Xiuzhen's voice.

"Yes, Bingkun, I sprained my ankle, come and show me."

"Comrade Qu, I heard from my dad about your sprained ankle. Just rest at home for a few days, and don't keep thinking about filming."

Before, Zhou Zhigang and Qu Xiuzhen went together to solve the problem of dilapidated housing in optical film, and Qu Xiuzhen accidentally sprained her ankle.As soon as Zhou Zhi came home, he wanted Zhou Bingkun to show Qu Xiuzhen.But Zhou Bingkun said at that time that both Zhou Zhigang and Qu Xiuzhen were overworked and should take a rest, so he deliberately didn't show Qu Xiuzhen's feet.

"Bingkun, Chinese New Year is coming soon. I'm worried about some houses. I'm going to have a look." Qu Xiuzhen's tone was a little anxious.

"Okay then, I'll visit your house later." Zhou Bingkun reluctantly agreed.He sighed in his heart, "A good cadre like Qu Xiuzhen is rare." He seemed to think of many things in his mind, but he couldn't write anything out.

Zhou Bingkun continued to see a doctor in the provincial hospital.

He was not in a hurry to go to Qu Xiuzhen's house.

He had a lot of patients in the afternoon, and he continued to be busy seeing doctors.

He planned to go to Qu Xiuzhen's place later.

(End of this chapter)

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