Chapter 94 Luck Explodes Again
Just when this drop of nine-colored liquid entered the center of Murong Xue's eyebrows, endless youth bloomed.


Nine-colored rays of light burst out instantly, surrounding Murong Xue's body, and miraculous power entered Murong Xue's body continuously.

Expel the evil power released from the body by the evil spirit scepter.

Lu Yun stood there calmly, looking at this scene, wondering what would happen to Murong Xue's martial soul after it was purified?
After all, this drop of purified water can help everything return to its most essential state.

In fact, Lu Yun also had a guess in his mind, maybe Murong Xue's martial spirit would undergo a slight change because of this.

Just like that, Murong Xue's body gradually floated out, constantly being transformed by the nine-colored light.

The aura on her body became more and more holy, as if it was otherworldly, which made people's eyes shine.

Less than a moment later, the movement subsided completely, and the nine-colored rays of light converged.

Murong Xue's serious injuries were also completely healed because of the purification of the divine water.

Although the main function of this drop of purification water is to purify all evil powers, it also contains a huge healing effect.

Therefore, the injuries in Murong Xue's body were completely healed, without leaving any sequelae.

Even one's own soul power has also increased a part, which is the power of this drop of purification water.

Lu Yun looked at Murong Xue and closed his eyes tightly, but he didn't wake up for the time being.

The next moment, Murong Xue's own changes appeared before his eyes.

【Name: Murong Xue】

【Age: 12 years old】

[Soul Power: Level 34]

【Wuhun: Scepter of the Holy Spirit (Wuhun contains the power of the Holy Spirit, which can purify all evil in the world...)】


After Murong Xue's message appeared in front of his eyes, Lu Yun didn't feel any surprise after seeing Murong Xue's martial spirit level raised by four levels.

The effect of this drop of purifying water is really terrifying.

What surprised Lu Yun the most was that Murong Xue's martial soul had also changed, from the evil spirit scepter to the holy spirit scepter.

It can be distinguished from the name which martial spirit represents justice.

The main function of this holy scepter may be the ability given by the previous drop of purification water.

The heaven-defying part of the holy spirit scepter martial soul can release the power of the holy spirit and purify all evil forces. This is almost exactly the same as the effect of that drop of divine water.

However, the role of the holy scepter is not limited to these, as for other functions, Murong Xue still needs to discover by himself.

Lu Yun didn't know, after Murong Xue possessed the holy spirit scepter martial soul, after absorbing the soul ring in the future, what kind of miraculous soul skills would she produce herself?

Before Lu Yun could continue to think, Murong Xue gradually opened his eyes.

The whole person landed lightly on the ground, and what caught his eyes was a strange scene.

Suddenly, Murong Xue's previous memory appeared, she looked behind in a panic, and when she realized that no one was chasing her, she was relieved.

"Thank you for saving your life!"

Murong Xue's eyes fell on Lu Yun's body, eyes full of gratitude.

If nothing else happened, the man in front of her must have saved her life.

As soon as this matter was mentioned, Murong Xue's mind recalled the tragic scene of the Murong family being wiped out by that group of mysterious people.

Crystal tears flowed from the corners of his eyes, and a look of incomparably intense grief was mixed on his face.

All her clansmen have left. At this time, she really doesn't know where to go?
Lu Yun naturally saw Murong Xue's sad expression, and waited quietly, but his fate was so rough that he couldn't change it.

"By the way, the group of people who came to kill you before, I know where they came from. If you want to seek revenge from them, I can tell you about their identities."

Lu Yun whispered to Murong Xue in front of him.

To get Murong Xue out of her sadness, she must be filled with hope for the future.

Perhaps the hatred in Murong Xue's heart will become the driving force for her to move towards the future.

"who is it?"


When Murong Xue heard these words, a look of sadness flashed across her face, and immediately after, a murderous intent flashed in her eyes.

All her own encounters were caused by that group of mysterious people.

Murong Xue's mind is no longer so pure, she must avenge Murong Xue's family.

