Video: From my physical education teacher

Chapter 1001 The boss is my neighbor

Chapter 1001 The boss is my neighbor
Lao Wang was injured by Zhou Qiang and was hospitalized.

In order to express his apology, Zhou Qiang specially asked someone to buy a fruit basket next to the hospital and send it over.

The fruit baskets next to the hospital are sometimes different from those in other places.

Lao Wang was also going to eat some fruit. When he opened it, he found that the fruits in the fruit basket were all bad.

"Fuck, you hurt me, you just didn't come up to take a look, and you even gave me rotten fruit." Lao Wang scolded for a while, and then called his master, the little devil, "Taijun, I may have been found out."

"Baga, come back, you trash!"

At dinner, Li Qixing treated the guests, and they ate together again.

Boss Zhao originally wanted to arrange a dinner, but Lao Wang was injured by Zhou Qiang, and Zhou Qiang decided not to do it, so the dinner was cancelled.

"Coach Zhou, I didn't expect you to be so good." During the meal, Zhou Qiang was inevitably complimented by Li Qixing and others.

"It's okay, that guy is not good at it, I didn't even break a sweat." Faced with the praise, Zhou Qiang accepted all the praises, and was not 'humble' at all. Although Zhou Qiang’s previous motto was “humility”.

"Coach Zhou, I heard that you killed a kid in the ring, can you tell us about it?" David was very curious about this.

Ye Zhenzhen and others also looked at Zhou Qiang curiously.

"That happened several years ago." Zhou Qiang narrowed his eyes, seeming to be lost in memories, "At that time, the little devil came to our place to compete in the ring.

One of our boxers had his arm broken by a kid.

The kid won and made insulting gestures.

Not only insulting to the boxer, but also insulting to the audience. (The plot is fictitious and any similarity is purely coincidental.)
I saw it, and of course I couldn't bear it, so I made a date with the little devil.
In the ring, the little devil is not weak, but I am stronger, and I am not afraid of death.

In order to win, I will risk my life!

The kid's leg skills were good, he was late but he was fast. My leg was raised high and it hit my temple. I took a few steps back and almost lost my balance.
I punched with my left hand and kicked with my right leg to block the crazy attack of the little devil.
I made a mistake when the little devil used his ground fighting skills. My head was locked and I almost couldn't get up.
In a critical moment, I will not dodge, but I will strike with all my might.
The little devil got scared and hid first.

This is momentum.

The little devil's momentum was suppressed by my desperate fighting style.

The little devil could no longer be arrogant. He was already at the end of his strength. He didn't last long before he was KO'd by me.

At that time, the little devil was still alive. Although I knew that the little devil was going to die, I still wanted to punch in a few more punches to vent my anger.

With these few punches, the little devil was strong but ineffective, and he couldn't resist the beating. I beat the little devil to death.

This is a confusing account.

My imprisonment may not be unjust. "

Zhou Qiang was so hyped that the match where he could easily KO the little devil was very dangerous and full of dangers, and he was almost overturned by the little devil. This caused Ye Zhenzhen and Fang Zhiheng to scream in surprise from time to time, worried about Zhou Qiang.

The eyes of the two beauties were firmly attracted by Zhou Qiang.

They made David and Li Qixing next to them extremely jealous.

The meal was finished with Zhou Qiang bragging.

Ye Zhenzhen and Fang Zhiheng looked at Zhou Qiang differently, with a hint of admiration.

"Coach Zhou, you are the one." David gave a thumbs up.

"Coach Zhou, you are the best!" Li Qixing also gave a thumbs up.

Ye Zhenzhen drove Zhou Qiang and Fang Zhiheng back to Ode to Joy.

Li Qixing and David walked together.

On the road.

Fang Zhiheng chatted with Ye Zhenzhen about fitness methods.

Fang Zhiheng's condition has also improved a lot.

Perhaps because Zhou Qiang was by his side, Fang Zhiheng felt a strong sense of security and relaxation.

Fang Zhiheng's whole person was relaxed and clear.

Ye Zhenzhen was also very happy today. Because Coach Zhou, who is usually cold, talked a lot today, and I feel like we have become much closer.

Zhou Qiang didn't speak, and kept looking out the window, as if he was recalling something.

This is not really thinking about things, but Zhou Qiang is pretending to be serious. In short: showing off.

Zhou Qiang estimated that his deep look would definitely leave a deep impression on Ye Zhenzhen and Fang Zhiheng.

If a woman has you in her heart, then you are about to win her over.

When several people returned to Ode to Joy, there was a lot of excitement.

Yu Chuhui was very happy because she signed a few more students and her income increased.

Ye Zhenzhen shared Zhou Qiang's story with the three girls of 2202.

