Chapter 275 Yasukuni Toilet God
This means that if Lord Long thinks so too.He has a reason to kill everyone here.

Even including them.

No, they are even the ones who should be killed more.After all, they were the ones who sent it over, especially Kawabe, Major General Fujimoto, and Nanjiro.

After all, they were the ones who made it happen.

So, if this is an ambush, then they are the accomplices.Even the culprit!

Isn't that a crime worthy of death?

Thinking of this, Saito Erro, Nanjiro, Kawabe, and Major General Fujimoto all shuddered.Even Kana Fujiwara, who had been in love with Su Jun for three days, felt a chill in her heart.

She can't guarantee that the other party will miss the three-day love and the joy on the top of the cloud.

There's too much movement here.

Ordinary people may not feel it if they are farther away.But anyone who has some strength in cultivation can feel the change of spiritual energy here.

Everyone can't help but pay attention.

Among them are the major powerhouses in the practice world of the Japanese country.Everyone's complexion changed drastically, and they looked towards the military port.

There was a bit of horror in their eyes.

At this time, Konoe Wenmao came in front of the Emperor Showa in the Japanese imperial palace.His face was full of anxiety!
Emperor Showa frowned slightly.

You know, he has never seen Konoe Fumimaro like this.Because Fumimaro Konoe has always been steady, it must be a big deal for him to be like this.

He has a bad feeling!
Because if it is a good thing, the other party will not look anxious, but will have a happy face.


Emperor Showa took a deep breath, trying to calm himself down.Then he said: "Konwei Wenmao, what happened to you with your appearance? Could it be that the sky is falling?"

Konoe Wenmaro heard the words and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Your Majesty, this time it's almost like the sky is falling. Just now, there was a call from the military port. They said that it was the guys who persecuted His Majesty here before. First, let a group of juniors , found the Chinese man."


Emperor Showa was startled, he really didn't expect these guys to be so anxious.Go directly to the military port to block people!


Emperor Showa couldn't help cursing in a low voice, because this move really slapped him in the face.This person was invited by him, if you want to test it, you have to ask someone else to go to the palace to see him first.

Give a certain courtesy, and then test it!
This is the way of hospitality, and now we do it like this.How can the strong from other countries come here?

At this time, Emperor Showa was about to be blown up by these reckless men.

Konoe Fumimaro looked at Konoe Fumimaro cautiously, hesitant to speak
Emperor Showa felt even more uneasy when he saw Konoe Fumimaro like this.Immediately asked: "Don't stop talking, just talk about the military port, how is the situation?"


Jinwei Wenmao stabilized, and then said: "Your Majesty, at the beginning, that Chinese man was merciful. Although he also played a heavy hand, he didn't kill him. However, those guys are not relentless, and they are aggressive. The trick is to take someone's life. After completely angering him and running away, start unilaterally killing!"

"According to reports from Saito Jiro, Nanjiro, and Bai Linchuan on the battleship Nagato. Those who go include the three swordsmen who are the top three in the empire, and the strongest Rai Ren who can be ranked in the top ten in the empire. All have been killed."


Emperor Showa jumped up from his seat in shock, it wasn't that he didn't have a castle.But this news is too shocking, those guys, although it makes him very unhappy.

But there was one thing he couldn't deny.That is these people, but they are the state-level figures of the empire.Only when they are there, the powerful from other countries will not cause chaos in the empire.

If a person of this level dies, it would be a great loss to the empire.What's more, there are four at once, and the most important thing is that there are a group of young disciples.

Although those people are now, they are not yet at the national level.But all of them are the future of the empire!

Maybe among them, there will be one or two powerful people who will shake the country in the future.

When Konoe Fumimaro saw Emperor Showa like this, his heart trembled.You know, the Wa country in this period.But the emperor made a decision.

Rather than the mascot of later generations.That's like accompanying a king like a tiger!

He whispered: "Your Majesty, it's not just that. With one knife, the general port was cut in two!"

"What?" When Emperor Showa heard Konoe Fumimaro's words, it was as if he had heard the most incredible thing in his life.

Looking at Konoe Fumimaro with some doubts: "You say it again, what did you cut into two pieces with one knife?"

Seeing Emperor Showa like this, Konoe Fumimaro couldn't help but smile wryly: "Your Majesty is the entire military base!"

After finishing speaking, he added another sentence: "Your Majesty, when I first heard about this, my subordinates couldn't believe it. I checked with Saito Erro, Nanjiro, and Bai Linchuan again and again. However, they still replied me firmly. I think the three of them shouldn't make such a big joke with their subordinates together!"

After finishing speaking, he added a sentence: "And it's not just the three of Saito Jiro, Nanjiro, and Shirinagawa, and it's not just the navy on the battleship Nagato. There are also generals on other warships in the naval port. Power on Neg. What they said is not much different from Saito Jiro, Nanjiro, and Bai Linchuan."


Apparently Emperor Showa still couldn't believe it, looking at Fumimaro Konoe with some doubts in his eyes.Even looking at Fumimaro Konoe, he wondered if this guy was joking with him.

After a long time, he stared at Konoe Wenmaro and said word by word: "Did you know that the military port is made of reinforced concrete? Let alone people, it is impossible to destroy the general port with the largest caliber artillery in the empire. Not to mention the bombing of the military port in two."

That's right, in his heart, the strength of a practitioner is indeed very strong.

The strong ones are comparable to those of ordinary people, but they have not reached such a terrifying level.The appearance of the military port appeared in his mind.

Think about the size of the military port, and how strong the Xiangjun port is.It was hard for him to imagine what it would be like to cut it in half with a single knife.


Emperor Showa took a deep breath, things have come to this point.Even if it was hard to believe, he had to believe it.

At the same time, in my mind, I also understood why Fumima Konoe said before that it was almost like the sky falling.

Those idiots offended such a person to death.If it goes crazy in Tokyo, who can hide it?
Those people in the practice world?
It's not that he doesn't understand those people.That man could really cut the general port in two with one knife, and those people would deliver food as many times as they went.

Except for a few more corpses at the military port, there is no other possibility.

Emperor Showa couldn't help but frown, because he was thinking, if such a strong man would lose control once.

What should I do?
After all, it's too late to punish those bastards now.Can only think of a solution, Emperor Showa couldn't help looking in the direction of the Yasukuni Shrine.

If it is said that the empire really has someone who can deter a strong person of this level.It's not that there is no. He is the god who blesses the empire.

(End of this chapter)

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