Chapter 220

This is a Japanese general!

And he is still a general with real power!

Xie Jiuye couldn't help but take a deep breath, and only then did he understand.Su Jun, that is, Lord Long, has such a high status in the hearts of the Japanese.

Even a sent person like him can get such treatment.

It is conceivable that once Lord Long comes, what position will he be in.I'm afraid, everyone here should respect it!
At this time, Major General Teng Yuan immediately asked: "Jie Jun, I wonder when Your Excellency Long Jun will arrive?"

Master Xie Jiu shook his head: "I don't know, he just told me. He asked me to come to the headquarters of the Kwantung Army to look for him today."

He paused at this point, and then added: "But I think he will arrive soon! Otherwise, he wouldn't have given me such orders."

"It's here too!"

Hearing Xie Jiuye's words, Major General Fujiyuan couldn't help but nodded.Nanjiro, Shirakawa Rin, and Kawabe looked at each other.

I feel more at ease in my heart, because they think so too.

Then Nanjiro winked at Major General Fujimoto.

Major General Fujiyuan immediately understood, and said with a smile on his face: "Please come in quickly, Mr. Xie! Let's wait for the arrival of Mr. Long in the headquarters together!"

Master Xie Jiu shook his head: "I'm sorry, Lord Long hasn't arrived yet. I dare not enter. I have to wait outside the door for Lord Long to arrive. Otherwise, it would be disrespectful to Lord Long!"

"Ah this."

Nanjiro, Major General Fujimoto, Rin Shirakawa, and Kawabe couldn't help but look at each other.After all, if the person in front of him insisted on waiting at the door.

So what are they going to do?
Waiting at the door too?
It's one thing to come out to greet you, but another thing to stand obediently at the door and wait.These are two different treatments
The former can express the importance of the visitor, but the latter is usually the etiquette for subordinates to greet their superiors.

So, is it appropriate to stand here and wait?

Then wouldn't they become the subordinates of Lord Long?

At this time, Major General Fujimoto, Rin Shirakawa, and Kawabe all had their eyes on Nanjiro.Because they also thought of this, but now they don't have the power to make decisions.

Because the one who calls the shots can only be Nanjiro.

Nanjiro couldn't help frowning when he heard the words, it would be fine if it was just Major General Fujimoto, Rin Shirakawa, and Kawabe.But who is he?

Commander of Kanto-kun, General of the Empire!He is the highest authority in China!

How noble is the status?
To some extent, here he even represents the entire empire.But if he didn't wait, then what the person in front of An meant was disrespect.

If it was before, it doesn't matter.You should be grateful for the etiquette to greet you when you go out. How dare you have other ideas?

But now
"Huh" Nanjiro took a deep breath.

After careful consideration, Nanjiro chose to wait at the door.At the same time, I felt a little regretful, and I was a little impatient just now.

But it's too late to say anything now.

Nanjiro smiled faintly: "Then we will wait for Dragon Lord's arrival at the door with Mr. Xie. To show the importance and respect of our Great Japanese Empire to Dragon Lord!"

Seeing this, Xie Jiuye saluted immediately.To show respect!

But he secretly said in his heart: "It seems that I still underestimated the status of Lord Long in the eyes of these little devils!"

He made such a decision just now, in addition to the respect for Dragon Lord in his heart.Also have a tentative mentality!

Now, the answer she got really shocked her to the extreme.

Inoue: "."

His little adjutant was completely dumbfounded, and there was only one question in his mind, and that was who was this Dragon Lord!
Unexpectedly, General Nanjiro, the No. 1 general of the empire in China, is here personally waiting for his arrival.

The emperor and prime minister of the empire have come, and that's it!

But at this time, the wind gradually picked up.First of all, the breeze is blowing on the face, which makes people very comfortable.But slowly, the corners of the clothes were blown up.

Then her hair was all thrown back, and the clothes on her body were blown and rattled.


Whether it's Nanjiro, Major General Fujiwara, Rin Bai Chuan, Kawabe, or Inoue.Even Xie Jiuye was stunned.

Because the wind is too weird.


Immediately afterwards, they discovered that the sky had also darkened a little.Instinctively looked up to the sky!
I saw a dark cloud floating over their heads at some unknown time.The sun in the sky has been covered.

It is difficult for sunlight to pass through the string.

Moreover, the color of the dark clouds is rapidly becoming larger and thicker.Because soon, the entire city was shrouded in it.The sunshade is completely blocked.

The sky darkened in an instant, as if it was already evening.


Everyone was shocked, because it looked like it was going to rain heavily!However, it came too fast, too suddenly.

Even if it is a thunderstorm, at least there are some signs before that!

As large as a cloud is, it's unlikely that it would appear out of nowhere.But before that, it was sunny and sunny, and there was not even a single dark cloud in the sky.

It was as if the dark cloud really appeared out of thin air.


In the next second, a flash of lightning flashed through the dark clouds.Immediately afterwards, there was a thunder!
But this is not the key, after all, seeing this dark cloud like ink.They already understood that there must be heavy rain next.

And in this season, there is almost always thunder and lightning when there is heavy rain.

The key is, at the moment when the flash of light flashes.The thunder and lightning illuminated the dark clouds, and within the dark clouds, there was a huge creature walking among them.

If they're not mistaken, it's a dragon!

That's right, it's a dragon!

And at this moment, Nanjiro's expression changed drastically.Because this time, it was a Chinese dragon that wiped out the powerful and genius of the empire.

However, that Dragon Lord subdued a dragon.

From his point of view, who is strong and who is weak is already clear at a glance.That's why he wanted to win over Su Jun at all costs.

However, now the dragon above the head.How do I know whether it is those divine dragons or the mount of the Dragon Lord?
Although, the mount of Dragon Lord may be bigger.But what if?
Now there is no strong person guarding the headquarters, if this is the dragon, that includes him.The entire headquarters will be beaten to ashes.


Nanjiro swallowed.Not only him, Major General Fujiyuan, Bai Chuanlin, and Hebian also put their hearts into their throats.

I'm afraid it's not Long Jun who came!

And at this moment, a dragon chant shook the entire city in the air.Then, under Su Jun's command, Qing Ling flew towards the headquarters.


When it reaches a certain height, everyone on the ground can already see a person standing above the dragon's head.Although because of the distance, I still can't see the face clearly.

But everyone breathed a sigh of relief.Because, the one who can stand on top of the dragon's head must be the dragon group. The guy who killed the powerful and geniuses of the empire with his own power.

Absolutely will not tolerate someone standing over his head.

(End of this chapter)

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