Fang Zhiheng did not participate, and she still kept her distance from other people on the 22nd floor.

Chat for a while.

Tomorrow is Monday again, and the girls are planning what they will do next week.

He Minhong reads comics, and next week she needs to talk to a comic author about signing a contract.

Ye Zhenzhen read the literature and arranged the next research plan.

Zhu Zhe is also planning what he will do next week: continue to check if there are any leaks in the guest room; continue to clean the toilet water tank.

This is to avoid implicating the waiters in the customer service department when the "tofu shoddy" project explodes. It is a precautionary measure.

Yu Chuhui is busy studying "Sports Anatomy". She will continue her efforts to teach more students and earn more part-time fees.

Fang Zhiheng was thinking about how to set a trap for Li Qixing and use Li Qixing to deal with Li Xun.

Women who have experienced the same situation as Fang Zhiheng some want to give up, because for them, Li Xun is an insurmountable mountain.

A few hours later.

Much of the night.

Zhu Zhe's phone rang suddenly.

The hotel customer service department called and there was a guest complaint that Zhu Zhe needed to handle.

Zhu Zhe had to rush to the hotel in the middle of the night.

"Hello, Mr. Liang, I am Zhu Zhe, the manager of the housekeeping department."

"Do you know that I haven't slept all night?" Mr. Liang was very angry and tired.

"Sorry, it was our mistake that brought you a bad check-in experience."

"New room, why are there footprints on the sheets? I'm very disappointed in your hotel."

"Sorry, it was our negligence. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer." Zhu Zhe smiled at Mr. Liang and discussed how to solve the problem.

After being busy for a while, it was almost dawn.

Mr. Liang also agreed to the solution given by Zhu Zhe and went to rest.

With a tired look on his face and dark circles under his eyes, Zhu Zhe rode a shared bicycle back to Ode to Joy and even bought breakfast.

There is breakfast for Ye Zhenzhen.

Ye Zhenzhen gave Zhu Zhe breakfast the day before yesterday, and Zhu Zhe also gave Ye Zhenzhen a breakfast this time.

Zhu Zhe is a man of many comings and goings.

When dealing with others, you should not only consider yourself, but also consider issues from the other person's perspective.

Zhu Zhe has a relatively high emotional intelligence.

2203, Zhu Zhe gave breakfast to Ye Zhenzhen, "If I hadn't gone to the hotel at midnight last night, I wouldn't have brought breakfast back."

Explain and make small talk.

Zhu Zhe went back to 2202 to take a short rest and then went to the hotel to work.

Soon, the matter of footprints on the sheets was found out.

A certain foreman in the housekeeping department did not check the room as required because he was sick, and there were other issues related to the carelessness of the waiters.

Zhu Zhe punished the foreman and others and gave the sick foreman cold medicine.

Zhu Zhe can be regarded as a stick in one hand and a carrot in the other, capable of giving both kindness and power.

"Hey, what's the matter?" Zhu Zhe had to go to the storage room to answer the phone.

When Zhu Zhe was dealing with the problem just now, her ex-boyfriend Chen Zufa kept calling her.

Chen Zufa, a scumbag, screwed Zhu Zhe, and now he's cheating Zhu Zhe again because of gambling debts.

People like Chen Zufa should go to prison for reform through labor.

"You finally answered my call." Chen Zufa thought Zhu Zhe was trying to resist him but was still welcoming him.

"What's the matter?" Zhu Zhe was very impatient.

Zhu Zhe was tired and annoyed. She needed to rest instead of chatting with her ex-boyfriend.

"What's your attitude? We have lived together for two years, and I am your first man." Chen Zufa, this disgusting thing, said disgusting words.

Zhu Zhe couldn't listen anymore and hung up directly.

Director Wang's Office.

Zhu Zhe reported what happened last night.

"How can you just upgrade membership cards to guests? This involves profits." Director Wang was very dissatisfied with Zhu Zhe's handling of the matter.

In order to calm Mr. Liang's anger, Zhu Zhe privately upgraded Mr. Liang's membership card last night.

Upgrading your membership card may involve issues such as discounts.

Therefore, Director Wang was very unhappy.

At this time, Zhu Zhe's phone buzzed and vibrated, and it was Chen Zufa who called again.

"Who is it?" Director Wang asked impatiently.

"Chen Zufa, he said that we are old and he wants to get married with me." Zhu Zhe said dumbfounded.

"Getting married? Haha" Director Wang also laughed, "Is Chen Zufa still as hopeless as before?"

"Yes, he hasn't changed much."

"Hey, didn't you like Chen Zufa's tricks before?" Director Wang was a little gloating.

