Chapter 336 The Seven Monsters of Meishan

Seeing this, the snake essence and centipede essence changed greatly.They also saw the state of the wild boar spirit at this time, not too long ago.

Qi Qi opened his mouth, spewed out a mouthful of poisonous gas, and went up to Su Jun.

Snakes and centipedes are one of the five poisons, which shows how terrible their poisons are.What's more, it's Fengshen Yishen?

If someone else encountered this, they would turn around and run without even thinking about it.Poison is definitely one of the toughest attacks to deal with.

But Su Jun is not someone else, his poor appearance, but he has the ability to control the wind!
Therefore, Su Jun shouted in a low voice: "The poor and the strange will come out!"

In an instant, Qiongqi, the martial artist, appeared behind Su Jun.Then, Qiongqi Faxiang waved his wings.


Immediately, a gust of wind was generated, sweeping towards the front.

"not good!"

Both the centipede spirit and the snake spirit changed their faces greatly, although the wind could not cause any harm to their bodies.But it has a great restraining effect on their innate supernatural powers.

Sure enough, in the next second, the poisonous mist they sprayed out before was directly swept back by the huge wind.

They are nothing, their own poison has no effect on them.However, the fourth brother who bears the brunt is about to suffer.

The two demons rushed out directly, and they knew their own poison best.Although their strength is not as good as that of the fourth brother, but once the fourth brother is poisoned by them, I'm afraid it will be uncomfortable.

It will soon lose its fighting power, in case if it is hit by two poisons in a row, the two poisons will invade the body, and the two poisons will fuse together to become another stronger and more terrifying poison.

I'm afraid I have to explain it here.Even if they want to save them, it is extremely difficult.

"Tsk tsk!"

Seeing this, Su Jun gave a strange laugh, and waved his hand back.The wind seemed to have heard the call, and the poisonous mist of the two demons rolled back directly.

And a hurricane was formed, trapping the wild boar in it, and the strong wind even swept him into the air.

"It's over."

Centipede Jing and Snake Jing were a little desperate, because the boy on the opposite side was a little faster than them.It was only a matter of time before their fourth brother was recruited.


And at this moment, a three-pointed two-edged knife fell from the sky, directly splitting the hurricane into two.Then go away!

The wild boar spirit in it fell back to the ground.

He glared at Su Jun viciously for the first time, but he didn't make a move.Instead, he stood there respectfully with the centipede spirit and the snake spirit.

As if waiting for a great god to come.

At the same time, Su Jun's expression changed drastically.His eyes were fixed on the three-pointed double-edged knife that ruined his good deeds.

Without it, there seem to be only two people who used a three-pointed two-edged sword during the Journey to the West.And one of them is very famous, and the other has extremely terrifying strength.

Suddenly, Su Jun's mind flashed.When he looked at the Three Demons again, his eyes changed.

If he remembers correctly, among these two brothers, there is wild boar spirit, centipede spirit, and snake spirit.

Su Jun's face twitched, and he murmured: "No way! Isn't it bad luck?"

That's right, he had figured it out.The person who came was either Erlang God Yang Jian or Jin Dasheng.

Under Erlang Shen Yang Jian, there are six brothers.

They are Jin Dasheng (buffalo), Dai Li (dog), Zhu Zizhen (wild boar), Wu Long (centipede), Chang Hao (white snake), and Yang Xian (goat).

These six people were originally the six demons among the Seven Monsters of Meishan in the Conferred Gods.Their original boss was Yuan Hong.Yuan Hong and Erlang Shen Yang Jian practiced the same technique.

His strength is not inferior to Erlang God Yang Jian at all.

As for the other six people, they also have supernatural powers.Especially Jin Dasheng (buffalo), he is so powerful that he can spit out bezoar and smash people, and he holds a three-pointed two-edged knife in his hand, and rides a unicorn to meet the enemy.

After Dai Li was killed in battle, King Zhou's recruitment list was revealed, and against Xiqi, he killed the enemy with a three-pointed knife, and made a piece of bezoar in his abdomen, which was the size of a bowl, and sprayed it like a block of fire to hit the enemy. Lun, with high military strength, has fought with Yang Jian for more than [-] rounds.Yang Jian showed his prototype with a demon mirror, and when he was about to change and eat him, the empress Nuwa came and tied him up with a demon rope. The yellow scarf warrior pierced his nose and hit three hammers on his back with a copper hammer. After revealing his original shape, he was captured by Yang Jian and returned to Zhouying, and beheaded by Nangong Shi.After death, he was granted the post of "Sky Plague Star".

