Developing the adventures of Lolo, sister Zhou is crazy!

Chapter 2 "King of Machine Wars" is released, and sister Zhou is stunned! (seeking a month

Chapter 2 "King of Machine Wars" is released, and sister Zhou is stunned! (seeking a monthly ticket)
[The holographic trial version of "King of War". 】

[Quota available for experience: 5. 】

[Popularity required for the full version of King of War: 2000 million. 】

The holographic trial version of King of Warfare has been successfully produced, but there are only 5 people who can experience it.

Jiang Luo frowned.

If this goes on, up to five players can experience the game.

How long will it take to accumulate enough popularity to make the full version?

"System, is there a way to expand the number of people who can experience the trial version?"

[Returning to the master, the number of places to experience the holographic trial version of "King of Warcraft" is fixed, and the system has no right to modify it. 】

Jiang Luo had a flash of inspiration.

"Then can I add the limit I made to these five places?"

[Return to master, yes. 】

In this case, it is easy to handle!

Jiang Luo locked the receiving limit of these five quotas.

Only big anchors with more than one million followers can claim it!

Since the acquisition of popularity is for players to play games or watch related videos of anchors.

When there were only five places in the trial version.

Through the live broadcast of other anchors, the publicity effect and popularity can be better achieved.

Only those big anchors are eligible to receive these five places, so as to maximize their profits!

After the setup is complete.

Jiang Luo looked at the plot of the holographic trial version of the mobile phone King of War.

In the plot of the trial version, Thunderbolt used Thunder Half Moon Slash to kill the Cyan Iron Beast.

After that, together with Lolo Hot Wheels, I went to the Temple of the Moon to find the vanguard to move the rescuers.

The process is relatively short.

But with this, the players can already be completely attracted!
The trial version of the game is fine.

But there is still a publicity problem to be solved, the game CG!

This is an important part of a game's impression.

Jiang Luo learned that the production of CG does not require popularity points, and the clips do not need to be completely intercepted from the demo version.

That would be much easier.

Once you cut out those high-burning scenes from the original work, the effect will definitely explode!

After cutting the CG, Jiang Luo chose to release it.

【Ding! The holographic demo version of "King of War" was successfully released on the G fat platform! 】


"It's time to quietly wait for the harvest."


Funny Fish TV.

Zhou Shufen, the main anchor of "Barry's Leftover Mother".

League of Legends is live.

Sister Zhou's technique is still good.

However, the early stage of this round was too headwind, and finally Yasuo was blown up by the wind.

Brutal beheading in front of their own base.

In the end, his own base was also pushed.

"Fuck, brothers, it's poisonous!"

"Today, I knelt five times in a row."

"what happened!"

Sister Zhou couldn't stop complaining.

"666, Barry's leftover mother has been broken."

"What is Barry's leftover mother, she is clearly a dumb bride~"

"Haha, by the way, the little dragons this time are almost all water dragons, does anyone remember Zhou Shuilong~"

"Sister Zhou, we've already knelt five times today, so don't play LOL, or the sixth kneel is already beckoning to you."

"The brother upstairs still said it too euphemistically, with low EQ: Sister Zhou, you are so picky, I can't stand it~"

"Hahaha, what I'm talking about is, sister Zhou, you can change the game. I'm getting tired of watching LOL crossing and eating chicken every day."

"I can't agree anymore, please change to a new game, the plane is booked!"

Sister Zhou wanted to watch her play a new game when she saw the bullet screen full of bullets.

"Okay, so what game do you want to watch?"

Viewers have nothing to recommend for a while.

The main reason is that despite the advanced VR holographic technology, there are really not many games that can be played in this world.

Why are all the major anchors eating chicken in League of Legends CF all day long.

The main reason is that other games are even more broken, and these few are already the generals of the dwarfs.

"Hey, sister Zhou, it seems that there is a new game on the platform next to G, you can try it."

"Fuck, I saw it too, the CG of that game is really cool!"

"Just now I came from another anchor's room, and the anchor wanted to play, but he couldn't meet the requirements and couldn't claim the quota."

"It seems that the game has a limit on the number of people who can experience the trial version. It's not a big anchor who can't get it at all!"

Sister Zhou also became interested when she saw it.

"Brothers, are you kidding me?"

"Okay, let's go and have a look."

Sister Zhou opened the G fat platform.

Follow the prompts from the audience in the barrage.

Found this game quickly.

"King of War"!
There are indeed only five experience places.

It also marked that only anchors with more than one million fans are eligible to receive it.

CG can be watched by everyone.

Sister Zhou clicked on to watch the CG.

In an instant, due to the effect of VR holography, I feel that I have appeared in an extremely real world.

"In the eyes of the strong, there is no place for the weak!"

"Dominate the sky, the enemy will crawl under my feet!"

A fighter-like robot.

Fly freely in the air.

Sister Zhou and the audience in the live broadcast room were stunned for an instant.

"This...isn't this too real?"

The sun, the earth, the fresh grass, the air.

Everything is so realistic.

It's completely different from those rough-made games with map textures in the past.

The screen turns again.

On top of a majestic city.

The blue helicopter robot looks down at the other swarm robots that seem to be invading below.

"When the smoke clears, you will see sunlight shining on your corpses!"

The troops of Energy City and the densely packed troops of the Tiger King of the Beast Clan.

The shock of such a big scene.

Sister Zhou and the audience were stunned!
The screen turns again.

In a seemingly unprotected city.

A golden robot is facing a tiger-shaped robot coldly.

"Pioneer is my apprentice, I will not let him die!"

"Just let me come for a while, you mighty Tiger King!"

"Shocking waves kill!"

"Fuck, golden rain, golden legend!"

Sister Zhou lost her voice.

The Tiger robot was repelled.

"Ginger is really old and spicy."

"Storm Nebula Cracks!"

boom! ! !
The terrifying fighting energy surged.

The two are paired together.

The screen turns again.

A golden iron beast-like robot stretched its hand behind its back.

"Today, I want to die with them!"

"Backup hidden energy!"

Golden iron beast robot.

Resolutely holding the flickering hidden energy energy, rushed towards the enemy.

Game CG ends here.

Sister Zhou and the audience in the live broadcast room.

I also feel that I can't calm down for a long time.

Sister Zhou just felt that she was going crazy.

A pair of eyes almost narrowed into peach blossom eyes.

It's like seeing a lover.

The audience in the live broadcast room didn't expect it either.

Sister Zhou will also have this "female rabbit's eyes blurred" scene.

After a while, sister Zhou patted the table excitedly.

"Fuck, guys, that's it!"

"I'm just playing with this, who is in favor and who is against?"

(End of this chapter)

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