Developing the adventures of Lolo, sister Zhou is crazy!

Chapter 43 Teacher Ma breaks the defense, streaming video flashes! (3 more! Begging for a monthly pa

Chapter 43 Teacher Ma breaks the defense, streaming video flashes! (Third watch! Begging for a monthly pass!!)

Teacher Ma's expression and demeanor at this time made the audience laugh out loud!
"Haha, Mr. Ma has completely broken his defense~"

"Laughing, in a sense, it seems that Mr. Jiang really stabbed Mr. Ma in the back~"

"Ms. Ma just thought that the official version of King of Warcraft will not be released for a while, hey, Mr. Jiang will be released tonight~"

"Hahaha, it's a good thing for Sister Zhou and the players that Mecha King can inherit the trial game data, but it's not friendly to Teacher Ma~"

"At the end of the day, Mr. Ma is too naughty and insists on making some showy operations."

"Leave the sadness to yourself, and leave the happiness to the audience. Teacher Ma, I am convinced~~"

"Hahaha, I don't know how Mr. Jiang will react when he finds out about this."

Seeing Teacher Ma covering his heart and saying that he was stabbed in the back by Jiang Luo.

The audience couldn't help laughing.

Many viewers left messages on Jiang Luo's bib.

[The owner gets from... Popularity +999! 】



Jiang Luo didn't know what happened at first.

I received a notice that the popularity value has skyrocketed.

There is also a news reminder that the comment area of ​​his bib has increased dramatically.

After clicking to open it.

He came to see Mr. Ma's live broadcast room and immediately understood.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma, it's not my fault."

"Who told you to be so stupid~"

The corners of Jiang Luo's mouth curled up slightly.

If it wasn't for Teacher Ma's coquettish operation, it wouldn't be like this now.

Whether the official version is released earlier or the official version inherits the trial version data.

It's a good thing for players.

Early release means that you can play it earlier, and players are of course looking forward to it.

Inherit the data from the trial version.

It also allows players to play the trial version first and inherit the data later when they do not have a hard drive large enough.

No matter how you look at it, it's a good thing.

But for Mr. Ma, it's not a good thing.

Teacher Ma, who originally wanted to eat more traffic, encountered the release of the official version just after transforming into a female character.

After the release, there is no way to change the role, it is really miserable~
"Actually, it's common sense."

"What Mr. Ma thinks is indeed not a problem."

Normally, the official version will not be released so soon, and there is no big problem with Mr. Ma's thinking.

Including so many tricks that Mr. Ma did in the game.

If it is carried out purely according to the game concept, many of them are still feasible.

It's a pity that all the robots in the Robot Warlord game are flesh and blood, and Mr. Ma was cheated by his routine.

Moreover, due to the existence of the system.

All of this was beyond reason~
After breaking the defense with heartache, Teacher Ma.

Put on the virtual helmet again and wear the somatosensory clothing.

"It's okay, brothers."

"No problem!"

"I still say that, maybe after waiting for a few hours, I will go out."

"Since Mr. Jiang has set up such a route for a female character, he must not just be sealed in the crystal like this."

"As long as you have patience, you will definitely be able to wait until you go out."

"Watch me show my brothers a good show, how to use female characters to unify the world of King of Warlords!"

Teacher Ma re-entered the game.

I am very motivated and want to clear the game with female characters.

Just into the game.

His expression instantly became constipated.

It is impossible to enter this kind of VR holographic game without wearing a body-sensing suit and a virtual helmet.

But after wearing it like this...all the feelings will be empathized.

Teacher Ma felt like he was sealed up, unable to move or go to the toilet, unless he wanted to quit the game.

This feeling is really unbearable!

But Teacher Ma firmly believes that he should be able to go out soon!

Jiang Luo saw Teacher Ma competing with the sealed crystal.

"Mr. Ma, Mr. Ma."

"Should I tell you that you will be locked until the end of the game."

"It's even close to the finale~"

Jiang Luo thought about it.

I still don't think so.

Otherwise, Teacher Ma might break his defense in an instant!
Teacher Ma competes with the sealed crystal in various ways.

Every moment he felt that the time he could go out might be the next second.

However, he can only feel the sealed crystal, turning and turning...

After PDD and Xiaomei Xiaotuantuan finished the game.

Also try to copy sister Zhou's homework.

See if you can survive the breakout of the City of Time.

At this time, sister Zhou had almost arrived at the Moon God Temple.

Hot Wheels looked like it was floating.

"It was really dangerous before."

"Fortunately, I have my Nine Heavens Thunder on both feet, otherwise I really wouldn't be able to get out."

Sister Zhou just felt speechless.

"Forget it, Hot Wheels."

"Your Nine Heavens Thunder Pedals are not lethal, they are game data... Ahem, it's just something I made up now."

"Huh? Is that so?"

Hot Wheels was a little confused.

Thunderbolt was talking on the side.

"Lolo, it was such a good opportunity last night, why did you let me let the golden iron beast go?"

Sister Zhou felt like vomiting blood when she heard it.

let go?

Please, you have to beat the Golden Iron Beast first with Human Torch!

The audience couldn't help laughing.

"666, Thunderbolt redefines the word 'let go'."

"Haha, it seems that Thunderbolt will float away when it has the fighting energy. It's time to forget that it was troublesome to deal with the blue iron beast before."

"Now I'm thinking about challenging the gold iron beast~"

"Hahaha, this isn't just a fight with the gold iron beast, it's a fight with the gold iron beast and the purple iron beast~"

Sister Zhou also hurriedly asked Pilihuo to stop such dangerous thoughts.

"Hey, Human Torch, don't even think about challenging the Golden Iron Beast by yourself."

"Although your combat level has improved a lot, you are still no match for the Golden Iron Beast."

"Not to mention there is a purple iron beast next to it, we will definitely lose if we really fight!"

This is the only powerful character she can control now.

Can't let Thunderbolt Huolang die.

"I see."

"Then it seems that I have to further improve the combat level."

Sister Zhou nodded in agreement.

"Yes, upgrades are important at any time!"

Sister Zhou was also in a good mood when she saw that the Temple of the Moon God was approaching soon.

Find the vanguard, and the crisis in the city of time can be solved!

Hot Wheels thought about it.

"Thunderbolt, we went all the way to the Temple of the Moon God to find the Vanguard."

"Will he help us?"

Human Torch was silent for a while.

"Actually, I'm also worried about this issue."

"Our locomotive family is now divided, even if we really found the vanguard."

"I don't know if he will help."

Sister Zhou spoke directly.

"Don't worry, Vanguard will definitely help."

Hot Wheels felt strange.


Sister Zhou is full of confidence.

"Because the information shows...ahem, because I know Vanguard."

"Vanguard is very enthusiastic and likes to fight against injustices. He will definitely not stand idly by in this kind of thing."

Hot Wheels and Thunderbolt can only believe so for now.

Miss Zhou was still talking.

"When the Vanguard is found, he and the Human Torch will be able to launch a joint attack stunt, Liuying Lightning Flash."

"At that time, we will definitely be able to defeat the golden iron beast!"

Hot Wheels listened.

"Streaming Flash, it seems to sound pretty cool."

"It's just a little bit away from my Nine Heavens Thunder Pedals."

Sister Zhou just felt speechless.

Almost hit the dirt bag and overturned the car.

Hot Wheels, don't compare your Nine Heavens Thunder Pedals with Liuying Lightning Flash, okay?
Just when sister Zhou wanted to say something.

Thunderbolt suddenly noticed something.

"Lolo, Hot Wheels, look ahead!"

(End of this chapter)

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