Chapter 510 The Wrath of the Styx

Time passed so quickly, Tianfei Wumo didn't even know how she entered the palm world.

Xue Ji and Princess Lan were lying beside her.

It's just crazy.

She looked at Su Jun who was sitting not far away.For a while, fell into confusion.


I never thought that one day I would go to the battlefield together with Xue Ji and Princess Lan.It's just ridiculous, it's outrageous.

But everything has already happened, and I don't want to admit it anymore, it is already a fact.

At this time, Xue Ji and Princess Lan had already woken up.Looking at Tianfei Wumo, her eyes were full of emotion.

There is also helplessness.

They knew very well that the concubine Wumo came to Xuantian Realm to save them.It will end up like them.

They are sorry to the father, and even more sorry to the concubine Umo.

At this time, Tianfei Wumo's eyes were empty.Really. She can't face the current situation.

Even more unable to face, own honest body.

Because of the battle just now, she found that all these calamities were in vain.


Never thought it would be such a joy.If she hadn't experienced it herself, she would always think so.

They are all the same as Zizai Tianbo Xun!

Although, Zizai Tianbo Xunyu is considered normal, otherwise it would be impossible to give birth to so many daughters.

But now she understands.

Zizai Tianbo Xun is just normal.And strong, the difference is more than a star and a half.

But at this moment, Su Jun looked at the flag in his hand with surprise.

He is not a fool.

Xue Ji, the Great Luo Jinxian, has already been carried in his hands.Styx still sent a big Luo Jinxian.

Aren't you afraid that meat buns beat dogs and never return?

Sure enough, while the concubine Wumo was beaten by him, she was bewildered.After the question came out, it naturally fell into his hands.

In the original novel of Fengshen Yanyi, the Central Wuji Xinghuang Banner, the Eastern Qinglian Baose Banner, the Southern Lidi Fireworks Banner, and the Western Plain Cloud Border Banner appear, but the Northern Banner is never mentioned.

That's because the central Wuji Xinghuang flag is in the hands of Yuanshi Tianzun, the eastern Qinglian Baose flag belongs to Zhunti Taoist, the southern Lidi fireworks flag belongs to Taishang Laojun, and the western plain cloud border flag is in the hands of Yaochi Jinmu .

And these four people have all appeared in the Conferred Gods.

But this northern flag is not owned by the characters in the Battle of the Conferred Gods.

This northern flag is the flag in Su Jun's hands now, it is called Xuanyuan Control Water Flag.

Legend has it that the Asura Banner of the Patriarch Minghe in the Asura Realm is as famous as the Central Wuji Xinghuang Banner, Dongfang Qinglian Baose Banner, Southern Lidi Fireworks Banner, and Western Plain Cloud Border Banner, and is also called the Xiantian Wufang Banner Buddha Spectrum According to the sky of Kyushu, five eyes and six connections, three thousand generations.

Therefore, it is deduced that this Shura flag is very likely to be the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag whose whereabouts are unknown.

Now it has been confirmed that it is the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag.

Su Jun's mouth was about to burst into laughter, really!

Each of these five flags is a top-grade innate spirit treasure.The same is true for the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag in his hand.

It can be said that with one side, one can defend against Wushuang and be invulnerable.

This is not talk.

Yin Jiao, the apprentice of Jinxian Guangchengzi who was originally recorded in Fengshen, turned against the water, and used the heavenly seal bestowed by Guangchengzi to deal with the disciples of Chanjiao. Also hard to resist.

Therefore, Guang Chengzi had no choice but to run around to borrow the fireworks flag from the ground, the Qinglian Baose flag and the plain cloud border flag, and guard the four directions together with the central Wuji Xinghuang flag bestowed on Yuanshi Tianzun in Jiang Ziya's hands, so as to block the Yin Dynasty. Fan Tianyin in the hands of the suburbs.It can also be seen from this that the defense of the five-party flag is strong.

 The next chapter can be skipped, don't read it

(End of this chapter)

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