The Awakening of the Celestial Master: Start Kowloon Pulling the Coffin and Killing Zombies

Chapter 140 February Red: I Always Feel Something Isn't Right

Chapter 140 Er Yuehong: I Always Feel Something Is Not Right
Following the system prompt, Su Jun also completely transformed the pair of devils into zombies.

No, to be precise, it was transformed into a half-ghost, half-zombie existence.That is, ghouls, which are a special kind of existence.Inherited all the strengths of ghosts and zombies.

This made the pair of ghosts who were already talented even stronger.

Most importantly, one transforms into.There is a mysterious connection between Su Jun and this pair of devils.That's why, the pair of ghosts have already regarded him as the father of ghosts.

Just like, they used to obey the ghost mother.

Su Jun stroked the girl's belly and comforted her at the same time: "Don't move, my good boy! Don't hurt this woman!"

As if responding to him, the girl's stomach moved again.However, the action is much smaller than before.Girl, it's not so painful anymore.

Su Jun immediately stroked the girl's belly again, and continued to comfort him: "Don't worry, my child. The midwife will come in a while, and you will be able to come out by then. Be good."

Zhang Qishan, Qi Tiezui, and Wu Laogou watched Su Jun's hand stroking the girl's belly non-stop.Everyone's faces are a little weird!
After all, this is the age.He was still very conservative, even if he knew in his heart that Su Jun was saving lives.


Old Dog Wu couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and then said: "Master Buddha, Qi Tiezui, do you want to tell Er Yuehong about this?"

Zhang Qishan: "."

Qi Tiezui: "."

Both of them were speechless, and turned to look at Old Dog Wu.Then they said in unison: "If you are not afraid of being beaten, just say so!"

Old Dog Wu: "."

He was also speechless, and finally shook his head: "Forget it, I didn't see anything."

Then his face changed slightly, as if he had thought of something, he added: "Did you see just now that when the female ghost was killed, the jade bracelet on the second master's hand was also broken?"

Zhang Qishan and Qi Tiezui's expressions changed when they heard the words.Because they saw it too, they immediately looked at each other.

Finally, Qi Tiezui said: "Since the day you broke through the limit and successfully stepped into the martial arts, Buddha, it seems that the world has become different. Those boys who went to the grave in the past, although they also encountered some evil things. However, they are rarely encountered. And the ones encountered are not too difficult to deal with. It takes several years to encounter one that will cause a large number of deaths."

"But recently, as long as you go to the tomb in a few places, you will encounter some evil things. And the ratio of dead people is surprisingly high, almost accounting for half. There have been seven or eight deaths in a large number. The strength of the nine sects , have dropped a lot because of this. Now, few dare to go to the grave."

How could Zhang Qishan not know about this?

He couldn't help but nodded, among the three, he was not the one who had the deepest understanding of this.When he was cultivating that day, he suddenly felt a strong and warm force pouring into his body.

Let him wash his tendons and cut his marrow, and successfully stepped into the martial arts.Later I learned that Er Yuehong was the same.At that time, he had speculated.After all, on the same day and at the same time, the chance of two people feeling a power tank at the same time is too small.

Almost negligible.Therefore, there must be a reason for things to happen, but they have been unable to find them.

The words of Zhang Qishan, Qi Tiezui, and Wu Laogou naturally fell into Su Jun's ears.Finally, he took a deep look at Zhang Qishan and reminded him: "The world in the future will become more and more dangerous. You will definitely encounter things like today. Improve your strength! Otherwise, in the future, you will not be able to connect with the people around you." Even my friends can't protect me."

While talking, Su Jun looked up at the sky, and murmured: "This world has changed, and demons and ghosts will inevitably appear frequently. This is a crisis, but also an opportunity! Because human beings also have the opportunity to become immortals and ancestors. Open it for us once!"

"What?" Zhang Qishan, Qi Tiezui, and Wu Laogou exclaimed in unison.

His eyes were filled with disbelief.It was as if he had heard the most incredible thing in this world.

They felt a little ridiculous, where did the gods come from in this world?

But I immediately laughed at the female ghost before, think about it carefully, if the female ghost is real.It seems that it is not surprising that there are gods, right?

"Girl...Girl! The midwife is here"

I saw Er Yuehong flying in with an old woman.Then he came in front of the girl and Su Jun.

He looked at Su Jun, then at the girl.When he saw Su Jun's hand on the girl's stomach, he frowned slightly.Even a man would not be able to accept this.

However, he loves the girl more than anything else.So, ignore this directly.

Looking at Su Jun with a worried face, he said, "The midwife is here, girl, is she okay?"

Su Jun nodded: "Don't worry! The two little devils in her belly have been subdued by me. Now I only need a midwife to deliver the two children. Then, she won't have to worry about her life!"

"It's just that the body has suffered a lot and needs to be recuperated. It's not a big problem to live another fifteen or sixteen years."

"Fifteen or sixteen years?"

Er Yuehong was taken aback for a moment, then her face changed drastically.You know, how old is his girl!
Su Jun glanced at him: "She is lucky to survive after going through this. Do you still expect her to recover? You know, when a woman gives birth to a child, her body will be hurt if she doesn't sit properly. a ghost?"

Er Yuehong was silent, because he couldn't refute Su Jun's words.

Su Jun didn't care about him, but said to the midwife who was still in shock: "Hurry up! If you don't follow up, I'm afraid I won't survive."


Er Yuehong also came to her senses, now nothing is as important as this.Immediately said to the midwife: "Hurry up and deliver the baby to my girl, and rest assured that I will give you the reward that I promised, and I will most definitely not miss you."

“good good”

Upon hearing the reward, the midwife nodded frantically.There was no way, Er Yuehong offered too much remuneration, and she couldn't refuse it at all.Don't talk about picking up another child, just picking up a ghost fetus will do.

So, she signaled Er Yuehong to carry her into the house.

Er Yuehong picked up the girl and walked into the house, Su Jun followed closely behind.

The midwife said to the two: "Go out! You men are not needed to have a baby."

At the same time, he glanced at Su Jun strangely, and said to himself, "Who is this person? Why did he come in?"

At the next sentence, her jaw almost dropped in shock.

Su Jun said to Er Yuehong with a face of approval: "The midwife is right, men can't help you with this matter, you go out!"


The midwife's expression was very strange, it was really crazy these days.How can a woman give birth to a child, drive her husband out of the house, and keep it for herself?

Is it possible that this child is yours?
Er Yuehong couldn't help herself, this is his woman, okay?
If you want to stay, it's not your turn!
Su Jun pointed at the girl's big and outrageous belly: "If I don't stay, who can appease them?"

Er Yuehong: "."

This is the reason, but I always feel that something is not right!

(End of this chapter)

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