Developing the adventures of Lolo, sister Zhou is crazy!

Chapter 119 The Blue Poisonous Beast's Countermeasures Are Too Old 6!

Chapter 119 The Blue Poisonous Beast's Countermeasures Are Too Old!

The words of the blue poisonous beast made Feng Xue full of disbelief.


"I didn't expect that you turned out to be a traitor who cooperated with the inside and the outside!"

The audience in the live broadcast room felt question marks all over their faces.

"Fuck, isn't it, Lightning City Lord is actually a traitor?!"

"Could it be that Lightning City Lord played this kind of conspiracy to become the City Lord of Energy City?"

"Such a reversal is too big!"

"But no matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like it. When Sister Zhou and the others talked with Lightning, no matter how I looked at it, I felt that Lightning was a gentleman."

"That's right, I don't think Lightning will do this, is there something hidden?"

Seeing lightning is likely to be a traitor.

The audience is about to explode!
However, judging from Lightning's current performance as the city lord, most of the audience still think that Lightning is not a traitor.

Otherwise, Tornado probably wouldn't be so convinced by Lightning.

In the CG screen of that year, Lightning hurriedly explained.

"No, Feng Xue, don't listen to him, it's not like this!"

Feng Xue couldn't listen to anything at this moment.

"At this time, you still want to deny it!"

The blue poisonous beast laughed at the side.

"Lightning, it's already this time, what else do you have to be afraid of?"

"Just let me kill him for you."

"To prevent him from competing with you for the position of city lord in the future~"

Lightning was furious instantly.

"Blue poisonous beast, what nonsense are you talking about here!"

Feng Xue stood up straight at this moment.

"Lightning, you don't have to pretend anymore."

"Since you want to be the city lord so much, I'll let you do it, and I'll go!"

Lightning spoke hastily.

"No, Fengxue, listen to me!"

Feng Xue couldn't hear anything.

"From now on, our brotherhood will be broken!"

Fengxue turned into a fighter jet and headed for the distance.

"Blizzard! Blizzard!"

Lightning kept calling.

And the blue poisonous beast is still acting up to this day, just to be on the safe side, so as not to be heard by Feng Xue.

"Haha, Lightning, I will definitely help you achieve your wish!"

At this time, even sister Zhou who was listening to the story was dumbfounded.

"Damn it, don't I?"

"How could our Lightning City Lord collude with the blue poisonous beast?"

Sister Zhou thought about it.

"its not right!"

"Before the blue poisonous beast and the green leopard invaded Energy City, Lightning saw the blue poisonous beast, but he wanted to peel off his skin!"

"How could this collude with the blue poisonous beast?"

"The blue poisonous beast must be using some trick to frame Lightning!"

Thunderbolt on the side also said.

"This must be a scheming plan by the blue poisonous beast!"

"The Blue Poisonous Beast knows that its own strength is far inferior to that of Energy City at that time."

"Just find a way to divide their strength."

"And then find an opportunity to attack from it."

[The friendship between player Zhou Shufen (using the default nickname Lolo) and General Silver has been improved to good. 】

I rely on!

Sister Zhou didn't expect that her favorability with General Yinbai would increase a lot at this time!
General Yinbai looked at the two approvingly.

"Lolo, Thunderbolt, thank you for believing in the city lord."

"Your analysis is also completely correct."

"Unfortunately, the Snowstorm Warrior at that time was not as calm as the Human Torch."

"In a fit of anger, he led his half of the energy city's troops to retreat thousands of miles away to a world of ice and snow."

"The City of Snow Wind was also established from this."

The tornado cared more about the war between Energy City and the Black Poison Beast.

"General Silver."

"Then my master, did he really retreat the next day?"

General Silver nodded.


Hot Wheels listened.

Some can't figure it out.

"Isn't it?"

"Blue Poison Beast and the others are about to lose, why are they retreating at this time?"

Sister Zhou was speechless.

At the same time, there is a bit of ridicule.

"Hot Wheels, you still call yourself an intelligent robot."

"It must be that the Lightning City Lord has something to do, and it has fallen into the hands of the blue poisonous beast."

The audience in the live broadcast room saw what Miss Zhou was thinking at a glance.

"Haha, sister Zhou really holds a grudge!"

"Zhou Shufen is obviously still worried about Fenghuolun saying that it's a pity that she has opened her mouth, and she will make fun of Fenghuolun when she gets the chance~"

But in good conscience.

Hot Wheels, a self-proclaimed intelligent robot, is really not intelligent~
If you really count it, it's almost a funny ratio~
Sister Zhou couldn't help being a little puzzled at this time.

"But having said that, why didn't the old city lord come out and adjust?"

"Since the old city lord is the master of Lightning and Fengxue, Feng Xue will always listen to the old city lord's words, right?"

General Yinbai sighed.

"Actually, what you said, Luo Luo, has touched on the key point."

"The blue poisonous beast did grasp the handle of the Lightning City Lord at that time."

"As for the old city lord... the blue poisonous beast was holding the old city lord hostage back then!"

Sister Zhou was taken aback when she heard that.

"Fuck, this blue poisonous beast is too old!"

And accompanied by General Yinbai's narration.

In the CG screen, what exactly did the blue poisonous beast come to talk to Lightning in the tent.

Also completely appeared in the screen.

"Blue poisonous beast, you are so courageous, you dare to come here alone!"

"Come on, grab him!"

When the guards on both sides of Lightning were about to catch the blue poisonous beast.

"Wait a minute!"

"Haha, Lightning, don't worry."

"I'm here to show you something~"

The blue poisonous beast chuckled.

No matter how you look at the smile, how insidious and cunning.

"You let them out first."

"Let them out? What trick do you want to play?"

The blue poisonous beast had a cunning face.

"Why, are you Lightning Warrior afraid of me playing tricks?"

Lightning listened.

Thinking that this is his own camp, he thought that the blue poisonous beast would be hard to fly even with its wings.

Directly let the guard beside him go outside to guard first.

"now it's right."

"Lightning, look what this is~"

The blue poisonous beast took out a robotic hand.

Throw it on the ground.

Lightning recognized it at a glance, and was startled.


"This is Master's hand!"

"What did you do to my master?!"

The blue poisonous beast is leisurely.

"Don't be impulsive, he is not in danger right now."

"However, if I can't get out of your barracks, then he will die~"

Lightning was furious.

"Blue poisonous beast, how did you catch my master!"

The blue poisonous beast laughed.

"Haha, I'm ashamed to say it."

"Lightning Warrior, you and Snowstorm Warrior each transfer half of the troops, and you have transferred all the troops from Energy City."

"Leaving your master and the old man alone at home, how lonely~"

"I, Blue Poisonous Beast, did a little trick, so I can get him done~"

Lightning was stunned.

The audience in the live broadcast room was a little dazed.

No, it is said that one person can transfer half of the troops.

They really came out in full force!
Anyway, you keep some troops.

At least you can guarantee the daily guards of Energy City and protect your master!
(End of this chapter)

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