Developing the adventures of Lolo, sister Zhou is crazy!

Chapter 253 Double increase in favorability!The King of Beasts has been released!

Chapter 253 Double increase in favorability!The King of Beasts has been released!

Tyrannosaurus has already flown into Fire Dragon Valley and got all the energy amethysts?
Both tornadoes and supersonics feel a little weird.

"Lolo, how do you know?"

Sister Zhou just wanted to say if I still don’t know.

Judging from the current clues, the NPC Beast Fighter King here has clearly been unsealed!

Otherwise, I will be matched with the player's beast clan machine fighter king!

Supersonic looked around.

"Could it be that Tyrannosaurus God is playing an empty city trick?"

Sister Zhou heard it.

Good guy, big Sonic bro.

You know a lot, even the empty city plan!
"If you don't believe me, let's go to Fire Dragon Valley to have a look."

"it is good!"

Sonic and Tornado agree.

And Sister Zhou flew behind the Fire Dragon Valley in a tornado.

"Look, the lava here has indeed turned into water!"

After learning about Jiang Luo's live broadcast quickly.

Sister Zhou has already seen that after Jiang Luo took all the energy amethysts in Fire Dragon Valley.

The entire false magma layer has also become water.

This is enough to show that her current energy amethyst has also been taken by someone else!
"It's really weird."

"Let's fly down and have a look!"

The tornado didn't give up, and wanted to fly down immediately.

Supersonic was a little surprised.

"What, fly down?"

"There's water below, how do you get down!"

The Tornado rarely finds an opportunity to tease the Sonics.

"Hahaha, supersonic speed."

"I'm flying down now."

"Do you dare to come along~"

Sister Zhou also said something.

"Supersonic, this layer of water is just an illusion."

"Just follow along."

"What, phantom?!"

The Sonics felt a little unbelievable.

But after seeing the tornado fly in.

Still flew in.

The tornado was even more surprised when it came under the original false magma layer.

"Now this Fire Dragon Valley."

"How did it become an underwater world!"

Tornado looks into the distance.


"The original energy amethyst mine has also turned yellow!"

Sister Zhou spoke directly.

"That's it?"

"Tornado, you are making too much fuss, learn more from me!"

Sister Zhou said that she learned everything from Jiang Luo's live broadcast room.

Now it can be said that it has been predicted!

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help laughing.

"Haha, sister Zhou is now in fashion~"

"I went shopping, but I got there late, and the boss said it was packed~"

"Zhou Shufen can now show off with Tornado and Supersonic."

"The scene of being violently beaten by the NPC beast clan machine fighter king, I'm afraid it will come soon~"

Supersonic heard what Tornado had to say.

"It must have been taken away by the Tyrannosaurus God and others from the energy amethyst."

"Is this the entrance to the legendary Fire Dragon Valley?"

Tornado nodded.


The Sonics can't wait.

"The sealed stone gate has been opened, let's go in and have a look!"

Tornado hastily reminded.

"Be careful, there may be dragons inside!"

Sister Zhou waved her hand directly.

"It will definitely not happen this time."

"Once the energy amethyst is taken, the dragons here will automatically dissipate."

"A dragon with a hammer!"

Supersonic thought about it.

"I think we'd better be careful."

The three of them entered the opened sealed stone gate.


Not only the energy amethyst on the outside, but also all the inside is gone.

"It seems that Tyrannosaurus God they have put all the energy in amethyst."

"It's all collected."

"The mines here have all turned yellow."

But Supersonic felt a little puzzled.

"How could Tyrannosaurus and the others do it in such a short period of time."

"Just take away all the energy amethysts?"

It wasn't long before the Tyrannosaurus God snatched the token of Snow Wind City.

How could all this be so fast!

Tornado is also very puzzled.

"Yes, and their army left immediately."

"It's really puzzling."

Sister Zhou just wanted to say why else.

The King of Machine Wars can collect the energy here with one click!

Tornado noticed something again at this time.

"Why does this crystal look so much like a person?"

Supersonic also looked over.

"That's right, and it's in the shape of a girl."

The supersonics found something on the soles of their feet.

"What is this?"

"Student card?"

"What is a student ID card??"

Sister Zhou is almost numb.

"Student ID card is a proof issued to students!"

"Then what's the use of the student ID card?"

Sister Zhou couldn't hold back anymore.

"Fuck, why are you two hundred thousand!"

"Obviously, the owner of this student card."

"It's the King of Battle of the Beast Clan!"

Sister Zhou is now fully aware that what she has to deal with is now mainly the NPC fighter king of the Beast clan.

Although more than half of the student ID card was burnt, I couldn't see it clearly.

But she already knew its name.


A classmate of her Lolo character in the game setting.

At the same time, it is also the No.1 of the school-level electronic competition in the setting!
"What, the fighter king of the Beast Clan?!"

The tornado and the supersonic were shocked together.

"The Beast Clan, do you also have the King of War?!"

Both Tornado and Sonic are unaware of all this.

If it is their master generation, maybe it will be clear.

The two of them are completely unheard of!

"Of course."

"Whoever said that only the locomotive clan has the battle king, isn't that unfair to the beast clan."

"The ferocious beast clan also has the opportunity to fight the king!"

"She was trapped in this red crystal before, but now she is free!"

Sister Zhou showed off everything she knew from Mr. Jiang's live broadcast room.

Now the Beast Clan King of War on her side has obviously been released.

Next, it's a bit difficult to fight!

And Tornado and Supersonic Qiqi admired Sister Zhou very much.

"Lolo, you really know too much!"

"Well, I now believe that you are really the king of the motorcycle race."

"Lolo, under your leadership, our motorcycle clan will definitely defeat the beast clan!"

[Player Zhou Shufen (who uses the default nickname Lolo) and Supersonic's friendliness has been upgraded to enthusiasm! 】

[Player Zhou Shufen (who uses the default nickname Lolo) has upgraded her friendship with Tornado to Loyalty! 】

I go!

Sister Zhou didn't expect that she would pretend like this.

He actually increased his favorability?
This is simply bloody money!

"Lolo, what should we do now?"

"What else can I do, now the energy city has become an empty city."

"Of course we should go back to the City of Time before making any plans!"

Tornado thought about it.

"Alright, there are still many outstanding partners waiting for us."

Supersonic asked a question.


"Yes, he is the life-and-death partner of our motorcycle race."

"It's your partner too!"

The three are going to the City of Time.

The mines of such a large energy amethyst were all taken by the Tyrannosaurus God.

Sister Zhou still felt that it was not worth it.

But there is no way, no one has done anything.

Sister Zhou can only rush to the City of Time at full speed!

(End of this chapter)

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