Chapter 22 Seek a Doctor

Tian Ye has been a little upset recently.

She learned from Ma Li that Lao Ma bought a lottery ticket and won a lottery. Lao Ma wants to buy a big house worth 500 million yuan.

In fact, she has nothing to be unhappy about the house. She would like to see Mark live a better life.

What upset her was that Mark fell in love with a little girl.

It's still a little girl who was brave enough to save her. Her name is Wang Xiaomi.

She had seen the photos. The little girl looked good, and she seemed to have a good figure, mainly because she was young, and she looked like she had just graduated from college.

Not as pretty as she was when she graduated from college, but now that she's older, she doesn't look as charming as that little girl.

She felt that Mark was too anxious.

It wasn't long after the divorce, how could Mark fall in love with someone else.

What's more, Mark is planning to buy a big house, and then pursue that Wang Xiaomi.

It's ridiculous too.

She wanted to have a chance to talk to Mark and let him think clearly that he was too old to be troubled.

There was one more thing that made Tian Ye unhappy.

She found that Zhao Ling seemed to be a different person these two days, he was not as caring as before, and he couldn't see anyone anymore, he seemed to be busy with work and didn't hang around her anymore.

Could it be that Zhao Ling also fell in love with the little girl?

Zhao Ling's secretary seemed quite young and pretty.

Is she really old and unattractive?

The troubles in the field, Mark didn't know.

He Mark is very busy every day.

In addition to his normal classes, he still has a lot of things to do.

He speculates in stocks every day, and spends time checking various information during the day and night.This is the most important way for him to obtain wealth. He is very attentive and spends a lot of time every day.

Also, he has to take time to recite medical books.

He also goes to the gym to practice Changquan at night.

In addition, he has new ideas. He wants to learn horse riding, shooting, archery, swordsmanship, etc. There are so many things he wants to learn, and he even wants to learn Shaolin Yijin Jing, Wudang Chunyang Gong, etc. wait.

Even in terms of medical skills, he wants to learn Western medicine's internal medicine, surgery and other medical skills.

In terms of Chinese medicine, he also wants to learn the use of poison, acupuncture and other aspects.

In terms of language, multiple languages, different dialects
various survival skills.
There are many things that Mark wants to do, but his time is limited, so he can only do it step by step, one by one slowly.

This morning.


Mark didn't have class. After he secretly traded stocks, he continued to read medical books silently.

After a while, Teacher Sun came back from class.

"Ms. Ma, why do you read medical books all the time recently? Are you sick?" Teacher Sun asked strangely.

"I went to the hospital when I was sick. I want to learn Chinese medicine by myself." Mark said casually.

"Self-taught Chinese medicine? Teacher Ma, are you okay?" Teacher Sun worried.He felt that Mark might not be crazy.

"What can I do? I just think that my mother is getting old and has all kinds of minor ailments in her body. Let's see what Chinese medicine can do to recuperate. When I get old in the future, I can also recuperate myself." Mark said casually .

"Your idea is quite interesting. If you do this, the doctor will lose his job. But you can't just study by yourself?" Teacher Sun frowned.

"Yes, self-study is definitely not enough, so I also found an old Chinese doctor and learned from others." Mark laughed.

"Ms. Ma, can you do it? I thought you were just joking around, but I didn't expect you to actually seek out an old Chinese doctor?" Teacher Sun said in surprise.

"It doesn't hurt to learn more things." Mark said casually.

"Then is the old Chinese doctor you're looking for good? I also know an old Chinese doctor who is very good. How about I introduce you to him?" Teacher Sun said.

"Do you know the old Chinese doctor? Where? How did you meet?" Mark asked curiously.

"It's in the alley of Fugui Teahouse. He used to be a famous doctor in the hospital. His surname is Zhang, and his name is Zhang Genqing. He is friends with my father, and the two families have a lot of contact." Teacher Sun said.

"Mr. Sun, the Doctor Zhang you mentioned is the same person I'm looking for." Mark laughed.

"Really? What a coincidence? How did you find Dr. Zhang?" Teacher Sun asked in surprise.

"I found it through other people. This doctor's medical skills are really good. When I have time, I will take my mother to see it and ask Dr. Zhao to prescribe some medicines for her to recuperate." Mark laughed.

"My wife is also a little unwell recently. You reminded me. I also took my wife to see Dr. Zhao. I haven't been to Dr. Zhang's for a while." Teacher Sun said.

"Well, it's good. It's very convenient to know a good doctor." Mark laughed.

"That's right. Hey, by the way, Teacher Ma, your daughter has gotten a little close to Lu Kuan recently." Teacher Sun reminded.

"Lu Kuan? The top student?" Mark frowned.

"That's right, Lu Kuan is a material from Peking University and Tsinghua University. If you want to talk about Ma Li, don't let her affect Lu Kuan's study." Teacher Sun reminded.

"Hmph, Lu Kuan must be pestering my daughter. Tell him about Lu Kuan and let him focus on his studies. If he dares to provoke my daughter again, I'll beat him to death." Mark said angrily.

"Mr. Ma, I will remind Lu Kuan, but you should also remind Ma Li?" Teacher Sun said.

"Okay, I'll tell her at noon." Mark frowned.

"Hey, Teacher Ma, I don't have class this afternoon. I'll take my wife to see Dr. Zhang. Do you want to go together?" Teacher Sun said.

"I can't do it in the afternoon. There are still classes. You go first. There are many patients there, and you have to queue up." Mark reminded.

"I know, I'll go home and make arrangements in advance." Teacher Sun said.

After Teacher Sun left.Mark recalled the plot in the TV series, it seems that there is nothing between Ma Li and Lu Kuan, just a good relationship, but I still have to remind you that you can't fall in love just in middle school.At least until college graduation.

At this moment, Mark has completely assumed the role of Mary's father, and he is a little bit reluctant to let his daughter be raped by a pig.


Mark called Mary to the cafeteria for dinner.

"Dad, why do you want to have dinner with me today? Don't you usually find me annoying?" Ma Li smiled.

"You and Lu Kuan are on good terms?" Mark asked with a frown.

"What's Lu Kuan? What are you talking about? You've been busy all day." Ma Li blushed a little.

"Stop pretending to be confused with me. I'll tell you, not only people report to me, but they also tell you that you are in love with Lu Kuan. We are together every day." Mark frowned.

"They're all talking nonsense. Lu Kuan and I are just friends, and I really have nothing to do with him." Ma Li said hastily.


"Oh, Dad, I really don't have one." Ma Li almost laughed angrily.

"By the way, a few days ago, someone said that you and Lu Kuan went to the concert together after eight o'clock in the evening?" Mark asked.

"This." Mary stared at Mark to see what it was.

"Hehe, after you think it over, you can also try to see if you can fool me." Mark sneered.

"Oh, dad, there's a young people's concert, I want to go to it, but I'm a little scared by myself, so I asked Lu Kuan to accompany me." Ma Li said.She dared not lie.

"You didn't go back so late, didn't your mother say anything?" Mark frowned.

"No. My mother happened to work overtime that day, she didn't know." Ma Li said.

"Ma Li, in the future, if you have something to do and don't go home at night, you should tell me first, you know?" Mark said.

"Understood. Dad, don't you object to my going to the concert?" Ma Li asked strangely.

"No objection. That's your hobby, and it's nothing to listen to. Don't think your father is so rigid." Mark laughed.

"That's good. I won't listen to Dailu Kuan next time. Dad, you can go with me." Ma Li said happily.

"Okay. You want me to buy you tickets, right?" Mark laughed.

(End of this chapter)

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