Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 249 Get the train ticket

Chapter 249 Get the train ticket

Chinese New Year is approaching.

this evening.

Russian-style house.

Zhou Bingkun, Li Suhua, Zheng Juan, Zheng Guangming, and Zhou Bingkun's three children had dinner together.

The food was cooked by Zhou Bingkun, which was hearty and delicious.

"Father, I like eating your cooking the most." Zhou Jiaping said happily.

"Eat more if it tastes good." Zhou Bingkun said with a smile.

"I want to eat more too." Zhou Jiacong said loudly.Whatever his brother said, he followed suit.

"Okay, you should eat more too." Zhou Bingkun said with a smile.

"Bingkun, your father, Brother Ni, and your sister have all written letters, saying that they will be able to go home during the Chinese New Year this year." Li Suhua said happily.

"It's good, but it's hard to buy train tickets. My dad can say that it's hard for Zhou Rong's family of three to buy train tickets back in Guizhou." Zhou Bingkun said.

"Then what should we do?" Li Suhua was a little worried.

"I'll go back and ask someone to see if I can buy train tickets for them. However, even if I can buy train tickets, it's hard to say whether I can get on the train." Zhou Bingkun frowned.

He was troubled by the return of Zhou Rong's family.In the TV series, Feng Huacheng is a troublemaker. First, he recited poems on the road, which caused a fight and was arrested.Zhou Rong actually threw her daughter to Guo Cheng and went to find her husband. What she did was quite irresponsible.

Guo Cheng was a young guy who thought about Feng Huacheng's arrest seriously. Although he refrained from telling Li Suhua, he told Zhou Bingkun.

Zhou Bingkun in the TV series is a carefree person. He told Li Suhua about Feng Huacheng's arrest, and he said it was very serious, which directly caused Li Suhua's cerebral hemorrhage and became a vegetative state.Without Zheng Juan's careful care from behind, Li Suhua probably wouldn't be able to wake up.

After Feng Huacheng came out of the prison, he didn't care about it and ran to the capital.As if he is a loner, unencumbered, selfish enough.

Even if Feng Huacheng should go to the capital, he should communicate with his family.As for why Feng Huacheng went to the capital, we don't need to talk about it here, everyone knows.

In short, the current Feng Huacheng and Zhou Rong are both selfish people.They only care about their own happiness when they do things, and they don't care about the life and death of their family members.

For such people, Zhou Bingkun wanted to send them away and didn't want to associate with them.He wanted to send a telegram telling Zhou Rong's family not to go home, but he couldn't.

"Hey, Chinese New Year is like this. Everyone wants to go home, and getting on the train is like fighting." Li Suhua said worriedly.

"Mom, if my brother and the others come back, they won't be able to live here. Should we clean up at our hometown of Photon Film?" Zhou Bingkun asked.

"It's time to clean it up. I'll go there tomorrow to clean it up. Let's start the fire first." Li Suhua said.

the next day.


Zhou Bingkun took the time to call Qi Peng, "Hey, Qi Peng, can you find a way to get a soft sleeper ticket for returning to Jichun in Shancheng?" He is now familiar with Qi Peng and speaks more casually.

He didn't ask about the tickets for Guizhou, and he didn't want to worry about Zhou Rong and the others.

"No problem, it's a trivial matter. Bingkun, is your dad going home on vacation this year?" Qi Peng immediately thought of Zhou Bingkun buying a train ticket for his dad.

"Yes, his normal vacation time is..., I'll give you the ticket money later." Zhou Bingkun said.

"Okay, I'll contact my friend over there now, don't worry, I'm sure there will be a ticket," Qi Peng said.He has a wide range of friends, and he has good friends in all provinces of the country, and his status is not ordinary.

"Thank you, I'll treat you to dinner when I'm free." Zhou Bingkun smiled.

After a while, Qi Peng's call came.

"Bingkun, I've made contact over there. You tell your dad, and then you go to the Shancheng Railway Station and ask Director Li Maochang to get the ticket. He has already prepared the ticket." Qi Peng handled the affairs cleanly.

"It's done so quickly? Let's have lunch together." Zhou Bingkun said casually.

"Okay, there happens to be a patient looking for you, let's meet at noon." Qi Peng said with a smile.

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Bingkun went to the post office and sent a telegram to Zhou Zhigang, telling him about the train ticket.



"Bingkun, this is Qiao's fourth son. He is looking for you to see a doctor." Qi Peng introduced.

