Chapter 445 The Judge
After burning the lamp and waiting for a long time, he heard an erratic voice, "In the underworld, quasi-sages are not allowed to enter!"

As soon as the words fell, the passage he opened was immediately closed.

Ran Deng couldn't help but froze there, he really didn't know that there was such a rule in the underworld.

But he immediately remembered that the two saints came to the underworld together.finally hide in hell
"Oh! Time waits for me!"

Ran Deng couldn't help but sighed, he understood.Empress Pingxin held a grudge against Xixi, that's why she took action to stop him.

But so what?

He could only hold back, not even daring to open the passage to the underworld again!

Because he was afraid of offending Empress Pingxin, he slapped him to death after letting him go directly to the underworld.At that time, no one can protect him.

After all, the six sages were restricted by Taoist ancestors from entering the Three Realms.Therefore, in the underworld, Empress Pingxin is an invincible existence.

Why is the underworld more and more confident now?

A large part of the reason is that Empress Pingxin no longer needs to be afraid of anyone.At this time, he could truly experience the suffering of Ksitigarbha.

Why hasn't Ksitigarbha done much in the underworld until now?

It is because of his backer.I can't come to the underworld anymore!
He didn't dare to let go of his hands and feet at all, he could only live in the underworld.Therefore, he is just a superficial person, the head of the four great bodhisattvas.

The other three bodhisattvas!

Manjushri, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra, which one is not more comfortable than Ksitigarbha?

Ran Deng sighed again.Then he chose to leave, but at this time, he was more or less in decline.

Because, as long as Su Jun doesn't come out of the underworld, his chance of becoming a saint will basically be cut off.

Although, there is not necessarily a pair.But it's gone, it's really hopeless.

At the same time, in the underworld.

Su Jun looked at the judge in front of him very speechlessly.

"Cough cough!"

The judge smiled awkwardly: "Su Daoyou, long time no see."

Su Jun couldn't help but rolled his eyes, but still bowed: "Thank you!"

No matter what, the Jifu's attack this time did save him at the last moment.But he was also rendered speechless by the judge.

Because this guy wants to return to the original small world.

Did something go wrong?
It was this group of guys before who used tricks to get him to the Earth Immortal Realm.Now that it's over, I'm going to get it back again.

If it weren't for the sake of saving her just now, she would definitely have turned her face.

Seeing Su Jun's expression, the judge couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

There's no way, whoever made this happen, it's really a bit dishonest!
But there was an excuse right away: "Well, we are also thinking about you. Think about it, Ran Deng is after you now. That is a quasi-sage, and you will only die once you get out of the underworld."

As soon as these words came out, Su Jun fell silent.Because there is nothing wrong with what you say!
With his current strength, facing Shang Ran Deng head-on has only a dead end.

Now he either hides in the underworld and does not go out, or he returns to the sun star, incarnates with the Golden Crow, and tries his best to make Ran Deng fearful.

However, it can only stay in the sun star and cannot go out.

No matter which one it was, Su Jun still couldn't accept it.

Seeing Su Jun's expression, the judge immediately laughed: "Look! You can figure it out yourself, you have no other choice now. Since he has been hiding in the underworld, he might as well go back to his original small world. Think of it as returning home to visit relatives!"

"Besides, you don't want to see your two sons and daughters?"


The judge's last words shocked Su Jun.

The judge laughed: "Don't you know that the flow rate of time in the small world is different from that in the earth fairy world? Ten years have already passed in the small world since you were in the earth fairy world."


Su Jun was stunned, and murmured: "Then, they are already ten years old?"

At this time, the judge took the opportunity to say: "Do you want to go back and have a look? They are now in a small world, and the scenery is infinite!"

Su Jun looked at the judge helplessly, and even glared at him: "You've already talked about this, so why don't I go back?"

But Su Jun was very ruthless in his heart, perhaps there was some restriction.After all, with his current strength, if he goes back.

The whole small world couldn't bear it.

After all, his strength at this time has already exceeded the tolerance of that small world.

Sure enough, the judge immediately added in the next second: "There is only one small problem, that is, your current strength is too strong. If you want to go back, you need to seal your strength. Of course, we only provide the magic circle for sealing, The specific operation is up to you.”

"In this way, you can unlock the seal at any time."

Su Jun stretched out his hand: "Bring it!"


Seeing this, the judge couldn't help laughing awkwardly again, and raised his hand, a scroll appeared in his hand.

Su Jun took it and saw that it was a five-element sealing circle.

I looked it over carefully, and after there was no problem, I learned it directly with merit.

Afterwards, Su Jun began to conjure Dharma seals.

The judge who saw it was stunned, and it took a while to calm down: "You"

But he couldn't speak anymore, because Su Jun's operation made Zhao surprised him.

This five-element sealing circle is not some low-end sealing circle.Although there are some who can quickly learn it, but like Su Jun.

It can be controlled almost once, but I have never heard of it.

However, as Su Jun continued to produce his seals, the judge's mouth opened even wider.Because Su Jun's dharma seal was formed too quickly, too smoothly, and too perfectly.

At this moment, he extremely doubted whether Su Jun had already learned this five-element sealing circle.Moreover, he has been mastered to a very high level.

Otherwise, it is absolutely impossible to have the current speed.

And it's so perfect!
Seeing that Su Jun's five-element sealing circle was about to be completed, the judge finally came to his senses.Immediately reminded: "In order not to destroy the current order of the small world. You must seal your strength to the earth fairy world!"

"Earth Wonderland?"

Su Jun was taken aback for a moment, and then did not argue.Because with his current strength, even if his strength is printed into a fairyland.

Once all kinds of supernatural powers, spells, and spirit treasures are cast.Even Jinxian can fight.

So I didn't care too much.

Directly following the judge's intentions, he sealed his strength into a fairyland.

After everything was done, the judge couldn't help asking: "Have you learned this five-element sealing circle?"

You must know that this five-element sealing circle does not enter the holy gate, nor does it enter the power of the innate boss.You really can't learn it!

Su Jun shook his head when he heard the words: "No!"


The judge couldn't help but exclaimed, and then looked at Su Jun with some doubts in his eyes.

Su Jun couldn't help laughing: "If you don't believe it, you can come up with another formation. It's best, only your underworld has it. See if I can master you immediately."

The judge was silent for a while, then took out a scroll and handed it to Su Jun.

After a while, the judge's shocked eyes almost fell off.

(End of this chapter)

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