Developing the adventures of Lolo, sister Zhou is crazy!

Chapter 102 The Stone Gate Smashed!Surprise mechanical dragon? !

Chapter 102 The Stone Gate Smashed!Surprise mechanical dragon? !

Come to the stone gate of Fire Dragon Valley.

On the stone gate, there are obviously two grooves.

Looks like it needs a key.

Seeing this, Sister Zhou yelled directly.

"Look, look, what am I talking about!"

"If there is no defense token of Energy City and Snow Wind City, this door will definitely not be able to open!"

see this scene.

Hot Wheels believed what Sister Zhou said.

"Tornado, aren't you an expert in Energy City?"

"Do you have a guard token?"

Tornado shook his head directly.

"The defense token is in the hands of the city lord."

"I'm not the lord of the city, how can I have a token to defend the city?"

Hot Wheels was a little surprised.

"You are so powerful that you are not the city lord?"

"Is that because the city lord is more powerful than you?"

The tornado stepped forward.

"I don't want to discuss this with you."

"If you become a city lord, you have to stay in the city all day, and I like freedom!"

Hot Wheels spoke directly.

"That's not absolute."

"It's like our Thunderbolt became the city lord, so we still come out and wander around."

The audience listened.

"Good guy, if it wasn't for Hot Wheels' reminder, I would have almost forgotten that Thunderbolt is now the city lord!"

"Haha, what I'm talking about is that I always regard the Thunderbolt as the number one general, but the old city lord will of course become the city lord without the Thunderbolt."

"Boss Jiang saved the old city lord, but the old city lord has also given the siege token to Thunderbolt~"

Many viewers reacted to this.

Now, Thunderbolt should be called the city lord.

Human Torch was also reminded by Hot Wheels.

"Lolo, do you want the defense tokens of Energy City and Snow Wind City?"

"I have the siege token of the City of Time, is it okay?"

Sister Zhou felt very speechless.

"Of course not!"

"A key can open a lock. How can a different key be used to open the lock?"

"It definitely won't go in!"

Hot Wheels took the City of Time Token from Thunderbolt.

"Ham, if it works or not, you'll know if you try it."

"Anyway, it won't hurt to try."

Hot Wheels took the token and went over.

However, Hot Wheels is not tall enough, so naturally it cannot touch the groove.

Just when Sister Zhou was thinking about how to make fun of Hot Wheels for a while.

I saw the city of time defense token in Fenghuolun's hand.

Attracted by the gate of Fire Dragon Valley, he automatically flew up.

"Fuck, it's amazing!"

Sister Zhou was a little dumbfounded.

Didn't expect such a setting to exist!


The token of City of Time flew up.

But it obviously doesn't match the groove of the stone gate in the Fire Dragon Valley.

Finally it fell off.

Take a look at Hot Wheels.

"I really can't put it in."

Sister Zhou felt confident at this moment.

"Look, I just said that there are no tokens for Energy City and Snow City."

"It must be impossible to get in!"


Can't help sighing again.

"Hey, it seems that this time is still a waste of time."

Human Torch picked up the token of City of Time and put it away.

Tornado looked at the stone gate in front of him.

"Let me try it."

Sister Zhou was a little taken aback.

Tornado has no token.

How to try?
"Tornado, what are you going to do?"

"You go back first."

"Damn, you want to break it open?!"

Sister Zhou now understands the meaning of the tornado.

In her view, this is absolutely impossible.

But still hurried back.

"Lightning whirlwind!"

The tornado directly made a big move, and slashed towards Shimen!

The lightning whirlwind of the tornado is very powerful.

The blue leopard beast could be killed in one hit before.

The blue iron beast and the purple iron beast beside the golden iron beast were also unable to connect hard.

However, when it hit the stone gate at this time, there was no reaction at all.

Hot Wheels couldn't help sighing.

"Wow, this door is very hard!"

"Look, let me say it can't be broken."

Miss Zhou just finished speaking.


She vaguely heard something from the door.

"what sound??"

They didn't hear Hot Wheels.

"There's no sound, Luo Luo, did you hear me wrong?"

"No, there must be a voice!"

"Let's go back quickly."

The barrage in the live broadcast room also increased significantly at this moment.

"Fuck, I heard it too, there was indeed a sound just now!"

"No, why didn't I hear it?"

"Listen carefully. When the tornado hit the door just now, there seemed to be some roar behind the door."

"Could it be that behind this hidden map, there is a Boss that is more powerful than the King of War hidden?!"

The audience is also looking forward to it.

Some heard the sound, some did not hear the sound.

They all want to see it now.

What is there in Fire Dragon Valley!
The tornado didn't give up.

"Let me try again."

Sister Zhou was almost speechless.

"Tornado, let's stop trying!"

At this time, Li Batian stepped forward.

"Let me try it out."

Hot Wheels is looking forward to it at this time.

"That's right, Li Batian's Mount Tai meteorite drop is so powerful."

"It will definitely break open this stone gate!"

Sister Zhou vowed.

"Impossible, since the game setting requires the tokens of Energy City and Snow Wind City to enter."

"Then the door of this game must not be broken no matter what!"

Li Batian persisted.

"Let me try, if we can't break it, we will leave."

Sister Zhou saw this.

I can only let Li Batian try.

Let Li Batian try it, Li Batian is the most powerful trick here.

If even Li Batian couldn't smash it open, the tornado would give up.

"Tarzan meteorite fall!"

With one move, Li Batian slammed the Mount Tai meteorite towards the gate.

boom! !

Sister Zhou originally thought that it was impossible for the door to be broken open no matter what.

As a result, under Li Batian's move, the door suddenly shattered!

Now, sister Zhou looked stupid.

"Damn it, it really broke!"

The barrage in the live broadcast room was about to explode at this moment.

"Fuck, what I want to say is the same as Sister Zhou, it really broke!"

"It doesn't make sense, it can really be broken!"

"I also read the game information when I entered the game. The gate of Fire Dragon Valley does need the tokens of Energy City and Snow Wind City to enter. How can it really be smashed open?!"

"Haha, no matter what, Sister Zhou swore she couldn't break it just now, but now she got slapped in the face~"

"Laughing to death, you are right, as long as you laugh at Sister Zhou, we will be good friends~"

Seeing that the stone gate of Huolong Valley was really smashed open like this.

The audience was shocked.

They were brushing one by one. Sister Zhou was so sure that they couldn't break it.

Now, I can be slapped in the face~
Sister Zhou is the most confused now.

Meow, was she backstabbed by the game data? !

Sister Zhou still hadn't forgotten her business, so she hurriedly spoke.

"Quick, quick, since it's broken, let's go in and have a look!"

But also at this time.


A dragon roar came out, and a huge figure flew out from the stone gate.

Sister Zhou was dumbfounded when she saw it.

It turned out to be a mechanical dragon! !
(End of this chapter)

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