Simplify practice from devouring

Chapter 97 Simplify the Chaos Monument and Incarnate the Universe

Chapter 97 Simplify the Chaos Monument and Incarnate the Universe

"Then choose the Cosmic Chaos Monument." Ye Bufan was silent for a moment before making the final decision.

The practice chamber of the Cosmic Chaos Monument is very large, and there is a large amount of chaotic airflow lingering inside. Ye Bufan saw a huge stone tablet surrounded by chaotic airflow at a glance.

At this moment, the other geniuses were excitedly comprehending the Chaos Monument, but they didn't find Ye Bufan's Qiankun avatar.

"Sure enough." The Qiankun avatar approached the Chaos Monument to see the whole picture of the Chaos Monument clearly.

The Cosmic Chaos Monument is about 10 meters long, wide, and high, with [-] pictures on it, and on the edge of the Chaos Monument is the word 'universe' in the universal language of the universe.

Each of these pictures is exactly the same as the cosmic chaos monument that Ye Bufan saw on the corridor mural before, but the feeling is obviously different.

Obviously, the effect of directly comprehending the Cosmic Chaos Monument is much more exaggerated than comprehending the Rubbing Map.

Ye Bufan looked around and saw a few scattered raindrops in the first picture, but counting it down, he found a total of 9 raindrops, the same as the Jiuyu Chaos Monument!
However, these nine raindrops are extremely strange, and each raindrop seems to be divided into two by two completely different secret patterns.

The Cosmic Chaos Monument is a chaotic monument based on the original law of space and time, obviously it does not only contain the original law of space.

The second picture of the Cosmic Chaos Monument is the drizzle picture, with a total of 36 raindrops.

The third image is a rainstorm image, with a total of 108 raindrops.

The general situation of the first nine pictures is similar to that of the Jiuyu Chaos Stele, but the original law of time was added in the early practice and enlightenment.

In addition, there are only nine pictures on the Jiuyu Chaos Monument, but there is a tenth picture on the Cosmic Chaos Monument.

It can be seen from the fact that the Universe Tongtian Bridge has 30 floors, and the Jiuyutong Sky Bridge has only 27 floors. The Cosmic Chaos Monument is even more profound.

"Simplify the Chaos Monument of the Universe!" Ye Bufan thought.


The simplification function of the system from the road to simplicity is rare and serious this time.

However, if Ye Bufan's universe avatar does not have the ability to incarnate space in the space world, Ye Bufan really cannot practice in a simplified way.

Of course, Ye Bufan didn't care much even if he couldn't cultivate the Cosmic Chaos Monument.

Anyway, there are 52 Chaos Monuments in Chaos City, he can watch and simplify other Chaos Monuments at any time.

In an instant, with the Qiankun avatar as the core, everything in the surrounding space is imprinted in the Qiankun avatar's heart.

This familiarity with the unparalleled control of the surrounding space is really wonderful.

Especially next to the Chaos Monument, this wonderful feeling is even better.

Before Ye Bufan, he could only vaguely understand the first picture - the sixth picture of the Chaos Monument of the Universe.

But now Ye Bufan can feel that the six pictures in front of the stele of cosmic chaos are faintly explaining the operation of the supreme law of time and space.

He didn't know anything about the seventh picture at the end - the tenth picture, because the perception of the original law of time and space contained in it was too abstract for him.

Ye Bufan just felt that it was just a portrait of an ordinary monster, and it didn't contain any original law at all.

In fact, these 52 Chaos Monuments are the treasures of the entire human race. If you understand any of these Chaos Monuments, at least it is not difficult to become the king of the universe.

Since it can be recognized by countless powerful people, the Chaos Monument behind it naturally contains incredible mysteries.

It's purely because Ye Bufan's strength and comprehension are so poor that he didn't even touch a little subconscious feeling.

But now Ye Bufan has a vague understanding of the next few pictures.

Moreover, the cosmic chaos monument is infinitely mysterious, and the unique artistic conception contained in it can unconsciously guide Ye Bufan to comprehend the original law of time and space.

It is also because it is extremely precious and has excellent effects, so too many people come to comprehend the Chaos Monument.

That's why there is a limit. Geniuses who come to Chaos City for the first time only have one chance to comprehend.

As for getting more opportunities in the future, it depends on the number of floors you have broken through the bridge.

"Try enlightenment!"

Ye Bufan has already comprehended the first two pictures of the Chaos Monument, but now when he looks at the 'Raindrop Picture' in the first picture, he suddenly feels that his consciousness is completely immersed in it.

The nine small raindrops evolved an infinite artistic conception of time and space in Ye Bufan's consciousness, guiding Ye Bufan to comprehend the original law of time and space.

Ye Bufan's consciousness faintly felt nine different time and space original artistic conceptions, as if they were transformed into nine kinds of saber techniques and were constantly combined to carry out wave after wave of attacks.

"After eight months of retreat, I thought that the first planetary map of the "Universal Chaos Monument" had no secrets in my eyes, but after observing it again, I found that there will be new experiences, not just the original laws of space or time, but The 36 planets and their endlessly revolving trajectories, as well as the mystery of the combination of the two original laws, are worthy of being the most complicated one among the 52 Chaos Monuments. Only the first picture is so profound

"Before, I felt that my perception of the original law of space was probably comparable to the seventh floor of Jiuyutong Tianqiao." Ye Bufan sighed.

"I thought at first that the perception of the original law of space in the first two pictures of the Cosmic Chaos Monument should have no secrets in my eyes."

"But when I observed the Chaos Monument of the Universe, I found out that I didn't expect that there would be a new experience of the original principle of space born."

"Of course, this kind of experience is not simply the essence of the original law of space, but also the mystery of the combination between the essence of the original law of space."

Yes, Ye Bufan did understand the nine raindrops on the raindrop map of the Chaos Monument of the Nine Universes before, and it can be regarded as the seventh floor of the Tongtian Bridge based on the original law of space.

But he didn't comprehend the whole raindrop map, and he didn't really reach the limit of comprehension of the first volume of Essays on Time and Space and the first picture of Jiuyu Chaos Monument.

But now, with the help of the mystery of the Chaos Monument, he seems to see the essence of the nine original laws of space, the mysterious fluctuations converging and separating from each other.

And the nine raindrops are reflected against each other, which is pleasing to the eye and feels perfect in the true sense.

"Besides, the Chaos Monument of the Universe is the Chaos Monument of fellow practitioners in time and space. Naturally, time and space do not exist in isolation, and the two are also related to each other." Ye Bufan couldn't help but secretly said.

"The perfect combination of the two can be called the original law of time and space, otherwise it can only be called the original law of time and the original law of space."

"Time extends to space, and space affects time. This is the true original law of time and space!"

"The first few pictures of the Jiuyu Chaos Monument only have the original law of space, while the Cosmic Chaos Monument contains the two original laws of space and time."

"So just analyzing the essence of the nine original laws of space, and even the essence of the original law of time, is not the first picture of the cosmic chaos monument."

"Only when these nine essences of time and space are perfectly connected with each other, can it be regarded as the realization of the first picture of the real Cosmic Chaos Monument."

(End of this chapter)

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