Chapter 377
Shibagong (pine), Guzhigong (cypress), Lingkongzi (cypress), Fuyunsou (bamboo), naked ghost (maple), Xingxian (apricot)
But Gu Zhigong and Ling Kongzi still made a move, and branches appeared in their hands immediately.Then he whipped towards Su Jun like a whip.

The eyes of the two demons couldn't be more clear.

He just wanted to use his own attack to encircle Wei and save Zhao.Force Su Jun to give up the attack to defend against their attack.In this way, their eldest brother Shibagong was naturally saved.

"Ha ha!"

The corners of Su Jun's mouth rose slightly, showing a very disdainful expression.

No matter it is the Eighteen Lords who appeared first, or the two monsters after that, they all have the strength of Xuanxian.He doesn't even have the strength of Jinxian, so how could he be his opponent?

So, Su Jun made a sword with his arms, and swung fiercely towards the sides.In an instant, countless sword qi burst out from Su Jun's arm.Swept away to both sides.

Very fast very fast!

And wherever it passed, all the thorns were pulverized by the sword energy.The first one was the same with the branches drawn by the two demons.

"how is this possible?"

Gu Zhigong and Ling Kongzi couldn't help exclaiming.The two monsters couldn't believe their eyes, their attack was so easily broken by the opponent.


But in the next second, their attention was immediately shifted.Because, the pure yang sword directly pierced Shibagong and nailed him to the ground.

Eighteenth Duke let out a scream.

"Big brother!"

Gu Zhigong and Ling Kongzi were worried.Then he quickly came to Shiba Gong's side and blocked him behind him.

I have to say that the relationship between these people is still good.


With one move of Su Jun's hand, the pure Yang sword stuck in Shibagong's chest immediately flew back into his hand. Then he raised the sword and pointed at Shibagong, Guzhigong, and Lingkongzi three demons.

He said coldly: "For the sake of your brotherly love, I will give you a chance to survive. Get out of the way"

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "You should understand that even if you want to stop me, you can't stop me. Blocking me is just asking for death."


Gu Zhigong and Ling Kongzi pointed at Su Jun and were speechless.They want to say that this is their territory.However, everyone knows what kind of world this is.

Saying these words is useless except to make people laugh.

"Cough cough."

And at this time Shiba Gong (, coughed violently. With the severe cough, a large amount of donated blood was coughed up continuously.

"Big brother!"

Gu Zhigong and Ling Kongzi cried out in pain.

And at this moment, three more figures appeared on the scene, after seeing Shiba Gong's tragic appearance.

The three demons Fuyun old man, naked ghost and Xingxian couldn't help being shocked.At the same time, they were worried, and surrounded them one by one.

In the end, Qi Qi glared at Su Jun, as if he wanted to tear Su Jun into pieces.

"I shouldn't be merciful!"

At this time, Su Jun's murderous intentions resumed.Then there is no such thing as showing mercy anymore!

So he raised his hand, and the race bag, the innate top-grade spiritual treasure, appeared in his hand.Then he tossed the bag into the air and squeezed a spell in his hand.

The ethnographic bag opened immediately.

As soon as the ethnographic bag was opened, an incomparably powerful suction was generated in the mouth of the bag.


Shibagong, Guzhigong, Lingkongzi, Fuyunsou, Naked Ghost, and Xingxian all happened in terror. Under this terrifying suction force, they had no strength to resist at all.

All were sucked into the race bag.

"Ha ha!"

As soon as Su Jun raised his hand, the race bag immediately closed and fell into Su Jun's hands.Immediately he sneered: "I'm giving you a chance to survive, you can't grasp it yourself!"

In the end, Su Jun turned his gaze to the location of that magical place.

Without the obstruction of Shibagong, Guzhigong, Lingkongzi, Fuyunsou, Naked Ghost, and Xingxian, these monsters, Su Jun would be unimpeded.

Soon came to that magical place.

"how is this possible?"

Su Jun found it, it was a cave.But Su Jun was really surprised, just as he expected.This collar of thorns can breed so many big monsters of plants, there must be treasures.

And this treasure is in the cave.

The ground of this cave has the same appearance as the ground outside.But it is not the same thing at all, the former is normal soil, at most it is much more fertile than other places.

But in the end it is still ordinary soil.

The soil in the cave is different, it actually has innate energy.In other words, this is an innate spirit treasure.

And it's at the level of innate spiritual treasures, so there seems to be only one in the whole prehistoric world!

That is Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.

Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is one of the hidden treasures of Nuwa Palace.

A handful of loess, showing a strange golden color, rises with the wind, and its magical effects are endless.The yellow light, which looks like gold but not gold, unfolds, and the yellow cloud expands, forming a yellow cloud the size of a few acres.

It grows and declines with external attacks, and changes like foreign enemies. You are big and I am big, and you are small and I am small. Move with the steadiness, be tough and dense, and invulnerable.Breaking into the yellow cloud, if you encounter a cotton bag, you will not be able to move forward even an inch, even the sword energy of Jade Immortal will be helpless.

Once sacrificed, unless the mana is extremely profound, extraordinary, or has the same magic weapon, it is impossible to resist the infinite thunder of the innate Wuearth god.

As long as it is sprinkled, the yellow dust will immediately surge, and the four sides will close together, squeeze and rub, and the gods and forms will disappear.In ancient times, Empress Nuwa once gave it to the emperor to restrain the catastrophe caused by floods and floods after Gong Gong's death.

However, the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil is one of the four innate treasures that were indispensable for Dayu to control the water.

The Nine Heavens Breathing Soil was originally a spiritual treasure of merits and virtues that the Nuwa Empress made when she made people out of soil, and it can change with the changes of the enemy.Even the Zhuxian Sword Formation is helpless when encountering the Nine Heavens Xiyang.

After Empress Nuwa kneaded the earth to create a human being, there was not much of the Nine Heavens' Breathing Soil left, which was later obtained by the Emperor Zhuanxu.

When Dayu was controlling the water, Zhuanxu, the Emperor of Heaven, gave Dayu the last bit of the incomparably precious Nine-Tianxi Soil, and asked him to use the Nine-Tianxi Soil to build dams and stop the flood.

Dayu had already used up the Nine Heavens Breathing Soil.

If there might be some left in someone's hands, I'm afraid it's in the hands of Empress Nuwa.

But how can there be here?Su Jun looked puzzled.

With doubts, Su Jun walked in and came to the center of the cave.With just one glance, Su Jun couldn't help but widen his eyes.

Because there is a person lying there.

To be precise, there is a clay figurine lying here.

And it's a clay figurine with the characteristics of a monster, so you can call him a monster!But it gives people the feeling that he is a human being.But you have to say that he is human!

It has some characteristics of the monster race!
For example, his lower body is the body of a snake.This is a very obvious characteristic of the monster race, right?

Wait, a snake tail?
Made of Nine Heavens Breathing Soil?

I grass!

Su Jun felt that he had met a real treasure, really!Su Jun glanced around, wanting to see what else is so magical about this place.

(End of this chapter)

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