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Chapter 62 Special Life Universe Clone

Chapter 62 Special Life Universe Clone
"I'll talk about the Nine Tribulations Secret Code later, let's see if I can conceive a special life clone." Ye Bufan couldn't help but secretly said.

According to the original book, there is a limit to the inner world of Luo Feng's golden-horned beast, and it is estimated that it is at most dozens of times the life level of the golden-horned beast's clone.

However, Ye Bufan's life gene level is mediocre, far inferior to that of the golden-horned behemoth, so the genetic multiples that can breed clones are very limited.

Fortunately, he has a clone of a demon dragon, whose genes are 6 times higher, and the ability to withstand the world inside his body is not weak, and he is hopeful that he can successfully breed a clone of special life.

"Just choose the special life universe?" Babata's voice sounded.

"Yes!" Ye Bufan stared.

"It's just that the life gene level of special life is not low. I don't know if you can successfully conceive it." Babata said with emotion.

"If you can successfully breed a clone who is good at the original law of will be much better than Luo Feng's first clone."

"Actually, I wanted to persuade Luo Feng not to conceive a human clone before, but he didn't listen, so I can't help it."

"And his Golden Horn Behemoth's next gestation period will be at the cosmic level. I hope to have the money to buy cosmic-level special life materials in the future."

"By the way, Babata, the Divine Soldier is not bad, what do you think?" Ye Bufan continued.

"Shenyan Bing?" Babata nodded, "Shenyan Bing is also very suitable for you, so buy it, and you and Luo Feng will each have one!"

"Although Yan Shenbing is rare, the price is not very high. Buying two is only about 10 Hunyuan units. It is not as expensive as the special life avatar materials."

Babata didn't refuse, and directly placed orders one after another to buy special life avatar materials, as well as two pieces of divine weapons.


Another 10 days later, in the practice room rented by Qiulongxing Ye Bufan.

The special life material, Yan Shenbing, which cost more than 1000 Hunyuan units, has been sent to Ye Bufan.

This is a hair from the special life "Qiankun", but it is similar to the skin material of the Demon Slayer clone that Luo Feng obtained at auction in the original book.

However, the size of special life is not small, like Ye Bufan's monster dragon clone is not a special life, but the star level is already more than 1000 meters.

As a special life, Qiankun is naturally not small in size.

Even if it's just a hair, it's thicker than Ye Bufan's finger in terms of thickness.

"The hair of the special life is so thick, I don't know how big the clone will be, I hope it can be successfully conceived!" Ye Bufan stared.

With apprehension and tension, Ye Bufan entered the inner world.

inner world.

In the vast Five Elements Continent, there is a dense fog of the Five Elements in the sky above this continent.

The Five Elements Continent, which is 100 kilometers long and wide, suddenly appeared out of nowhere in the middle of the Five Elements Continent, a hair of a special life universe.

This is actually just a small part of the hair that Ye Bufan bought. After all, only a part is needed to conceive a clone.

"Give it a try and turn your bike into a motorcycle!" Ye Bufan waved his hand violently, and the cut hair appeared in his hand!


With Ye Bufan's thought, the whole inner world began to tremble.

Suddenly, the strange black hair vaporized directly, leaving only a drop of strange liquid.

And in the trembling Five Elements Continent, the endless power of the Five Elements immediately began to frantically gather toward the center.

Almost in an instant, the black skin was vaporized and condensed by the strange liquid, which instantly turned into an oval five-color giant egg.

"The most critical moment."

Ye Bufan and the monster dragon clone are very nervous at the moment.


The five-color giant egg trembled violently, but fortunately it didn't collapse, which meant that it had reached the limit of the inner world's breeding.

Fortunately, the limit was not exceeded, so Ye Bufan was able to give birth to a clone of a special life universe.

"Now that it has been successfully conceived, I don't know how long it will take to actually conceive the clone." Ye Bufan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

After Ye Bufan knew the ability of his clone, he naturally knew some information.

For example, how much time it takes to conceive a body is related to the strength of the world in the body, the life gene level and genes of the avatar to conceive!

The lower the genetic material, the lower the genetic level of life, and the easier it is to conceive naturally!
If the level of life genes is higher, there may even be cases of pregnancy failure.

Even though the special life universe can be conceived successfully, the time-consuming is estimated to be not low.

Why is it so long?

Because conceiving a clone is not as simple as giving birth to a baby.

For example, the avatar bred by special life universe materials...that is, the complete copy of the gene, the complete copy of the body, the complete copy of the talent secret method, etc.!
after one day.

According to the feedback from the inner world, Ye Bufan is fully aware of the birth of the Mosha people.

"Strange thing, strange thing!" Ye Bufan couldn't help being taken aback, "The life gene level of the special life universe alone is 20 times that of ordinary people."

"Ignoring other factors such as copying the talent secret method, etc., it is estimated to be 20 times the time it took Luo Feng to conceive the first human clone, let alone a few decades."

"Looking at the current progress of gestating the avatar, it is estimated that it will take five or six years to successfully gestate."

"Although it's a bit unexpected, it's a good thing. There's no need to worry about why the birth rate is faster."

"However, five or six years is not short, because at that time, the talent competition has already been held for more than half, but fortunately there is still time."

"After all, the space talent of the special life universe is many times higher than mine."

Time passed quickly, and during the period of practicing and comprehending the original law of Wanxianliu space, Ye Bufan occasionally took out the Yanshenbing to brush it.

"Carrying this Yanshenbing, it feels like carrying a mountain." Ye Bufan also felt the pressure brought by this Yanshenbing.

In fact, ordinary first-tier, second-tier, and third-tier Psychic weapons, like Duntiansuo, can be used at all!
However, the high-level weapons such as Yan Shenbing are different. If they want to exert their greatest power, they first need to "breed" Yan Shenbing with spiritual power.

For example, what Ye Bufan is doing now is to imprint his own spiritual imprint on this Yan Shenbing.

"Since you have chosen the Divine Soldier, then you should take good care of it. At least after you have finished your pregnancy, the Divine Soldier will really regard you as its master." Babata explained.

"Understood." Ye Bufan said casually.

Yan Shenbing, also known as Jiuzhong Huntian Yan, is a Jinkong-type psycho-psychic weapon.

Yan Shenbing is divided into nine levels according to the level of perception. The power of the first level is more exaggerated than the first level, but the requirements for the original law are also higher.

In short, Yan Shenbing is known as the strongest magic weapon, but also known as the weakest magic weapon.

Because it's not a real genius, it's really not as good as using ordinary mind weapons to exert its strength.

After all, the requirement for the ninth stage of the Divine Soldier's comprehension has already surpassed ordinary immortality.

Ye Bufan felt that his comprehension of the original law of space was enough to drive the fourth and fifth layers, and he was sure to defeat Bolan.

(End of this chapter)

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