"It's fine for me to tell you, but you have to wait until your strength has reached the Contra level, otherwise you will use your current strength to seek revenge from others, and maybe you will be included in it."

Lu Yun said to Murong Xue with a solemn expression, telling her to give up the idea of ​​revenge for the time being.

Today's Holy Spirit Cult's strongest person is Contra, and there are so many strong people in the Holy Spirit Cult. What's the difference between Murong Xue going to the Holy Spirit Cult for revenge and courting death?

From the life experiences of the two middle-aged men before, Lu Yun knew that the location of the Holy Spirit Cult was erratic.

Even Lu Yun couldn't know where the Holy Spirit Cult was at this time?
Overall, there is no need to worry too much about the Holy Spirit Sect endangering Douluo Continent, the current Holy Spirit Sect can't make any waves.

One day they will reveal their own tell's feet, and then he will strike again and catch them all in one go.

When Murong Xue'er heard Lu Yun's words, there was a gloomy look in her eyes.


With her current soul master's strength, how can she help the Murong family take revenge?

Suddenly, Murong Xue didn't know what to feel, and her expression was astonished.

She found that her soul power level had increased by four levels, and her martial soul was full of holy aura, not as evil as before.

Regarding all these changes, Murong Xue was really confused, so she looked at Lu Yun in front of her.

Could it be that all the changes in her body were given to her by the man in front of her?

"You should be very clear that it was the existence of your martial soul that attracted those mysterious people to your Murong family. I have already solved the most essential problem of your martial soul. , and hide in hiding."

Lu Yun saw the doubt in Murong Xue's eyes, and explained aloud.

Hearing this, Murong Xue knew it well, and really didn't know how to thank Lu Yun.

Not only saved her life, but also helped her solve the most fundamental scourge of Wuhun.

When she awakened her martial spirit at the age of six, it caused some ominous events.

That powerful evil force almost seriously injured the clansman who helped her awaken her martial spirit.

Her father invited a powerful soul master to help her seal the evil power in the martial soul.

In the end, she was still noticed by that group of mysterious people, which finally led to the Murong family, and she was the only one who survived.

Murong Xue sighed leisurely, she really didn't know, where should she go?
"By the way, we currently lack a waiter in the Soul Pavilion, who is responsible for selling souls."

At this time, Lu Yun saw Murong Xue'er's embarrassment, so he put forward his previous idea, wanting Murong Xue'er to serve as the waiter of the Soul Pavilion.


Murong Xue's eyes lit up slightly after hearing this familiar word.

The reputation of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion spread throughout the Douluo Continent, and the souls that flowed from it were naturally known to all soul masters.

As the proud daughter of the Murong family, she certainly knows the magic of the soul.

However, the souls that were auctioned several times before were all taken down by top forces, so she had no chance to comprehend the mysteries of souls.

Combined with the words of the man in front of her, selling souls, did she hear correctly?

"That's right, this is the Soul Pavilion, a branch of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, dedicated to selling souls."

"When the next small auction is held, news of the Soul Pavilion will spread throughout the Douluo Continent. At that time, countless soul masters will come here to buy souls."

Lu Yun continued to answer Murong Xue's confusion aloud.

"Really, what do I need to do?"

At this time, Murong Xue, who heard these words, was inevitably a little shocked.

He never thought that this Soul Pavilion actually belonged to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and the man in front of him actually invited her to be a waiter in the Soul Pavilion.

Although she didn't know what the waiter meant by these three words.

But she knew that what she had to do in the future was to sell souls, which made Murong Xue extremely happy.

She has nowhere to go at present, and it is also a very good choice to live in the Soul Pavilion.

Behind the Soul Pavilion is the huge Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and I believe there will be no small forces to disturb it, which makes Murong Xue agree.

"You just need to choose a suitable soul for the guests according to their martial soul conditions, and then sell them. Overall, it's not a difficult task."

"When there are many people, it may be a little busy, but when the time comes, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion will send other soul masters to help you."

Lu Yun told Murong Xue what he would do in the future.

At this stage, Murong Xue sells souls by herself, of course there is no problem.