"Hi, Doctor Zhou, I have long admired your name," Qiao Laosi said respectfully.He has mischievous eyebrows and a horse face, one can tell that he is not a good person.

"What's wrong with you?" Zhou Bingkun asked casually.He could see that Joe's fourth brother was not a serious person, he should be an old gangster.

"I am this" Qiao Laosi faltered for a while.His illness was somewhat difficult to describe.

"Get your pulse first," Zhou Bingkun said.

1 minute later.

Zhou Bingkun wrote a prescription profusely and said, "Take it in the morning and evening. This is a one-month medicine. After drinking it, you should be fine."

"Thank you, Doctor Zhou." Qiao Laosi said respectfully.

"Bingkun, the fourth brother Qiao has many ways to get some foreign goods. If you want anything for the New Year, you can ask the fourth brother Qiao." Qi Peng said casually.That's why he asked Zhou Bingkun to see Qiao's fourth child.

"Oh? What can you get?" Zhou Bingkun asked casually.He doesn't care about foreign goods that are rare for others.

"This, Lao Maozi's wine, canned caviar, various canned fruits, luncheon meat, beef and mutton, old wild ginseng, lighter, imported cigarettes." Qiao Laosi said a lot in one breath.

"What's the price of old mountain ginseng?" Zhou Bingkun asked casually.He's not interested in anything else.

"For the old mountain ginseng, there is a hundred-year-old ginseng, and the price is not cheap," Qiao Laosi quoted a relatively high price.

"Okay, bring me the century-old wild ginseng, forget about the rest, it's nothing new." Zhou Bingkun said casually.

"Okay, Doctor Zhou, I won't bother you for dinner, I'll be leaving first." When the food and drinks were on the table, Qiao Laosi said his goodbyes and left.He understood that he was not worthy to have dinner with Zhou Bingkun and Qi Peng.

"Bingkun, you only need old ginseng, can you get the rest?" Qi Peng asked curiously.

"It's about the same. It doesn't matter if you have those things or not. It's nothing unusual." Zhou Bingkun said casually.What he can get is beyond Qi Peng's imagination.

"That's all right. Bingkun, have you bought a TV?" Qi Peng asked.

"No, I still want to find a TV ticket." Zhou Bingkun said.After watching TV at Ma Shouchang's house, he wanted to buy a TV.But the TV was rather eye-catching, so he didn't dare to spend money to buy it back.

"I have a ticket here, you can use it." Qi Peng said with a smile.

"Thank you." Zhou Bingkun said casually.

"By the way, Bingkun, do you have any ideas about your dad's job?" Qi Peng asked.

"Of course I have an idea. I hope he can be transferred back to Jichun City. Why, do you have a solution?" Zhou Bingkun asked.

"There is no good solution yet. Bingkun, your father is very important over there. If other people can talk about it, they are reluctant to let your father go. Let's see the situation in a while." Qi Peng frowned.He had asked someone to inquire about Zhou Zhigang's matter before, but they firmly disagreed with Zhou Zhigang's transfer.

"It's not a good thing to do well, haha." Zhou Bingkun laughed casually.

"That's not true. It would be easy for your dad to be an ordinary worker, but he is an eighth-level technician. There is a shortage of talents over there." Qi Peng laughed.

Zhou Bingkun raised his glass and touched Qi Peng, without saying a word of thanks.He knew that Qi Peng was still thinking about Zhou Zhigang's job transfer that he had talked about before.Qi Peng can be regarded as a more attentive friend.

"Bingkun, I heard that your brother was admitted to Peking University, and your sister-in-law was admitted to Beijing Medical University." Qi Peng said.

"Have you all gone to the capital?" Zhou Bingkun frowned.He thought that Zhou Bingyi and Hao Dongmei would come to Jichun to study in university.

"Yes, they can recommend universities in Beijing. Bingkun, you were anxious to go to university at that time, and you actually have a chance to go to university in Beijing." Qi Peng said.

"I won't go if I have the chance, I don't want to leave home." Zhou Bingkun said casually.He doesn't care which university he goes to, his impression of Qingbei is not as good as before.

"It's good not to leave home. If you go to the capital to go to university, you will definitely be left behind by the people there. Where can I find such a good doctor as you?" Qi Peng said with a smile.

After lunch, Qi Peng and Zhou Bingkun went to the department store to buy a TV.

(End of this chapter)

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