Wearing a gift (dog), spitting out a bowl-sized red bead (dog treasure), wounding people with a hundred steps, holding a pair of knives, and riding a horse to meet the enemy.

The dog spirit of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, after Zhu Zizhen was killed in battle, he revealed King Zhou's recruitment list and played against Xiqi.When fighting Nezha, use the red beads in his mouth to repel him.After fighting Yang Jian for more than [-] rounds, he was bitten by the Xiaotian dog and killed by Yang Jian with a single knife.After death, he was named the god of "Desolation Star".

Zhu Zizhen (wild boar) showed his original form and swallowed the enemy directly, holding a sword in his hand, fighting on foot without riding.

The pig spirit of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, with the appearance of Toutuo, after Wu Long, Chang Hao, and Wu Wenhua were killed successively, he revealed the list of recruiting talents of King Zhou, and faced Xiqi.Bitten and killed Zhou general Yu Zhong with the truth, and swallowed Yang Jian into his stomach, but Yang Jian used his tricks to cause a stomach upset in his body and forced him back to his original shape.Later, driven by Yang Jian in his belly, he entered the Zhou camp and was beheaded by Nangong Shi.After death, he was conferred the post of "Fu Duan Xing".

Wu Long (centipede) breathed out black mist to stun the enemy, turned into green smoke and fled, and danced with two swords on horseback.

The centipede spirit of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, followed Yuan Hong to reveal the list of talents recruited by King Zhou, and was named one of the pioneers. Against Xiqi, he stunned and killed Peng Zushou with poisonous gas.They were restrained one by one by Yang Jian with the technique of transformation.When confronting Nezha, he turned into a breeze and escaped from the Nine Dragons God Fire for the second time.Later, he was turned into a five-color rooster by Yang Jian, who was pecked to pieces and died.After death, he was conferred the post of "Broken Star".

Poetry: Black mist and wind are all over the sky, and Meishan spirits are boundless.Unexpectedly, it is difficult to forgive each other if it is difficult to cure, but it will turn into a thousand-year-old centipede.

Chang Hao (White Snake) breathed out poisonous gas to kill the enemy, turned into green smoke and fled, riding a horse with a gun.

The snake spirit of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, followed Yuan Hong to reveal the list of talents recruited by King Zhou, and was named one of the pioneers to face Xiqi.Yao Shuliang was stunned and killed with poisonous gas, but was restrained one by one by Yang Jian with the technique of transformation.When confronting Nezha, he turned into red light and escaped from the hood of Nine Dragons fire twice.Later, he was turned into a centipede by Yang Jian, flew on the white snake's head, cut two sections, and then chopped into several pieces, and was blasted to ashes by Wulei Jue and died.After death, he was conferred the post of "Knife Anvil Star".

Poetry: The black mist covers the sky and the earth, and the body is like snow to play with evil spirits.Shining light and stubbornness, Jiu and Meishan are old families.

Yang Xian (the goat) breathed out white light, covered the enemy and fixed him, so that the opponent could not move, and rode on the horse and waved his halberd.

Yang Jing, one of the Seven Monsters of Meishan, went to Mengjin to join the army on his own to fight against Xiqi.Fearing that the nemesis of the natural enemy would be restrained by Yang Jian with the technique of transformation; when confronting Yang Jian, he vomited a white light and covered it with the horse, and found that he was about to hurt Yang Jian, but Yang Jian transformed into a white-fronted tiger and killed him. Under Yang Jian's three-pointed knife.After death, he was granted the post of "anti-chanting star".

Psalm: The golden crown on the top is full of murderous spirit, and the willow leaf armor is hung with dragon scales.The firstborn's double horns are majestic, and the sound of the white face and long beard is thinner.Meishan evildoer Yangjing also went to Mengjin to die.Why bother to fall into a trap when everything is right and wrong.

And the three monsters in front of me are probably Zhu Zizhen (wild boar), Wu Long (centipede), and Chang Hao (white snake).

(End of this chapter)

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