Developing the adventures of Lolo, sister Zhou is crazy!

Chapter 156 Life Mentor Tiger King, Blue Poisonous Beast has been deflated again and again!

Chapter 156 Life Mentor Tiger King, Blue Poisonous Beast has been deflated again and again!
"Haha, sister Zhou is really full of resentment when facing Lightning."

"Yeah, this resentment is much stronger than when facing Thunderbolt, it almost overflowed the screen~"

"Hahaha, it's very true. The main responsibility for whoever made Energy City fall this time is Lightning."

"That's right, if Lightning didn't go out of the city, or if she didn't bring a token when she went out of the city, sister Zhou wouldn't fall into the difficulty of hell again."

"Laughing to death, sister Zhou is really drifting now, especially after seeing that the favorability of the strong control vanguard did not fall but rose, the whole person became hardened~"

When Sister Zhou complained about the lightning, the resentment that was about to overflow the screen.

It made the audience feel like they were dying to laugh.

After all, Sister Zhou managed to enter Energy City before, and entered the city with the strongest defense of the motorcycle race.

Thinking that this time, I finally don't have to play all kinds of games on the difficulty of hell.

As a result, it was so fast that even the city of energy was lost, and it entered the difficulty of hell again.

It's strange to have no resentment towards Lightning~
"This... I really don't know."

Lightning had no idea where this was.

Sister Zhou looked like she was standing up and showing off.

"Listen well, ahead is the entrance to Fire Dragon Valley!"

"Ah? Fire Dragon Valley??"

Lightning was shocked.

Sister Zhou just felt very speechless.

"Good guy, you, as the city lord of Energy City, really don't know!"

Lightning shook his head.

Looking at the Fire Dragon Valley in the distance.

"Master once mentioned Fire Dragon Valley to me in the past."

"He said that the energy amethysts are all buried in the Fire Dragon Valley."

"But he never said the exact location."

"Because, he said that only when I become the city lord can I know this secret."

"But who knows..."

Sister Zhou heard it.

It turned out that Lightning did not know the secret of Fire Dragon Valley because of this.

Sister Zhou followed up directly.

"However, he was killed by the blue poisonous beast before he could tell you."

Lightning was startled.

"How do you know that?"

Sister Zhou became completely hardened.

Talk like training a child.

"City Master, why does it feel like you don't know anything, and I seem to know everything."

"Who is the city lord?"

"Oh, that's right, I'm the king of fighters, I should know more~"

The audience just wanted to complain when they saw it.

Good guy, Zhou Shufen, you are really floating now!

But Lightning didn't say anything, but hope surged in his heart.

When he first heard Zhou Jie say that she was the king of machine wars, Lightning thought it was ridiculous.

Now, he hopes that sister Zhou is really the fighter king.

In this way, the entire motorcycle race has hope!

Sister Zhou didn't give a damn either.

"Those things in Energy City back then were told by General Yinbai."

Only then did Lightning understand.

"Oh? He told you."

Thunderbolt also spoke.

"General Yinbai also told us that it was the blue poisonous beast who designed to provoke the relationship between you and Fengxue."

"In the end, he killed the old city owner of Energy City."

Lightning sighed.

"Don't mention these past events..."

Just remember.

Lightning felt very heartbroken.

"I didn't expect that the city of energy would be destroyed by my hands..."

Human Torch thought for a while.

"Now there is an army of black iron beasts outside."

"Our physical strength has not fully recovered, and it may be very dangerous to go out."

Lightning clenched his fists.

"Tiger King stole the token, and will definitely occupy Energy City."

"I must hurry back."

"This is the last entrustment Master gave me!"

He was a very impatient vanguard before.

Now there is no thought of rushing back.

"The Tiger King's fighting power is astonishing."

"Even if we can go out, we must not be his opponent."

Sister Zhou also nodded at this time.

"There is nothing wrong with Vanguard's words, and he is finally not so impatient."

"It's just not disturbed by outsiders here, just enough for Thunderbolt and Vanguard."

"Practice combined attack stunts, streaming video flashes!"

After sister Zhou finished speaking, she felt full of resentment overflowing again.

"I've been waiting for a long time to wait for you to recover!"

The audience saw this scene.

Almost laughed out loud.

All this they can prove.

Sister Zhou is like jumping a big rope over there, she has indeed been waiting for a long time~
But also at this time.

In the half-screen CG screen.

The blue poisonous beast mentioned by Sister Zhou, Thunderbolt and others just now is still flattering the Tiger King.

"Marshal Tiger King, since there is a traitor beside the Wild Gorilla."

"Then it's hard for him not to die this time~"

The green leopard on the side heard the words.

"But the gold and iron beast led troops to attack our Thunder Palace."

"We also have to be careful."

The Tiger King fully agrees with the bravery and strategy of the Golden Iron Beast.


"The golden iron beast is a tricky character."

The green leopard asks for instructions.

"Marshal, how about I lead a part of the troops and go back to resist the army of gold and iron beasts first."

Yet at this time.

The blue poisonous beast took the initiative to ask for it.

"No, Marshal, let me go back."

Tiger King was a little surprised.

"Oh? You go back?"

The blue poisonous beast seemed very active.

"Well, the gold iron beast is brave and resourceful."

"I'm afraid it's not that easy to deal with."

"Well, I'm sure enough."

"It doesn't cost a single soldier, let him retreat automatically."

This time, even the Tiger King was surprised.

"Oh? Blue poisonous beast, you can actually make the gold and iron beast retreat without losing a single soldier?"

"Hey, that's right."

"What is the solution?"

At this time, the blue poisonous beast has betrayed it.

"Marshal, please allow me not to speak out for now."

"Otherwise it won't work."

"As the saying goes, secrets must not be revealed~"

The blue poisonous beast said.

"But this time, you have to get the support of the Marshal."

"Oh? My support?"

The blue poisonous beast rubbed its hands.

"Marshal, can you lend me your Thunder Palace Token?"

"Because without it, I'm afraid that the people below won't listen to my command."

The Tiger King did not agree to the blue poisonous beast.

"The token is the only token of our troops."

"With it, the entire army can be mobilized."

"How can I give you such an important thing so easily?"

The blue poisonous beast couldn't help but speak.

"But if there is no token, I'm afraid..."

"All right!"

"I will let the green leopard go back with you, so that no one will disobey the order."

The blue poisonous beast still wanted to persevere.

"But, the wild gorilla is coming."

"It wouldn't be great without the Green Leopard Beast by your side?"

Tiger King was unmoved.

"I've already said that there are people around me in the Wild Gorilla."

"I'm pretty sure I can deal with the wild gorilla this time."

"You don't have to worry about it!"

The blue poisonous beast persisted several times, but the Tiger King didn't let go.

The audience took a look.

Fortunately, Tiger King is awake in the world.

It's so refreshing to see the blue poisonous beast deflated!
(End of this chapter)

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