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Chapter 70 Three Years of Growth, Evaluation of the Blade God

Chapter 70 Three years of growth, the evaluation of the blade god
Time passed quickly, and probably on the day when the qualifiers officially ended, both the Emperor of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire and the Emperor of the Yinlan Empire found Ye Bufan.

Ye Bufan's performance is obvious to all. Many people know that as long as he does not fall in the future, it will not be difficult to become immortal, so they also plan to make friends with Ye Bufan.

They directly transferred the entire galaxy to Ye Bufan, and Ye Bufan directly became the lord of the galaxy.

Ye Bufan didn't refuse either, after all, the advantages far outweigh the disadvantages.

"Lord of the Galaxy..." Ye Bufan shook his head slightly.

If he remembers correctly, Luo Feng's future title of Lord of the Universe will be this.

As for the upcoming melee in the arena, one-on-one duel in the arena, and reincarnation battle, Ye Bufan didn't go at all.

After all, as the No.88 in the 1 world area, he directly won the place for the final battle of Ganwu Universe Kingdom.

As for Luo Feng, after Babata and Ye Bufan sold the spaceship of the mechanical clan, they had more money, and the avatar he conceived was even more heaven-defying than the demon-killing clan.

So Luo Feng's perception of space today is far stronger than that of Luo Feng at the same time.

For example, when Luo Feng and Ye Bufan were fighting each other before, they could easily control the Four Dao Yanshen Golden Swords.

You must know that in the original book, when Luo Feng and Rong Jun fought, they could barely control the two Yanshen golden swords.

However, Luo Feng's short growth time has always been a flaw. He faced Rong Jun who had comprehended the two original laws of earth and space and stepped into the threshold.

At the cost of serious injuries, Rong Jun finally sent Luo Feng to a reincarnation war that lasted for three years.

After watching this match, many big shots were amazed by the strength of the wild men Rong Jun and Luo Feng, they were even more shocked by Ye Bufan who defeated Rong Jun in the early stages of the qualifiers.

After all, Rong Jun's current strength alone, in the eyes of many immortals, is sure to hit the top 10 in the universe.

And Ye Bufan can easily defeat Rong Jun, he will definitely be able to enter the top ten in this genius battle final!
Time passed quickly, and the reincarnation war that lasted for nearly three years began.

During these three years, Ye Bufan directly deduced the original law of space to the point of nearly a thousand phantoms with the help of the terrifying effect of the simplified space-time essay.

It should be known that the law of space is inherently more difficult to progress with the deepening of comprehension.

However, the understanding of the original law of space in the past three years, even though the difficulty has skyrocketed compared with the previous ones, has far surpassed the achievements of the previous few years.

March 2069, 3 in the Chinese calendar is the last day of the Samsara War.

In another space in the killing field.

"Simulation battle!" Savage Rong Jun shouted, "The opponent is set to be Ye Bufan, and the combat power is set to be the strongest combat power shown in the qualifiers."

Chi Chi
On the 50km long and 30km wide arena, there was a faint figure, it was Ye Bufan.

Rong Jun was carrying a huge ground-cracking sword on his back at the moment, while Ye Bufan was just holding a simple Yanshenbing.

Moreover, Ye Bufan's eyes were blank, and he stood there motionless.

Killing Floor completely simulates the opponent's strength, as for how high it is, you can simulate it yourself.

Of course, if you know the opponent's combat power very well, you can completely simulate a virtual level close to 100%, and the virtual universe is so terrifying.

"Start!" Rong Jun glanced.

Rong Jun, with his big bare feet, took a step forward, and every step was mysterious.

While his steps were changing, phantom bodies were born one by one, making Rong Jun's fighting style so weird and unpredictable that it was difficult to recognize where his real body was.

The simulated Ye Bufan moved his mind, and the Houyan Divine Soldiers seemed to be streaks of golden light, crushing directly towards the group of Rong Jun phantoms.

One by one, Rong Jun's phantom body, the deity and Ye Bufan's Yan Shenbing collided with each other. After fighting frantically, Rong Jun fell to the ground and died.

Obviously, Ye Bufan's understanding of the laws of space can completely crush Rong Jun.

"Losing again!" 'Savage' Rong Jun held a giant blade and stared at 'Ye Bufan' in front of him with an ugly expression, "It's been three years, and I haven't won even once!"

"Don't be discouraged, Rong Jun!" The fist-sized intelligent life on Rong Jun's shoulder comforted, "Compared to three years ago, you have made great progress."

"Although I have made great progress, in the previous battle with Ye Bufan, I was able to use all my strength, but I was always passively beaten." Rong Jun shook his head helplessly.

"Even though I'm trying my best to explode and play all my cards, I can't even get close to Ye Bufan, so I was consumed to death by Yan Shenbing."

"And this is only Ye Bufan's strength three years ago. Who knows how far he has grown now."

"Thinking of the arrogance with which my heart was higher than the sky and shouted that my goal was the number one in the universe, I always feel extremely ashamed."

"Forget it, don't think about it, let's continue..." Rong Jun had an extremely obsession in his heart supporting him.

Soon Rong Jun's eyes were full of fighting spirit again. No matter how strong Ye Bufan was, it seemed that he couldn't stop him from reaching the pinnacle of the universe and completing his obsession.


In a palace in the secret realm of Ganwu in the virtual universe, there is an elegant living room, in which two figures are talking.

"Blade God." Immortal in white robe stood there, respectfully towards the other man.

"This is the Luo Feng you mentioned?" Blade God Hou looked indifferently at the screen in front of him.

The last reincarnation battle was being broadcast on the screen, and it was also Luo Feng's last reincarnation battle.

"Yes, today is the last day of the reincarnation battle of Ganwu Universe Kingdom, and this one is also Luo Feng's last battle." Baipao Immortal smiled.

"Oh?" Daofeng Shenhou showed a smile, "You specially introduced this little guy, he has the potential to hit the top 1000 in the universe?"

"Blade God, you must know the result after watching this battle." Baipao Immortal said confidently.

Luo Feng's strength is very strong, the battle ended quickly, and Luo Feng easily won!
"How is it?" Baipao Immortal showed a smile.

"Well, it is true that he has the strength of the top 1000 in the universe, but his strength can only be said to be not bad, far from the strength of the top 100." Blade God Hou slightly shook his head.

"According to my estimation, he will be able to rush to the ranking between 500 and 600 in the final battle of the universe."

The top 1008 geniuses selected by 1000 cosmic countries will finally gather together to participate in the final battle, that is, millions of geniuses.

With Luo Feng's reservations, it's normal for him to be considered this class.

"Haha, then look at this again." The old man in white robe pointed to the screen, and quickly called up the video of the battle between 'Luo Feng' and 'Rong Jun' back then.

"Rong Jun, I've heard of him before I came to your place." Blade God Hou smiled indifferently.

"It is said that he threatened to hit the first place in the overall ranking, but in the end he was defeated by Ye Bufan without any resistance in the qualifiers."

"In short, although Rong Jun is very strong, there is no hope for him to win the overall ranking with his strength."

"However, in the top 10 of the overall ranking, he is somewhat sure."

"As for Ye Bufan, he doesn't seem to have any hope of becoming the number one overall."

(End of this chapter)

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