Chapter 429 72
72 Earth Sha
Specific supernatural powers

1. Tongyou: It means encountering the gods and gods, and it means being deeply absorbed, one can gain insight into the underworld and hell, and can see through falsehood.

2. Exorcism: It can arrest and dispatch the land of mountain gods, and can also enslave all kinds of spirits, ghosts, and yellow scarf warriors.

3. Carrying Mountains: Being able to bear the weight of mountains is also the art of moving mountains.

4. Forbidden water: As the name suggests, it refers to impassable or poisonous rivers that can flow unimpeded in forbidden water and come and go freely.

5. Borrowing the wind: It can drive the wind and manipulate it freely.

6. Fog distribution: refers to the fog that can be placed anywhere or at any time.

7. Pray for sunshine: make the rainy day turn sunny and stop the rain.

8. Praying for rain: the art of making rain, making it rain in a certain area.

9. Sitting on the fire: It is said that you will not burn when you enter the fire, and you must avoid the fire.

10. Entering the water: In the sea, it is also called diving into the abyss without drowning.

11. Covering the sun: This is the art of covering up the secrets of heaven.

12. Yufeng: Riding the wind is the power of flying.

13. Boiling stones: All those who use metals and eight stones refine the medicine for refining gold and stones and take them. This is the art of alchemy.

14. Breathing flames: It can swallow flames and burn evil spirits.

15. Swallow the knife: Eat the knife into the stomach without any damage.

16. Hutian: It can open up space or a cave, and Naxumi is in mustard seeds.Even the universe is big in the sleeve, and the heaven and the earth are stored in the palm.

17. Spiritual movement: the spirit transcends the body, and the primordial spirit is also out of the body.

18. Walking on water: able to walk on the water surface as if walking on flat ground.

19. Stick solution: Sacrifice and practice something to carry people in dakini, and cooperate with corpse analysis to make something take the form, and in a short time, it has become a real person.

20. Avatar: It can be divided into multiple avatars, and other things can also be divided, and it can be divided into hundreds of millions when it is advanced.

21. Invisibility: This is to allow oneself or others, and even all objects to hide their body shape and cover their breath.

22. Renewing the head: It is the art of beheading and immortality. After the head is cut off, it can still be intact and a new head can grow.

23. Fixing body: Immobilize the body and soul of a person, even gods, birds and beasts, or all objects so that they cannot move.

24. Demon Slaying: Can bless weapons with spells, exorcise ghosts and subdue demons, and destroy formless monsters.

25. Asking immortals: The way in the word "shu" is to help the spirits to seek immortals, and to rest blame with divination, which refers to the art of recruiting spirits.

26. Chasing the soul: the art of capturing the soul of a person and killing a person.

27. Ingestion: The method of ingesting the soul, the ingestor, the collection.

28. Zhaoyun: It is to control the auspicious clouds, and you can ride the clouds and the fog.

29. Take the moon: This method is to take the moon to appear on the wall, that is, the mysterious light technique.

30. Handling: Drive the five ghosts to transport wealth, also known as the five ghosts to move.

31. Marrying a dream: It is a dream that makes people have a dream, can weave dreams or come in and out freely, and even affect reality.

32. Fragmentation: The various parts of the body are separated and unscathed, and can be restored instantly without any scars.

33. Send stick: Send the damage caused by the attack to other objects as a substitute, so that the damage can be transferred.

34. Cutting off the flow: It is to stop the flow of the river, which is the method of dividing water, and you can enter the Dragon Palace Water Palace through this method.

35. Misfortune: Mi is also known as Jie Jie, which refers to the use of spells to relieve disasters: repelling locusts, diseases, plagues, etc.

36. Jiee: Refers to the rescue of danger, also known as "relief".Refers to chanting scriptures to pray for blessings, to eliminate disasters and disasters, and to descend to the truth.

37. Yellow and white: through alchemy to touch gold or silver.

38. Swordsmanship: To understand the mystery of the unity of sword and qi is the method of controlling the sword by the primordial spirit. White light can kill people and be invisible.

39. Shefu: The principle of the Eight Diagrams in the Book of Changes, that is, names and objects are based on images and numbers, and images and numbers are set up for righteousness, which is divination and judgment.