If the Hall of Souls is publicized when the next auction is held, there must be countless soul masters pouring into the Hall of Souls to buy souls.

At that time, with Murong Xue alone, it will be difficult to do everything well.

Lu Yun wanted to find other soul masters to help.

He didn't intend to find the original soul master of Douluo Dalu, he wanted to buy a few puppets from the system.

Lu Yun had selected some puppets before, and there were as many types of puppets as there were stars.

Among them is a kind of puppet, which is completely made according to the shape of a human being, and only needs to be placed and ordered.

At that time, the behavior of this puppet will be no different from that of ordinary soul masters.

They don't feel any fatigue, they just need to use the soul crystal to stimulate them from time to time.

Buy these types of puppets and sell souls with Murong Xue.

This is a large number of auction sites, Lu Yun naturally will not miss it.

"I don't know, do you want to?"

With a smile on his face, Lu Yun asked Murong Xue if he would like to become a waiter of Soul Pavilion?
"I am willing!"

Hearing this, Murong Xue agreed without thinking.

This was a huge pie, which fell on her head.

The man in front of him not only helped her heal her wounds, solved the most fundamental problem of her spirit, but also found a good place for her.

Murong Xue was extremely grateful to Lu Yun.

"I hope you won't let me down!"

After hearing Murong Xue's agreement, Lu Yun said to Murong Xue indifferently.

Next, Lu Yun led Murong Xue, and began to introduce the various spirits around him, and their classification...

With so many souls, it is a very huge and difficult task.

Murong Xue wanted to fully understand it, the classification and location of souls obviously had a certain degree of difficulty.

Lu Yun asked Murong Xue to stay in the Soul Pavilion to learn about the types of these spirits and other information.

From today onwards, Soul Pavilion can be regarded as another home of Murong Xue. The inner space of Soul Pavilion is very huge, naturally there is a room for resting.

After Lu Yun finished this matter, he activated the teleportation function and returned to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

There is still a long time before the small auction in a month. During this time, Lu Yun plans to practice.

Lu Yun, who returned to his room, suddenly had an idea in his mind.

It's been a long time since I've drawn a lottery, let's have a ten-game draw.

After all, he still has a lot of auction spots in his pocket.

Lu Yun opened the god-level store and directly spent [-] auction points for a ten-game draw.

The whole person took a deep breath, and lightly tapped the golden button with his hand.

A huge disk appeared in front of Lu Yun and began to spin violently.

Just like that, golden rays of light flashed in front of Lu Yun.

A series of systematic and cold voices sounded in Lu Yun's mind, it was exactly the ten things he had drawn.

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: two cars (propelled by soul power)]

[Congratulations to the host for getting: the incomplete "Treading Steps"]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: 5-year soul ring. 】

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a beautiful tulip]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: Dark Gold Dreadclaw Bear External Soul Bone (20 years)]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a four-piece set]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a god-given soul ring]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: ten service puppets]

[Congratulations to the host for drawing: a pool of soul power]

[Congratulations to the host for getting: No Rules Secret Realm]

After Lu Yun heard the ten products in his mind, his face showed astonishment.

After all, when he heard the first few items, he knew that he was at a disadvantage.

Among them, the most precious ones are only the Qiluo tulip and the 20-year-old dark gold Dreadclaw bear's soul bone.

As for the rest, it doesn't sound like much.

What surprised Lu Yun the most was that he was planning to buy a service-type puppet from the system.

As a result, the lottery was directly drawn out this time, and Lu Yun was very suspicious that the lottery was secretly controlled by the system.

Otherwise, he couldn't just pull out what he wanted a moment ago.

【The host please don't slander this system for no reason, everything in the lottery depends on the luck of the host. 】

The system sensed the thoughts in Lu Yun's mind, and immediately retorted.

Hearing this, Lu Yun did not respond to the system, and then checked the few items he had obtained.

Some of these useless products, Lu Yun did not check too much, just hearing the name, it is not a rare thing.

Lu Yun put Qiluo Tulip and the 20-year-old soul bone into the system space.

What made him most curious were the three items in it.

(End of this chapter)

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