Chapter 10

When the plane landed, Mark walked behind lazily.

The middle-aged man in red pants had already hurried away, fearing that Mark would continue to trouble him.

Wang Xiaomi looked back at Mark from the front, waited for Mark to come over, and said with a smile: "Uncle, thank you just now."

"Thank you? You're welcome." Mark said casually.

"Uncle, are you here alone?" Wang Xiaomi asked.

"Yes." Mark said casually.He didn't say much, and he didn't ask Wang Xiaomi why he came alone.

"I'll go first." Mark greeted.Everyone didn't know each other, and the younger ones were older, so I didn't plan to say anything more.

Wang Xiaomi still has no special impression of Mark at this time.

Mark is hesitating whether to play hard to get?


Mark completed the check-in procedures, entered the guest room, and asked the waiter to tidy up the things in the room.

He didn't go down to change rooms, he wasn't Mark, he didn't have any feelings for the fields, and he didn't feel hurt, so there was no need to change rooms.He also likes to live in a big house.

turn on computer.

Mark traded stocks for a while, then went straight to the beach.

He swam a bit bored by himself for a while, lying on a bench on the beach basking in the sun, drinking coconut juice from time to time.

After a while, looking at Wang Xiaomi approaching from a distance, Mark thought to himself, "Should I leave the wallet on purpose and wait for her to come and pick it up? Then, let's eat together and pretend to be drunk, and ask Wang Xiaomi to undress and scrub for me."

"Forget it, it's boring to be too deliberate."

"Although Wang Xiaomi is the heroine, there is no need to deliberately pursue it."

"I'm not the original Mark. It's not just Wang Xiaomi who sticks up the pole. Before long, there will be luxury houses, luxury cars and so on. At that time, find some young models, play for a few years, and have a good time. It’s also pretty good, and you don’t have to get married.”

"Marriage is about the integration of two families. It's too troublesome, so it's really unnecessary."

"Just pay attention to Wang Xiaomi's movements and tell her not to get married so early. Anyway, the longest time I can stay is five years, and it will pass in a blink of an eye. Enjoy life as much as you want, why hang yourself on a tree. "

After thinking it over, Mark stopped paying attention to Wang Xiaomi.He continued to bask in the sun, blowing the sea breeze comfortably, carefree.

"Uncle, are you alone?" Wang Xiaomi asked casually when he saw Mark while taking a selfie while walking by.

"Yeah." Mark responded casually.

"Uncle, you are here to play, why do you just lie here and not move?" Wang Xiaomi sat down on the bench next to him and said with a smile.

"Swimming just now, rest here." Mark said casually.

"I'll rest here too." Wang Xiaomi said with a smile.

"Well." Mark closed his eyes and meditated, without saying anything.

"Uncle, the scenery here is really beautiful."

"The wind blows comfortably."

"It's also comfortable to bask in the sun."

"Looking at the sea, I feel comfortable everywhere." Wang Xiaomi said happily.

"Yes, it's really beautiful here. I feel a lot more relaxed immediately." Mark smiled.He has been busy paying off the debt after crossing, and now he has paid it off.From now on, you can casually earn tens of millions of RMB every month, and it will be easy to recharge Krypton Gold and enjoy life.

The two chatted casually for a while, all talking about the scenery here, not talking about their own affairs.We meet by chance and don't want to talk about personal matters.

It's time for dinner.

"Are you hungry, do you want to have dinner together?" Mark stood up and asked politely.

"Okay, I'm just hungry too." Wang Xiaomi said with a smile.She unexpectedly agreed.Normally she shouldn't agree.

"Then let's go, I'll treat you." Mark said casually.He didn't deliberately approach Wang Xiaomi, but he didn't refuse Wang Xiaomi's approach either.

hotel restaurant.

It was the meal time, and there were quite a lot of people eating.

They sit in a corner.

"Are you here to order?" Mark said politely.

"No need, uncle, it's better for you to order." Wang Xiaomi smiled.

