The Awakening of the Celestial Master: Start Kowloon Pulling the Coffin and Killing Zombies

Chapter 491 The Blood Buddha in the Second Palace of the Blood Temple

Chapter 491 Blood Buddha of the Twelve Palaces of the Blood Temple

After everything was cleaned, Princess Lan was so tired that she couldn't move a single finger.She is awake now, and it is all because she has a powerful body of the Shura clan.

Otherwise it would have been dead.

Really, he was killed directly.

At this moment, an idea came to her mind.That is the man in front of him, who is so strong that he is not like a human being.It's not like she is alone, she can handle it.

If only there were two sisters to share the burden.

Thinking of this, Princess Lan herself froze there.She couldn't believe that she had such an idea.


But after thinking about it, the woman is definitely looking for it.If you don't look for her, I'm afraid she will be beaten to death sooner or later.

For my own life!

No matter what, I have to find one or two to share the firepower.

That being the case, it would be better to make your own sisters cheaper than outsiders!

Anyway, of the 72 sisters, except for Iron Fan, only three or four had men.The other more than 60 of her are still empty!
Anyway, if it's empty, it's empty, so it's better to help her.

As the saying goes, good fortune is shared, and difficulties are shared.

Do you think this is the reason?

I'm afraid that Su Jun will not know that after surrendering the Princess Lan in front of him, this Princess Lan will turn out to be a Erha-level love brain with a very clear mind.

Su Jun, on the other hand, directly refined the blood wheel.

In the end, Su Jun looked at Princess Lan and couldn't help laughing.He hugged her in his arms, and laughed wickedly: "Now, let's talk about your big sister Xue Ji!"

Princess Lan was slightly taken aback, and then looked at Su Jun carefully.With a bit of vigilance: "Don't think about my eldest sister. She is different from me! I am a little transparent with my father and mother, otherwise I would not be assigned here. And I am just a gatekeeper. of"

Su Jun didn't care at all.

After all, even his cheap old father-in-law is at his ease!
The leader of the Asura Demon King, who possesses the power of a quasi-sage.Su Jun doesn't show cowardice, who else would he care about?
Not to mention, his wife is Tianfei Umo, and 72 Princess Asura.

Now Su Jun is very confident, unless Patriarch Minghe personally makes the move.Otherwise, no one from the Blood Sea Clan can take him down.

Moreover, except Zizai Tianbo Xun, the quasi-sage.None of the other demon kings and generals are his opponents.

So, why be afraid?
After all, this is the Great Thousand World, not the Earth Immortal Realm.

The quasi-sage cannot enter, unless he makes up his mind to directly blow up this great world.Otherwise, Su Jun, who is hiding here, doesn't have to worry at all, these two people will suddenly appear to deal with him.

"You don't really want to get my eldest sister's idea!" Princess Lan was shocked.

She couldn't even imagine how courageous the man in front of her was.

You know, that is the eldest princess of the Shura clan.A collection of thousands of favorites, he is the head of the entire Shura clan for three generations.

His strength is even comparable to the other three demon kings who are as famous as his father.

If anyone moved her, it would be the opposite of the entire Shura clan.

It's not that she sees herself clearly, she is now occupied by someone.The Shura clan, although they will also get angry.But it's not the same thing as big sister.

After all, there are 72 princesses, but the eldest princess only has the eldest sister.

She hesitated, hesitated, and worried.Finally, he reminded Su Jun: "Sister, don't make up your mind. She really can't do it. If I want to, I can find a way to find one or two sisters. What do you think?"

"What's the matter?"

Su Jun was directly shocked by Princess Lan's words, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "You mean, if I want, you can introduce your sister to me?"

Princess Lan nodded: "As long as it's not the eldest sister, the third sister, and the 36th sister, anyone else is fine!"

Su Jun opened his mouth.

His eyes were full of shock, and he murmured, "Stockholm Syndrome?"

Stockholm Syndrome or Stockholm Effect, also known as Stockholm Syndrome or Hostage Complex or Hostage Syndrome, refers to a complex in which the victim has feelings for the perpetrator and even helps the perpetrator in turn.

This emotion causes the victim to have a good impression of the perpetrator, dependence, and even assist the perpetrator.The hostage will have a psychological dependence on the hijacker.

Their life and death are in the hands of the hijackers, and they are very grateful to the hijackers for letting them survive.They share fate with the hijackers, regard the future of the hijackers as their own, and regard the safety of the hijackers as their own.

So they adopted an "us against them" attitude, treating the rescuers as enemies.

You can do anything to harm someone.

In one of the earliest cases, two criminals with previous convictions kidnapped four bank employees after their failed attempt to rob the largest bank in Stockholm, the capital of Sweden. Finish.

However, a few months after the incident, the four bank employees who were held hostage still showed compassion for their kidnappers. They refused to accuse the kidnappers in court and even raised legal defense funds for them. Both indicated that they did not hate the gangsters, and expressed their gratitude to the gangsters for not hurting them but for taking care of them, and took a hostile attitude towards the police.

What's more, a female employee among the hostages even fell in love with the robber and got engaged to him while serving his sentence.You say outrageous or not?

It's just outrageous to the extreme.

But Su Jun never thought that one day he would encounter such a situation.

Still, he kind of likes it!
In the current situation, it is not impossible to wipe out all 72 princesses!

After all, with Princess Lan as an "insider", it is entirely possible to hang them out one by one!
But now!
The most important thing is to find the eldest princess Xue Ji, because if you find her, you should be able to find Ren Tingting and Ren Zhuzhu.

To be honest, he missed them.

Seeing Princess Lan's objection, Su Jun followed her words and said, "Don't worry, I'm here for the pair of sisters brought back by her. So, I won't do anything to her. Don't worry!"

Princess Lan still has a feeling of being torn apart. Can she fully believe what Su Jun said?

Still, she nodded.

Immediately, he reminded again: "Eldest sister has an extraordinary status in our Shura clan. If we touch her, the entire Shura clan will not let us go."

Seeing Princess Lan being so serious, Su Jun couldn't help laughing.

It has to be said that this princess of the Shura clan is really thinking about him now!
I don't know if his father Zi Zai Tian Boxun will die of anger on the spot when he sees her like this.

Not only Zizai Tianboxun, but also Patriarch Styx of the Blood Sea
After all, that time in the sea of ​​blood, he was quite angry.It is estimated that if they meet again, they will have the heart to crush him to ashes.

If you see Princess Lan again, or even the Shura clan, most of the princesses will become members of his harem.

It is estimated that it can explode in situ.

(End of this chapter)

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