"Oh, that's because I had to learn English from Chen Zufa before, but now I have learned it, and I don't need to be with him anymore." Zhu Zhe really learned English, not an excuse to pretend.

"Haha, you are now the manager of the housekeeping department. In Chen Zufa's eyes, you are just a piece of fat."

"is it?"

"That's right, if you are with Chen Zuffa, you will definitely be Chen Zuffa's housekeeper for the rest of your life."

"That's not okay. I can't be with Chen Zuffa. I have to make it clear to him that I want to reject him." Zhu Zhe said with a smile, quietly picked up his phone and left.

When I left the office, I heard, "Hey, Zhu Zhe, I haven't finished talking about you privately upgrading your membership card yet!"

Although Zhu Zhe used Chen Zuffa's story to avoid Director Wang's criticism.

But Chen Zufa's dog-skin plaster put Zhu Zhe in a bit of a dilemma.

Zhu Zhe regretted that he had lived with such a thing for two years.

During those two years, I helped Chen Zufa wash clothes, socks, and various other things. I also helped Chen Zufa take a bath and sit on the bed.
Zhu Zhe wished he could slap himself. After handling the matters at hand, Zhu Zhe felt sleepy and went to the dormitory to rest.

Zhu Zhe was not happy here, and Yu Chuhui was not happy either.

Last week, Yu Chuhui encouraged two partners: Zhong Penghao and Chen Chaosheng to report their boss' theft of research results.

Now, the boss Zhu Qunli is fine, and the two partners have been asked to take leave.

Obviously Zhong Penghao and Chen Chaosheng will be disposed of by the company.

"Don't worry, there will be a solution." Zhong Penghao and Chen Chaosheng packed up their things, comforted Yu Chuhui a few words, and left.

Zhong Penghao and Chen Chaosheng were not completely unprepared.

They have to take advantage of their vacation time to find another job.

They have skills, so finding a suitable job is not difficult.

However, I didn’t plan to tell Yu Chuhui until I found it.

Yu Chuhui was not happy.

Yu’s mother also has a problem.

Aunt Han, the neighbor across from Building 19, came to visit again.

Aunt Han felt that Mama Yu was a good nanny and insisted on letting Mama Yu work as a nanny in their house.

"This won't work. I made an agreement with Coach Zhou that I can't go to your house as a nanny here." Yu's mother refused.

"In this case, you make a video call with Coach Zhou, and you show him that I really can't take care of the family like I am now."

"Okay." Yu's mother video chatted with Zhou Qiang.

"Hey, it's Coach Zhou, right? I'm your neighbor across the building. I'm in trouble."

Aunt Han complained to Zhou Qiang and wanted Zhou Qiang to give her Yu's mother.

Aunt Han didn't come here on foot, she came in an electric wheelchair.

Aunt Han said that she was too busy to take care of it, so she fell down and badly injured her arms and legs. She hoped that Zhou Qiang could help.

"I understand. You want Aunt Yueting to come over.

This is not impossible.

I signed a contract with Aunt Yueting.

If you want her to go over, just pay the liquidated damages for her. "

"Liquidated damages? How much?" Aunt Han asked.

"Not much, just one hundred thousand." Zhou Qiang said lightly.

"What? One hundred thousand? How is that possible? You are blackmailing me!" Aunt Han was angry.

"You can tell by looking at the contract whether you want to blackmail someone or not, how about that?
One hundred thousand is not too much. You can't find such a good nanny with a lantern, so it's an advantage for you.

My bank card number is. Please transfer money to me.

Don't worry, let Aunt Yueting pass now. "

"Well, Coach Zhou, can we discuss it and not collect the liquidated damages?" What Aunt Han said was still full of local dialect.

"Is it day or night now?" Zhou Qiang suddenly asked.

"It's daytime, it's still morning."

"Since it's daytime, why are you dreaming?" Zhou Qiang said and hung up the video.

Aunt Han's face was ashen and she wanted to continue inking with Aunt Yu.

But Mama Yu replied 2303, closed the door, and stopped talking to Aunt Han.


Zhou Qiang went to Boss Zhao's office after receiving the video.

"Lao Zhou, that bitch Lao Wang has returned to the capital." Boss Zhao took out some information, "This is the evidence of Lao Wang's crime. Take a look."

Boss Zhao is very efficient and has already found evidence.

Zhou Qiang looked around and saw an acquaintance, "Is this Li Qixing's father Li Xun?"

"Yes, Li Xun and Lao Wang have financial dealings and are suspected of large-scale money laundering. And this Li Xun is not a thing. He has ruined many young girls who have just graduated."

"Since he is a bastard, let's deal with it together." Zhou Qiang said casually.

