Chapter 458 Blood Sea

Demon King Satan: "."

Desire Angel-Sasim.: "."

Greedy Demon Mammon: "."

Seeing Lucifer's contradictory appearance, they all frowned.

They didn't understand what Lucifer meant by nodding and shaking his head.

Lucifer smiled wryly again: "The one who injured me was indeed an oriental god, but it was the lowest god in the east. In their words, they were earth immortals."

"Earth Immortal?"

Demon King Satan froze there, his face full of shock.In the end, he said in disbelief: "Earth Immortal of the East, judged by our strength, is an angel with two wings and four wings!"

"That's right! Earth Immortal, isn't it an angel with two and four wings?"

The Angel of Desire - Sasim, the Angel of Death - Samuel, etc., and the demons of Mammon, the Demon of Greed, Asmodeus, the Demon of Lust, could not help but look at each other face to face.

They all seem to have heard the funniest joke in the world.

you do not say!

An angel with two or four wings beat up Lucifer, who was at the level of a twelve-wing super-angel and was comparable to a demon king.

Can you believe it?
Anyway, they couldn't believe it, if it wasn't for Lucifer who spoke, if it wasn't for Lucifer's injury.They will definitely take this as a joke.

That's right, it's a joke.

Seeing that they were so helpless, Lucifer felt extremely shocked and ashamed at the same time.


Lucifer couldn't help sighing: "Yes! Don't mention you, even I can't believe it myself. But this is the truth."

While speaking, his eyes swept over the angels such as the angel of desire - Sasim, the angel of death - Samuel, and the demons such as the greedy demon Mammon and the lustful demon Asmodeus.

Finally, his eyes fell on Satan, the devil king, and he said with a serious face: "But you don't dare to believe it, it is also true.

When I shot, Killing Angel-Sira was already in crisis.But that person, in front of me, beheaded the Killing Angel-Xila.

Although I have made a move, I can't stop it at all.The opponent directly ignored my attack!
And in the end unscathed!
As for the Charming Angel-Cecia, and the Bright Angel-Bo Ye, before I make a move.Just use a spell to imprison them, and they can't get out at all.

Now that I am defeated, I think it is more than auspicious. "

As soon as Lucifer said these words, whether it was the angel of desire - Sasim, the angel of death - Samuel, etc., or the demons of greed demon Mammon and lust demon Asmodeus.

Everyone was dumbfounded, and there was a look of horror in their eyes when they came back to their senses.

That is to say, one person, in the face of the Angel of Charm, the Angel of Light, the Angel of Killing, and Lucifer.

Strongly beheaded the killing angel among them, trapped the angel of charm and the angel of light, and defeated and severely injured Lucifer.

This is no ordinary horror.

Faced with such a lineup, even Satan, the devil king, would shy away!

After all, Lucifer himself has the same strength as the devil Satan.With the addition of Charming Angel, Bright Angel, and Killing Angel, Demon King Satan is definitely no match.

Especially the killing angel among them, whether it is a demon or a fallen angel.

Which one is her opponent?

The strongest fallen angel is not called for nothing!
But even under such circumstances, there were still three deaths and one injury.This is scary!

The fallen angels and demons couldn't help but look at each other, and for a while they no longer had the ambitions they had before.

Devil King Satan immediately saw that everyone's morale was starting to drop, but at this moment, he couldn't care less.

Because the most important thing now is to confirm that Le Fang's god is really so terrifying?

Just a low-level god can destroy three powerful fallen angels, and can also severely damage Lucifer, who is almost as powerful as him, in one fell swoop.

So, his eyes fell on Lucifer.

Seeing Satan's gaze, Lucifer couldn't help but smile bitterly again.The relationship between the two is very complicated, but at least they are really grasshoppers on the same rope now.

One glory is glory, and the other is loss.

So he nodded very seriously again: "I don't know if the lowest gods in the east are as powerful as the one I met. But, one thing is absolutely certain, that is, I The Earth Immortal I met was really ridiculously strong. Yes, I can tell you very clearly that my full blow can't even cause him the slightest damage."


I just knew that the three fallen angels were destroyed and Lucifer was severely injured.But I didn't expect that the gap between them was so big.

After all, there is a huge difference between a narrow victory and a crushing power.


The Angel of Desire - Sasim, the Angel of Death - Samuel... and other angels couldn't help but gasped.


Greed demon Mammon, lust demon Asmodeus and other demons swallowed with difficulty.

His eyes were already filled with fear.

But at this time, Lucifer spoke out again, as if it would not be over until they were scared to death.

I just heard him say to Satan: "To be honest, even if you join hands with me, plus all the fallen angels and demons under your command, it may not be able to hurt each other at all."

"Ah this."

Devil King Satan's pupils couldn't help shaking at this moment.

When he saw the severely injured Lucifer, he was already mentally prepared.This time Lucifer must have met a powerful god from the east.

But I didn't expect it to be so powerful.

For a moment, he couldn't help but fell into silence.


Angel of Desire - Samuel, Angel of Death - Samuel, and other fallen angels couldn't help but glance at each other.In the end, the Angel of Desire couldn't help asking weakly: "Are all the gods in the east so strong?"

Then he looked suspiciously at Baal, the Demon of Destruction sitting on Satan's side.Because Barr, the Demon of Destruction, was the one who was responsible for testing the strength of the Eastern Gods.

Baal, the Demon of Destruction: "."

This move by the Angel of Desire caused a chain reaction.All the fallen angels, as well as the demons, couldn't help looking at him.

He was also speechless.

The Demon of Destruction Baal said with a bitter face: "I have made thirteen shots in total, and ten of them targeted the Earth Immortal. The strength of the Earth Immortal also varies, but the strongest is only at the level of the Seraphim. Others How can the strength of the second and fourth wings be so strong?"

After finishing speaking, he immediately added another sentence: "Let's not talk about earth immortals, even heavenly immortals are not that powerful. Because for the remaining three times, my target is the heavenly immortals among the eastern gods. Although these three heavenly immortals are very powerful It's so powerful. It has the strength to crush me. If I didn't run fast, I would have died once or twice!"

"However, there is one thing I know very well. That is, although these three angels are powerful, they are still far behind the Demon King."

So, how could an Earth Immortal kill three powerful fallen angels in a row?
(End of this chapter)

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