"Okay." Mark called the waiter over and said, "This steak, lobster, tiger spot, Liao ginseng." What he ordered happened to be what Wang Xiaomi ordered in the TV series.

"Uncle, why didn't you order any wine?" Wang Xiaomi asked.

"Wine? How dare you, a girl, drink?" Mark was a little surprised.

"Of course I dare to drink." Wang Xiaomi said proudly.

"Okay, since you dare to drink, let's have a half-dozen beer." Mark said casually.He doesn't like to drink red wine, and he drinks beer as water.Liquor needs someone to accompany it, but Wang Xiaomi can't.

"Uncle, the dishes you ordered are not cheap." Wang Xiaomi whispered.

"It's okay, I can still afford a meal." Mark smiled.

"Thank you, uncle. By the way, uncle, it's convenient to ask, why did you come alone?" Wang Xiaomi asked.

"What's the inconvenience? I'm divorced. I made a reservation to travel here before the divorce. I couldn't refund it, so I came alone." Mark said casually.

"Oh, that's it, uncle, I'm in the same situation as you. I've lost my relationship, so I came here alone." Wang Xiaomi said.

"For the sake of being single, let's have a drink together!" Mark said casually.

"Do it!" Wang Xiaomi said cheerfully.

The two ate and drank for a while, getting a little familiar with each other.

"Girls are like each other, don't drink with strangers casually." Mark reminded with a smile.

"I know, uncle, are you a Chinese medicine doctor?" Wang Xiaomi asked.She remembered that on the plane, Mark read Chinese medicine books.

"Why do you ask?"

"Uncle, what you read on the plane is a medical book, I saw it."

"Then you must not have read it carefully. I read the introductory books on Chinese medicine. I am not a doctor, nor Chinese medicine. I just want to learn Chinese medicine by myself."

"Self-taught? So powerful? Uncle, can you learn it?"

"This... is a bit difficult. I'm afraid I won't be able to learn it in a short time."

"Uncle, I know an old man who used to be a Chinese medicine doctor in the hospital. Would you like to introduce him to you?"

"It's fine, it's at your convenience."

"Then, I'll ask you when I get back."

"Thank you."

"Uncle, don't you leave your contact information, isn't this perfunctory for me?"

"Then add WeChat?"

"Okay, Uncle. What's your name?"


"Mark? It seems to be quite valuable."

"Yes, but it's outdated now."

"Uncle, my name is Wang Xiaomi."

"The name sounds nice."

"Does it sound good? I think my name is too simple."

"The name is simple and easy to remember. Isn't my name simpler?"

"That's right, my mother chose such a simple name because she was afraid that I wouldn't be able to remember too many strokes."

"It's better to be simple. People are simple, and things are simple."

"Uncle, I didn't drink enough, can I have another dozen beers? You drank the half dozen just now."

"Don't drink if you haven't had enough. If you, a girl, drink too much, you will suffer a lot."

"I'm not afraid. Uncle, do you feel sorry for money?"

"Money is not a problem. You can drink as much as you want, but let's have half a dozen first, and a dozen, I'm afraid you really drink too much."

"Thank you uncle."

"Thank you, no need."

The two continued to drink beer, half a dozen, and half a dozen.

Mark is fine, but Wang Xiaomi is a little drunk.

"Son, you're almost done drinking. I'll ask the waitress to help you back to your room to rest."

"No, uncle, I can go back by myself." Wang Xiaomi stood up unsteadily as he spoke.

"Waiter, pay the bill!" Mark shouted.

"Excuse me, can you find a waitress to take her back to her room to rest first?" Mark pointed at Wang Xiaomi.

"Yes, sir." The waiter replied.

"Thank you, uncle. I'll see you tomorrow." Although Wang Xiaomi was a little drunk, she was sober. She felt that the uncle in front of her was very reliable and didn't intend to take advantage of her at all.

After paying the bill, Mark also went back to the room.

He rested for a while, took a shower, and started to speculate in U.S. stocks.

(End of this chapter)

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