Chapter 423 Sun Wukong

So, who to scold?
Scolding anyone is not relieved.

"Oh, you boy have made me miserable, my grandson."

Su Jun looked apologetic: "Didn't I come to apologize to you, Great Sage?"

Sun Wukong couldn't help but glared at Su Jun again: "I'm sorry, is there a fart?"

At this moment, Monkey King seemed to have discovered something.Then he looked at Su Jun carefully, and became more and more surprised the more he looked.

"Good boy, you actually created an incarnation with the power of the Taiyi Golden Immortal."

At this time, Sun Wukong's eyes are shining!

Because even he wouldn't know how to do this.And it's very exciting. After all, this level of incarnation not only greatly increases one's own strength.

And let yourself have an extra life.

After all, with this incarnation outside the body, if you really encounter a catastrophe, you can just release it to block the catastrophe.

Seeing this, Su Jun was not surprised at all.Monkey King's Fire Eye Jin Xin was not blown out either.If you can't even tell that he is an incarnation outside the body.

It's a waste of both eyes.

At the same time, Su Jun also saw Sun Wukong's thoughts, so he said with a smile: "How about the Great Sage? To apologize to you, as long as you collect the materials, I will refine an incarnation for you, how about it?"

Sure enough, as soon as Su Jun said this, Sun Wukong's eyes began to shine.The unfriendly eyes that were originally looking at her became softer.

Looking at Su Jun with admiration: "You are still sensible!"

Su Jun couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words, and then thought of something, and immediately said: "Great Sage, now I have served in the Heavenly Court, if there is anything I can't handle in the future. If you want to ask someone for help, you can directly send a letter Just do it."

With that said, Su Jun took out ten small paper figurines and handed them over.

"Heavenly Court? Did you go to Heavenly Court? What kind of official position did the Jade Emperor give you?"

Su Jun was blunt: "A general under Marshal Guan is considered to be a third rank!"


Sun Wukong jumped up directly, his face was full of anger: "Well, you Jade Emperor old man just bullied me because I didn't understand the way?"

As the saying goes, if there is no comparison, there will be no harm!
Therefore, in this comparison, Sun Wukong's young heart has been greatly hurt.

But immediately Sun Wukong smirked, and then said to Su Jun: "My old grandson can be regarded as an old acquaintance of the Heavenly Court, where there is fun, where there is delicious food, and where there is good treasure, that is the door. Do you want my old grandson to give you some pointers?"


Seeing Sun Wukong smiling like this, Su Jun knew that this guy must be holding back something.But he also wanted to hear what kind of fart this guy could let out.

So he asked very curiously: "Great Sage, tell me."

Seeing Su Jun's interest, Sun Wukong couldn't help laughing strangely: "My old grandson asked you, but have you heard of flat peaches?"


Su Jun couldn't help showing a surprised expression.

Sun Wukong: "Yes, flat peach!"

Su Jun saw that Sun Wukong was about to show off, so he cooperated: "I have heard of it, but I don't know it very well."

Sure enough, Sun Wukong immediately laughed more happily: "Peaches are fairy peaches, the innate spiritual roots between heaven and earth. Different from peaches in the world, not only do they grow very large, they are delicious, and eating them can prolong your life every year and increase your stamina. It is the method of immortality, and it is the holy product of heaven."

After finishing speaking, Monkey King immediately added another sentence: "Don't believe it, there are 3000 flat peaches in total: the first 6000, with small flowers and small fruits, ripen once in 9000 years, and people who eat them will become immortals." In the middle, there are [-] plants with layered flowers and sweet fruits, which ripen once in [-] years. People eat Xiaju and fly up, and they will live forever; in the back, there are [-] plants with purple pattern and seedlings, which ripen in [-] years. , people eat as long as the heavens and the earth, and the sun and the moon are of the same age."

Su Jun couldn't help laughing, and instantly understood that this monkey was encouraging him to steal flat peaches!

However, he was a little puzzled.

So he asked: "Didn't you say that the flat peaches would take 3000 years to ripen at worst. And you already ate up the flat peaches 500 years ago. Where can I get them?"

Sun Wukong immediately laughed when he heard the words: "The queen mother holds a grand peach flat party in the heavenly court every year, and invites all gods and gods from all over the world to celebrate her birthday. So ah! There are far more than just a few peaches."

"Although my old grandson ate a lot back then, he took away a lot. But how could he eat so much? After all, there are [-] plants in total! Even if each tree bears ten seeds, it will cost three My old grandson really wants to eat [-] pieces, but he can eat them. But how long will it be?"

"And my grandson is not stupid. If you don't eat good ones, will you eat bad ones? I just tasted the first two kinds, but they are 9000 years old. My grandson has really harmed me a lot. But There are more than 300 plants that can last for 9000 years, a total of [-] plants!"

"So! Don't listen to their nonsense, there are still plenty of flat peaches in the flat peach orchard! As long as you want, you can eat them."


At this moment, Su Jun's eyes could not help but light up.

To be honest, he still has some ideas about this flat peach.With these flat peaches, he can make Yue Qiluo and the others under him soar in strength one by one.

And this is one of the top ten spiritual roots in the world, so you have to try it anyway.

But when it comes to flat peaches, Su Jun couldn't help but look at Monkey King with a hint of meaning in his eyes.

Because at the beginning, after Sun Wukong was conferred the title of Monkey King by the Jade Emperor, he was sent to manage the flat peach garden. The land introduced the secret of the benefits of flat peaches. After that, Sun Wukong took the opportunity to eat some flat peaches, and the seven fairies were ordered by the queen mother to pick them. When preparing for the Peach Blossom Party, Monkey King knew he was not invited to the Peach Blossom Party, so he fixed the seven fairies and disturbed the Queen Mother's Peach Blossom Party.

It's all fixed, don't you think so?

As long as it's a male, it doesn't matter if it's a human or a monkey.

Looking at the delicate seven little fairies, how can you not be tempted?

So, did the monkey move them or not?
So Su Jun opened his mouth to ask, all the book fans' questions: "That great sage, I don't know something, I don't know if I can ask?"

"What's the matter?" Sun Wukong looked puzzled.

Then he added: "Ask if you have anything! My old grandson will tell you."

Su Jun looked around, and then leaned into Sun Wukong's ear and asked, "I heard that when the Great Sage was in the Pantao Garden, he locked down the Seven Fairies in the Heavenly Court?"

Sun Wukong nodded: "Yes!"

But as soon as the words fell, the puzzlement on his face became more intense.Because he really can't figure it out. What's the point of asking.

But Su Jun immediately asked again: "Then what didn't you do?"

Sun Wukong: "What are you doing???"

Su Jun: "Ahem. Just give birth to a baby monkey."

"Give birth to a baby monkey?" Sun Wukong was confused.

Then immediately added: "With whom?"

Su Jun: "."

At this moment, the corner of Su Jun's mouth twitched. He now seriously doubts that the Monkey King in front of him is still a virgin monkey.

At the thought of this, Su Jun couldn't help but collapse.

(End of this chapter)

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