Zhou Qiang had no intention of meddling in Fang Zhiheng's and Li Xun's affairs before.

But now that we have met, let’s deal with Li Xun by the way.

Fang Zhiheng is facing many difficulties, and Li Xun, who is difficult to deal with, is only a matter of words to Zhou Qiang.

"Okay, I'll have people send the materials to Lao Wang's enemies. This time, whether it's Lao Wang or Li Xun, it's all over."

"Let's do it like this." Zhou Qiang didn't care and went outside to continue training the students.


"Are you Coach Zhou? I heard that you are good at playing?" Someone asked Zhou Qiang for trouble.

He is also a well-known boxer, nicknamed: Hungry Wolf.

Apparently, Hungry Wolf was bribed by the Japs to test Zhou Qiang's strength. The infiltration of the little devil is very powerful.

"How much did the little devil give you?" Zhou Qiang asked directly.

"What?" Hungry Wolf was a little flustered. "What little devils? What about giving money? Don't talk nonsense."

"What? You dare to be the little devil's bastard and you don't dare to admit it?" Zhou Qiang looked contemptuous.

There are always so many traitors, lackeys and traitors, it’s really disgusting.

"No, don't slander me!" Hungry Wolf became angry and suddenly raised his leg to kick Zhou Qiang, trying to sneak attack.

Zhou Qiang took a step back to avoid.

The hungry wolf wanted to continue attacking, but was caught by the security guard.

"Get away!" The hungry wolf immediately wanted to break away.

However, with a stabbing sound, the hungry wolf was shocked by the electric baton and immediately fell to the ground and twitched.

"He took the lead in making trouble and sent him to the police station." Zhou Qiang said.

Zhou Qiang did not take action against Hungry Wolf. It's not that I'm worried about my strength being revealed, but I'm just worried about it being troublesome.

"Okay, Coach Zhou." The security guard took Hungry Wolf away.

Someone was taking secret photos next to me.

"Take those who took the secret photos to the police station and investigate carefully. They are involved in invading other people's privacy." Zhou Qiang ordered.

"it is good."

Get off work in the afternoon.

Li Qixing was about to leave with Fang Zhiheng.

At this time, Li Qixing's phone rang. It was his mother.

"Hello, Mom." Li Qixing answered the phone next to Fang Zhiheng.

"It's bad. Something happened. Your dad was taken away by the police." Mother Li's panicked voice sounded.

"What? My dad was taken away? It's impossible, right?" Li Qixing also panicked.

Fang Zhiheng's eyes lit up and he thought to himself: "Who reported Li Xun?"

"Come back soon, I don't know what's going on now." said Li's mother.

"Okay, I'll book a flight right away." Li Qixing said hello to Fang Zhiheng and left in a hurry.

After Li Qi walked.

Fang Zhiheng was about to inquire about the situation.

The call came.

"Did you take action?" a woman's voice said.

"not yet."

"Then what happened to him?"

"I don't know. I'm also going to inquire about the situation."

Then, Fang Zhiheng's phone kept ringing, with several people asking about the situation.

But Fang Zhiheng was still confused and didn't know anything.

But soon, news reached Fang Zhiheng.

"I heard that a big boss took action against a boss named Wang, and that Li Xun was implicated."

"Implicated? Which Boss Wang?" Fang Zhiheng was still confused.

"I sent you the photo of Boss Wang. Take a look at it and I'll ask about the progress."

Fang Zhiheng saw Boss Wang and said, "Hey, isn't this the one who was beaten by Coach Zhou? Isn't it Coach Zhou? Coach Zhou is just a Sanda coach. How could he be so capable?"

Fang Zhiheng didn't believe that Zhou Qiang was behind it.

"No matter who it is, I must not miss this opportunity!" Fang Zhiheng hurriedly sent the evidence she collected to the relevant units.

Don't miss the opportunity to beat the drowned dog.

Wait until it is sent.

There is new news coming.

“I heard that Boss Wang is the little devil’s bastard.

He recently went to Magic City and offended a certain Coach Zhou.

Coach Zhou asked Boss Zhao to check on Boss Wang.

Li Xun was involved and was killed by others.

Li Xun has a big problem, bullying the women under him is a small problem.

The matter got big and many people were involved.

Li Xun is afraid that he will be shot this time. It’s really satisfying! "

Hearing the news, Fang Zhiheng was shocked, "Is it really Coach Zhou?"

"how is this possible?"

"Is Coach Zhou the boss?"

"Is there a big boss who is my neighbor?"

Fang Zhiheng was eager to know everything.

"Hey, Coach Zhou, are you free now? I. I want to treat you to dinner."

(End of this chapter)

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