Chapter 97 Chaos Secret Realm
[Yes, the power of rules is incomparably mysterious, it is the most fundamental power in a world, and it possesses innumerable supernatural effects. Within certain rules, it is indeed possible to achieve these things evolved by the host. 】

The system's cold voice sounded, explaining the doubts in Lu Yun's heart.

Hearing this, Lu Yun smiled faintly, as expected, this method is indeed feasible.

This is a very large plan.

From the mouth of the system, he knew how powerful the power of rules is.

However, Lu Yun did not continue to ask. Anyway, with his current strength, it is obvious that he cannot touch the power of rules.

The power of rules is the most fundamental force for the birth of a world. It can help Douluo Continental soul masters improve their soul rings, the age of soul bones, and help soul beasts improve their cultivation.

It seems normal!
After Lu Yun knew everything, he began to formally evolve these things.

The majestic soul power in Lu Yun's body surged towards the surroundings in an instant, and began to use the power of rules to continuously evolve Douluo Continent, various soul beasts that have appeared in history.

Give them the most powerful fighting power.

The combat power of each soul beast is the top existence in the same race, and there are even some soul beasts with very top bloodlines, and there are many dragon soul beasts.

Lu Yun gave these soul beasts a life span of 10 years.

Less than a moment later, the soul power in Lu Yun's body was exhausted.

Even if he masters the huge rules of this secret realm, he still needs the support of his own cultivation.

He has only evolved a three-digit number of soul beasts so far, and his soul power is almost exhausted.

According to this situation, it is impossible to evolve so many soul beasts within a year.

Unable to complete the plan in his mind.

With this in mind, Lu Yun knew that the system would not help him evolve, and he could only figure out a way by himself.

So, Lu Yun gritted his teeth and bought a god-level powerhouse experience card from the system.

Although the price is relatively expensive, but for future plans, he must bleed a lot. He is reluctant to bear children and can't catch wolves.

A golden card appeared in Lu Yun's hand, and when he crushed it, endless power emerged from his body.


Belonging to the coercion of a god-level powerhouse, it suddenly permeated the entire irregular secret realm.

Lu Yun felt the violent momentum contained in his body, his face was happy, he jumped up, and stood in the center of the irregular secret realm.

The whole person stretched out his arms, and behind him appeared a phantom that looked exactly like him. This was Lu Yun's second martial spirit: the true self martial spirit.

When Lu Yun used his martial spirit to possess his body, the two forces merged together immediately, and then a more violent momentum erupted from Lu Yun's body.

The true self martial soul also has a heaven-defying effect, that is, after using the martial soul to possess the body, the strength can be doubled.

Lu Yun used a first-level god experience card, and after merging with the true self martial soul, the power burst out, and even the king of the gods dared not touch its edge.

This is just a true self martial soul without a soul ring.

Lu Yun couldn't even imagine how unnatural this martial soul would be if it was attached with a soul ring.

It is worthy of being a Chaos-level Martial Soul, just like the Space-Time God Tower Martial Soul, it is incomparably against the sky.

With sufficient strength, Lu Yun urged huge divine power to spread towards the entire irregular secret realm.

The power of endless rules vibrated, and the evolved soul beasts appeared in various places in the secret realm.

The ages of these evolved soul beasts are different, the minimum is ten years, and the maximum can be more than 10 years.

There are even some soul beasts that can reach the level of fierce beasts, but the number of such soul beasts is very small.

To evolve such an existing soul beast, Lu Yun needs to expend a lot of energy and waste a lot of time.

Besides, Lu Yun had his own considerations.

The soul beast he evolved is almost exactly the same as the soul beast that exists in Douluo Dalu, and it completely possesses a super high fighting consciousness.

Among the soul beasts of the same level, they belonged to the existence of invincibility.

If external soul beasts and soul masters come to the secret realm without rules, unless they are the top geniuses, they will be able to tie with soul beasts of the same level.

It is simply impossible to fight at a higher level.

Therefore, there is no need for Lu Yun to evolve a too powerful soul beast.

A dozen fierce beasts are enough to deal with the current situation in Douluo Dalu.

With the improvement of the strength of the soul masters in Douluo Dalu as a whole, he will make corresponding changes.

In this way, soul beasts were born one after another, and Lu Yun used this huge power of rules to transform the entire secret realm.

Some places have been changed to treasure lands, and some places have been changed to dangerous Jedi.

Powerful spirit beasts spread all around, their auras were hidden so deeply that most people couldn't even notice their presence.

Emerald green towering ancient trees rose from the ground, and soon merged into the entire secret realm.

Lu Yun made the secret realm almost exactly the same as the Star Dou Forest in the outside world, all revealing a gloomy and depressing atmosphere.

This area is countless times larger than the Star Dou Great Forest, and the types of soul beasts hidden in it can be called the largest in the Douluo Continent.

"Not bad!"

After Lu Yun completed the evolution of all the soul beasts, he immediately looked around, very satisfied with the things he created.

The evolved things are all real in the irregular secret realm. If you get the Douluo Continent, it is not clear whether it exists or not.

After all, Lu Yun is not qualified to penetrate the mystery of the power of rules.

To a certain extent, the evolved spirit beasts do not have self-awareness, it is just that Lu Yun used the power of rules to endow them with consciousness.

Otherwise, if conscious beings can really be born, then this is not just a secret realm, but a complete world.

"After the evolved soul beast dies, it will be brought to the hunter. How long is the lifespan of the soul beast?"

Lu Yun thought of a perplexing question, if a soul master defeated a 10-year-old soul beast, wouldn't it be possible to increase the lifespan of one of his soul rings by 10 years?

This is a bit too scary!
If such a rule is really implemented, I am afraid that the tickets for everyone to enter the secret realm will be extremely expensive, and there will be very few people.

This is not the scene that Lu Yun wants to see!

"In this case, the ratio is 10:1."

After a long time, Lu Yun set this ratio to 10:1.

A soul master hunts down a 10-year-old soul beast, and can increase the lifespan of a soul ring by 1 years.

The same is true for soul beasts, which can increase the cultivation base of soul beasts by 1 years.

As for these evolved soul beasts, their soul bones will also explode in the end, which is exactly the same as the rules of Douluo Dalu.

Soul beasts below 10 years have a certain chance of bursting out soul bones, and soul beasts of the 10-year level will definitely burst out 10-year soul bones.

These exploded soul bones will increase the age of a soul master's soul bone by one-tenth.

After Lu Yun made the rules, he landed gently on the ground.

The time for the god-level powerhouse experience card has also been completely exhausted.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun let out a long sigh of relief, just in time to finish all these things.

"Now that everything has been done, it's time to announce the birth of this secret realm to Douluo Continent."

"It's better to call this irregular secret realm a chaotic secret realm."

Lu Yun named this irregular secret realm, but why did he choose this name?
Lu Yun naturally has his ambitions, he wants to make this secret realm into a real world that exists in the depths of chaos.

(End of this chapter)

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