Chapter 81 The Snow Emperor
Most of the human soul masters were attracted by this ice and snow female soul.

But in a box on the second floor, there were various people standing.

When they saw the true appearance of this soul clearly, everyone showed a hint of shock on their faces.

"This is... the Snow Empress?"

One of the strange-looking men couldn't help but exclaimed.

The people in this box are just some hidden beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest.

Of course, there are still a few ferocious beasts left under the lake of life to protect the safety of their master.

The three fierce beasts in this private room at this moment are Di Tian, ​​Bi Ji and Wan Yao Wang.

After the three fierce beasts present saw the appearance of this soul, everyone was extremely amazed.

In their memory, they have naturally seen this kind of soul beast!
The Bingtianxue female soul beast is a soul beast born between heaven and earth, born between heaven and earth.

And this kind of ice and snow female soul beast can only be born in the extreme north, and the number of its races is very small.

"No, it shouldn't be the Snow Emperor. After all, the specific age of this soul is only 10 years."

"Could it be that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion went to the extreme north, captured a 10-year-old ice and snow girl, and made it into a soul?"

Bi Ji took the lead in denying that Snow Emperor is the master of the extreme north, and he has a soul beast life of about 70 years.

How could it be possible that the 10-year-old Ice and Snow Girl Soul in front of me could match it?

Therefore, this soul must not be the Snow Emperor, and it is reasonable to think that this soul should be brought back from the extreme north by the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"Then what should we do next, should we auction off the soul of Ice Snow Girl?"

At this moment, the Wan Yao King showed a hesitant look on his face.

Di Tian looked forward, wanting to see how to treat the soul of this Ice Snow Maiden?

"Take it, just let us study what the soul is. If we can really understand the mystery of it, maybe the fate of our soul beast family will be changed."

"This is a very rare opportunity that we must not miss."

Di Tian immediately gave an order to auction off this soul no matter what the price was.

A year ago, after Di Tian was invited by Lu Yun, he naturally asked the Sky Blue Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape about everything that happened in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

The two soul beasts also told Di Tian all the precautions of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, as well as the treasures that were auctioned before.

Therefore, only Ditian and others will know the origin of the soul.

As soon as Ditian's order was issued, Bi Ji and Wan Yao Wang's expressions turned serious, and they began to prepare to take pictures of this 10-year-old soul.

Ever since they knew that the trading currency of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion was soul crystals, they have been gathering soul crystals non-stop.

The number of soul crystals they have at this time is definitely not weaker than any top power.


In another box.

There were three figures sitting inside, it was Qian Renxue, Snake Lance Douluo and Porcupine Douluo?
"Is this the soul? It looks amazing, but is it really like the Xingdou Auction Pavilion introduced that it can give a soul master several 10-year soul rings?"

When Qian Renxue saw the 10-year-old Ice Snow Maiden's soul, she murmured curiously.

Even though she was in the box, she could still feel the coldness emanating from the soul of the Ice Snow Girl, which surprised her.

Before this, Qian Renxue had naturally heard about how mysterious the soul is.

Until she saw it with her own eyes, the soul was indeed extremely extraordinary, but Qian Renxue still retained a skeptical attitude.

I don't know if the soul of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion is really as mysterious as the Xingdou Auction Pavilion said?

"Your Highness, there shouldn't be any problem with this soul. After some inquiries, when the last auction was held, a student from the School of Botany absorbed a soul in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion on the spot, and the effect was indeed as introduced by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion. Like that."

Snake Lance Douluo told Qian Renxue what he had heard.

"Your Highness, shall we take down this 10-year-old soul?"

There was a hint of greed in the eyes of Porcupine Douluo at the side.

This is a 10-year-level soul, and it can eventually bring several 10-year soul rings to a soul master.

This temptation is irresistible for any soul master.

"No, my own Martial Soul attribute is not ice attribute. If I absorb it, I can't fully display my own strength."

