Developing the adventures of Lolo, sister Zhou is crazy!

Chapter 255: The Beast Clan Also Becomes a Battle King!Tyrannosaurus God's temperament changed

Chapter 255: The Beast Clan Also Becomes a Battle King!Tyrannosaurus God's temperament changed drastically? !

"The ferocious beast clan also has an opportunity to fight the king?!"

Thunderbolt and the others were shocked.

Never thought that there is such a thing!

And now the strong men of the older generation are all dead.

They are the original younger generation.

Didn't even know about it!
All eyes turned to Miss Zhou.

Miss Zhou nodded.

"That's right, the Beast Clan also has the King of War, and it's already been released by the Tyrannosaurus God!"

"Now the Tyrannosaur Army has obtained all the energy amethysts, and their strength is astonishing."

Sister Zhou couldn't help but sighed.

"Although supersonic and tornado."

"I have practiced the Tianyu Dragon Slaying Dance."

"But our chances of defeating the Tyrannosaurus God are still very small!"

I have to face the NPC King of Beasts.

There is also the Tyrannosaurus God who has all the energy amethysts.

This is too hell difficult!

Human Torch thought for a while.

"I heard that the Tiger King is now attacking the blue poisonous beast."

"The orcs are so disunity, we may still have hope."

Vanguard also echoed Thunderbolt.

"That's right, our bikers are now united like never before."

"In addition, Thunderbolt and I have also practiced the combined attack stunt, Liuying Lightning Flash!"

"It may not be possible to fight to the death with them!"

Sister Zhou just felt a little bit hopeful.

Just listen to what Batian said.

"However, I haven't practiced the polar sandstorm with Shockwave yet."

"I'm not sure about the direction."

Miss Zhou:? ? ?
Now, sister Zhou's mentality suddenly collapsed again!
"No, Libatian, Shockwave."

"I went to Snow Wind City for a run, and I came back from practicing Tianyu Dragon Slaying Dance."

"You haven't practiced your combination skills yet??"

"It seems that without the guidance of me, the fighter king, you really can't do it!"

see this scene.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help complaining one by one.

"Good guy, Zhou Shufen, you are so shameless!"

"Haha, I'm ashamed to say that I can't do it without you, the king of fighters."

"Sister Zhou, you forgot that when you were dealing with the Tyrannosaurus God, you couldn't use the combination attack stunt, and when you were defeated by the Tyrannosaurus God Group and killed the five generals~"

"Mr. Jiang is the real machine fighter king, Zhou Shufen, you are also the fake machine fighter king~"

"Laughing to death, hide the chapter, true and false machine fighter king!"

The live broadcast room is full of complaints and joy.

Sister Zhou couldn't help but feel a little depressed when she saw this.

Even more unconvinced.

Brothers, let you see next.

What is a real fighter king!
Hearing that Li Batian and the others haven't practiced their joint strike skills yet.

Tornado couldn't help laughing too.

"Hahahaha, Li Batian."

"It must be because you listened to Hot Wheels' ghost idea."

"So it didn't work out~"

Now, Hot Wheels was a little unconvinced.

"Hey, Tornado."

"What are you talking about?"

"If it wasn't for my Hot Wheels thinking of a good way."

"Let's not talk about combined attack skills, they can't even let out a fart!"

While talking, Fenghuolun looked at Li Batian.

"Do you think so, Li Batian?"

Li Batian said naively.

"Well, I never fart."

Hot Wheels: ...

This time, Hot Wheels almost fell down!
The audience couldn't help laughing out loud when they saw this scene.

Li Batian is too honest!

The one who can make Hot Wheels speechless is probably overpowering~
Sister Zhou saw this.

"Okay, it seems that the final decisive moment of this game is coming."

"Come on, let's hurry up."

"Practice the combination attack first!"

The barrage audience in the live broadcast room laughed one after another.

"Practice combined attack stunts?"

"Haha, don't talk about chickens, civilized you and me!"

"Brother in front, how do you know that this is not intentional by sister Zhou~"

"Hahaha, I have to say, it is indeed possible~"

The live broadcast room is full of joy.

And Thunderbolt and the others are still full of confidence.

"Well, under the leadership of our locomotive clan fighter king."

"Our motorcycle clan will definitely be able to defeat the beast clan again!"

"That's right, defeat the beast clan!"

"Defeat the Beast Clan!!"

The morale of the motorcycle race was very high at this time.

This can be regarded as the last spiritual comfort for sister Zhou.

Sister Zhou hurriedly practiced the combination attack stunt.

Especially practicing the combination of Libatian and Shockwave's extreme extreme sandstorm!
If the house-stealing is done well, maybe she still has hope of winning!
And at this time in the half-screen CG screen.

Tyrannosaurus God has already returned to the capital of the undead.


"With the energy amethyst, I will soon be able to unify the world!"

Tyrannosaurus God laughed.

Very proud.

Zilong Beast is in front of Tyrannosaurus God.

"Marshal, there is one thing I don't quite understand."

"Hahaha, there are many things you don't understand, Purple Dragon Beast!"

"Tell me what you don't understand!"

Zilong Beast thought for a while.

"Why did the marshal suddenly abandon Energy City?"

Tyrannosaurus God spoke directly.

"Hmph, how stupid!"

"We have taken all the energy amethysts."

"What's the use value of that energy city?"

"As long as the token is in my hand, there will be one more city and one less city."

"What's the difference?"

Viewers in the live broadcast room see here.

I just feel that the Tyrannosaurus Dragon God seems a little weird.

Zilong Beast finally spoke.

"Well, I have the token for defending the city."

"It is indeed much easier to attack a city."

And this time.

An ice wolf came in to report.

"Report to Marshal, there is news from the blue poisonous beast."

"The Tiger King is leading the army to attack the Thunder Palace, please call for emergency rescue!"

Tyrannosaurus God said.

"The Tiger King is indeed not dead!"

Zilong Beast was a little puzzled.

"But even if the Tiger King is not dead, where did he get the army?"

Report from the ice wolf beast.

"Report to the Marshal."

"The Tiger King borrowed half of the army of black iron beasts from the wild orangutan."

"The fighting power is amazing!"

This time, Tyrannosaurus God felt a little surprised.


"The Wild Gorilla is willing to lend his army to the Tiger King."

"Could they have reconciled?"

Zilong Beast couldn't help talking.

"That's unlikely, Tiger King and Wild Heart are rivals."

"It can't be reconciled all of a sudden."

"However, the Tiger King's personal strength is already higher than that of the Blue Poisonous Beast."

"Combined with the army of black iron beasts, the blue poisonous beast will not last long."

Tyrannosaurus God nodded.

"Yes, the Tiger King is stronger than the Blue Poisonous Beast."

"And he is familiar with the terrain of Thunder Palace."

"Although the blue poisonous beast has a defense token, it probably won't last long."

Zilong Beast was a little anxious.

"If the Thunder Palace is reoccupied by the Tiger King, and he joins forces with the Wild Gorilla."

"Then our situation is a little bit bad."

"Marshal, do you want me to lead the troops to reinforce the blue poisonous beast!"

(End of this chapter)

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