40. Earth travel: You can travel thousands of miles a day by escaping into the soil.

41. Number of stars: You can watch the sky at night and know your fate.

42. Arrangement: various enchantments, formations, and prohibitions.

43. False shape: It can change in body, be male or female, big or small, or magical, birds and beasts, ever-changing.

44. Spraying: It is a spell that blows breath and changes objects.

45. Referencing: It is pointing with a finger to make something change.

46. ​​Corpse analysis: Abandoning the body and going to immortality, or pretending to be a body, leaving the world and ascending to heaven, only using the primordial spirit to become immortal.

47. Scene shifting: You can use spells to change the surrounding environment.

48. Bring in: This technique can use remote control to bring in an item.

49. Expulsion: It can return items to their original positions.

50. Beast Gathering: Can summon all kinds of wild beasts or fierce birds.

51. Tune birds: Use magic to make birds or beasts listen to their calls.

52. Qi ban: a mantra characterized by luck, it can ban golden sores with Qi, and the blood will stop immediately.

53. Vigorous: Infinite divine power, this is the technique of lifting great power from the sky.

54. Toshi: It is unimpeded to enter the gold and stone, it can be said to be unimpeded.

55. Birth light: It can emit divine light to protect the body, which can be said to be impenetrable by all dharmas, all evils are not close, the light is all over the body, and the magic is infinite.

56. Obscuring the eyes: The meaning of blocking, can keep flames, rain, and dust from getting on the body, and clothes can be used to protect the body.

57. Daoyin: Deep energy can benefit people and prolong life, and it is necessary to adjust Qi, make blood flow, and eliminate all diseases, that is, the art of practicing Qi breathing.

58. Take food: Collect the essence of Yimu to refine the panacea and swallow it, in order to live forever, and can cure all kinds of diseases or detoxify.

59. Kaibi: At the fingertips, the mountain opens and the wall cracks.

60. Yueyan: The technique of lightening one's body and lifting one's body, good at body skills.

61. Moment: Pre-sense when something is about to happen.

62. Dengchao: To speed up things or expand their influence on the original basis, such as making the fire burn more vigorously and more violently.

63. Drink water: You can drink water from rivers and rivers, no matter how much you have.

64. Lying in snow: It is called eating wind and sleeping in water, and lying in moon sleeping cream.

65. Stormy sun: Makes the sun more violent and scorching summer.

66. Nongwan: This is the golden elixir road, the elixir of the earth immortal.

67. Fushui: That is, the magic of talismans, which can summon gods and impeach ghosts, subdue demons and suppress demons, cure diseases and eliminate disasters, and the magic is endless.

68. Medicine: To be able to life and death human flesh and bones is the way to practice medicine into Taoism, including all kinds of medicine and Taoism.

69. Knowing the time: Knowing the law of the way of heaven, and knowing the secrets of heaven by pinching your fingers, is the art of foresight.

70. Knowing the land: It refers to the study of geomancy. In ancient times, geography was also called Fengshui.

71. Bigu: Do not drink or eat, eat wind and drink dew, do not eat whole grains or human fireworks, the gods live on the breath.

72. Nightmare Prayer: You can use spells to confuse people with illusions, referred to as illusions, and those who suffer from the spells are like nightmares.

72 changes
Although Monkey King has learned the art of immortality from the Bodhi Patriarch, he can only live forever if he escapes the "three disasters"! The "Three Disasters" are lightning from the sky, fire from the yin, and wind blowing. Under Wukong's begging, the evasion spell was finally handed down by the ancestor Subhuti.In the book, Patriarch Bodhi introduced to him that spells are divided into 36 changes according to the number of Tiangang and 72 changes according to the number of earth. Monkey King chose the latter, that is, 72 changes. The main purpose of the 72 changes is to avoid the damage caused by the three disasters of thunder, fire, and wind, so as to realize the wish of eternal life.

The patriarch said: "Forget it, you want to learn which one is normal? There is a general Tiangang number, which should change like 36, and there is a general evil number, which should change like 72."

The crowd said: "Wukong, are you the predestined law that you cultivated in that life? The day before yesterday, Master whispered in his ear, and taught you the law of avoiding the three disasters and changing, can you know it?"

Wukong said with a smile: "I will tell you brothers, firstly, it is taught by the master, and secondly, it is because I am diligent day and night, so I know everything."

The crowd said: "Take advantage of this good time, you audition, let me wait and see."

Upon hearing this, Wukong shook his head and showed off his tricks: "Brothers, please come up with a question. What do you want me to change?"

The crowd said: "Just turn into a pine tree." Wukong twirled the tactic, chanted the mantra, and transformed into a pine tree.

This is the story of Sun Wukong showing off to his brothers after mastering the 72 transformations.

(End of this chapter)

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