A look of regret flashed in Qian Renxue's eyes, although she couldn't wait to auction off this Ice Snow Girl Soul.

But combined with her own situation, she rejected it decisively. She herself has a god-level martial soul with sacred attributes and light attributes.

If she rashly absorbed a 10-year-old ice attribute soul ring, it might conflict with her own soul power, causing her strength to be greatly weakened.

For the sake of her future, Qian Renxue could not resist the temptation even if she was faced with a 10-year spirit ring.

Hearing Qian Renxue's words, Snake Lance Douluo and Dolphin Douluo nodded secretly, reluctantly giving up this 10-year-old soul.

How wonderful it would be if this soul was of the divine and light attribute!

If this is the case, even if the two of them try their best, they still have to take this soul for Qian Renxue.


The far north!

This is a snow-white world, and what catches the eye are ice sculptures standing between the sky and the earth, exuding an extremely cold air.

What makes people feel weird is that the whole world is very peaceful, only occasionally seeing a weak soul beast running around.

Compared to the Star Dou Great Forest, the environment in the Extreme North is relatively calm.

At this time, in the depths of the Far North, there is an ice-blue palace that exudes a powerful aura of extreme ice.


Suddenly, I saw the ice and snow in the whole world trembling, and a woman in a white dress was slowly walking in the void.

The snow-white long hair moves with the power of the surrounding ice one after another, and the soul power breath around him is integrated with the heaven and earth, making the whole person appear mysterious and extraordinary.

This woman is the ruler of the extreme north, the third-ranked Snow Emperor in the Douluo Continent, and her body is: Ice Snow Girl.

"Huh? What's going on? Why did I sense the breath of another Ice Snow Girl?"

"Could it be that there is another ice and snow female soul beast in the world?"

At this moment, Snow Empress gazed into the distance, in the depths of endless directions, it was the place where the Xingdou Auction Pavilion stood.

At this time, the Snow Emperor was full of doubts. She felt something in her heart just now, and suddenly noticed that in the Douluo Continent, another Ice Snow Girl appeared.

This made her eager to come out and search for the location of the soul beast.

After all, Ice Snow Girl is a soul beast born of heaven and earth, which is extremely rare in Douluo Continent.

After countless years of development, she is the only Ice Snow Girl in the entire Douluo Continent.

Until the aura of another Ice Snow Girl appeared, Xue Di hurried out to look for it, but when she continued to search, she didn't seem to feel any aura.

This made Xuedi extremely puzzled, what's going on?
You must know that in the extreme north, her strength has been greatly enhanced, and her perception will definitely not go wrong.

This is the time when Xue Di was extremely puzzled, what exactly was there that interfered with her perception?

Afterwards, the Snow Emperor ordered the soul beasts in the extreme north to start searching for a new Ice Snow Girl to be born?

Regarding this little episode, no one noticed the soul beasts and soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, so it was left alone.


Star Auction Pavilion.

"I don't need to explain too much about this 10-year-level Ice and Snow Girl Soul. I believe you all know what a 10-year-level soul really means."

"Since that's the case, the starting price for a 10-year-level Ice and Snow Girl Soul: [-] soul crystals."

At this moment, Xuanshuang immediately announced the real starting price of this Ice and Snow Lady's soul.

After the price was announced, everyone felt pain when they heard it.

After all, it is too expensive!
This is only the starting price, and no one knows what the final transaction price will be.

Although they have condensed a large number of soul crystals in this year, most of them are not eligible to participate in this auction.

[-] soul crystals are equivalent to the previous [-] million gold soul coins, and this price is indeed outrageous.

However, this is a 10-year-level soul, which can eventually be brought to a soul master, several 10-year-old soul rings.

Generally speaking, the price of this 10-year soul does not seem to be expensive.

Only a soul master who really knows the nature of this soul spirit will think that these ten thousand soul crystals are not so outrageous.

(End of this chapter)

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