Chapter 77 Silver Dragon Scale
Medusa originally thought that under her concentrated blow, taking advantage of Ditian's unpreparedness, she would definitely seriously injure him.

But Di Tian in front of him, although his appearance was rather miserable, the injuries in his body were not as she expected.

Queen Medusa truly recognized Ditian's strength in her heart, and it should not be underestimated.

Di Tian's face was extremely gloomy, and at this moment his internal organs were being destroyed by this mysterious and powerful force.

Fortunately, Di Tian used his power in time to contain the source of these devouring powers, so the injuries in his body did not become more serious.

Dragging his seriously injured body, Di Tian's expression became extremely ugly.

He didn't expect that this woman was so powerful, countless times stronger than the previous Jiuyou.

This made Ditian realize that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion was really Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and he no longer dared to underestimate it.

Seeing this scene, Jiuyou was equally astonished, and a deep meaning flashed in his eyes.

He also didn't expect that Medusa's strength was even stronger than he guessed, and she really deserved to be brought by the pavilion master.

If Jiuyou used all his strength, when he confronted Ditian head-on, he would end up in a situation where both sides would suffer.

But Queen Medusa in front of her, without releasing her martial soul, still seriously injured Ditian with one blow.

Even if he managed to attack Ditian successfully, he still couldn't defeat Ditian.

Ditian stood there expressionless, but deep in his eyes was filled with monstrous anger, and a series of plans were born in his heart.


These two human soul masters must not be allowed to live, they bring too much danger to the soul beast, even if he unleashes all his strength, he can't do anything to the two human soul masters in front of him.

Now his master is sleeping and healing his wounds, and the entire Star Dou Forest belongs to him with the strongest strength.

Even he couldn't deal with these two human soul masters in front of him, let alone other soul beasts.

Therefore, Ditian planned in his heart that no matter what, they must be completely eliminated today.

Thinking of this, Di Tian instantly jumped up and hovered above the crowd.


Waves of spatial fluctuations rippled towards the surroundings.

A silver dragon scale suddenly appeared in Di Tian's palm, exuding the aura of destroying everything.

From the moment this dragon scale appeared, everything around it turned into nothingness, as if it couldn't bear the power of this dragon scale.

"With the power of the Lord today, I will send you to hell!"

At this moment, Di Tian completely injected all the power in his body into the silver dragon scale in his hand.

The voice of coercion spread throughout the entire area.

Just like that, as Ditian's aura became stronger, the entire Star Forest trembled.

The terrifying god-level power blasted towards the surroundings at this moment.


Queen Medusa, who was originally very calm and composed, changed her expression drastically after feeling this breath.

The whole person frantically backed away, the majestic power in his body was condensed in the palm of his hand, and endless youth bloomed in an instant, and he bombarded Ditian in front of him.

Queen Medusa noticed the strangeness of the silver dragon scale in Ditian's hand, and the power emanating from it made even her terrified.

A bad premonition emerged in Medusa's heart. If Ditian were to fully display the power of this dragon scale, even if she tried her best, she would not be able to resist it at all.

So no matter what, Medusa will not allow Ditian to fully unleash the true power of the silver dragon scale.

"It's too late to stop me now."

Seeing the belated Queen Medusa, Ditian exerted a powerful force, trying to block the next attack.

With a mocking smile on his face, he immediately threw the silver dragon scale in his hand into the air.

Standing behind the void, this piece of silver dragon scale released pieces of silvery brilliance, which contained destructive energy fluctuations, spreading towards the surroundings.

"No, get out of here!"

The soul power attack in Medusa's hand, after touching the power erupted from the dragon scale, gradually melted and dissipated between the heaven and the earth.

Seeing this situation, the expression on Queen Medusa's beautiful face was extremely complicated.

With her current state, she can't resist the power of this silver dragon scale at all.

The most important thing is that after she came to this world, her own strength was not fully integrated.

Otherwise, with her strength in her heyday, she shouldn't have too much difficulty in dealing with this level of attack.

But at this time, she was powerless to resist.

After seeing this situation, Jiuyou on the side was also horrified, and saw Queen Medusa in the center of the attack wave.

A dodge appeared behind Medusa in an instant, and the Nether Dragon Martial Soul in her right hand released a world-shaking Nether power.

"Ninth soul skill: Nether Sky Tower!"

Jiuyou gave a loud shout, and the ninth 10-year soul ring on his body released a bewitching red light.

The Nether Dragon flew in the air in an instant, and black portals appeared around the dragon's body, filled with terrifying Nether Power.

It contains an indestructible defense force, just like this, standing around the bodies of the two, trying to weaken this terrifying attack.

The next shocking scene happened, under the shroud of the radiant power of the silver dragon scale, Jiuyou's ninth soul ability gradually melted and turned into a little bit of soul power.


The majestic force blasted towards Medusa and Jiuyou in an instant, and the two resisted with all their strength, but they were still shocked by the aftermath of this earth-shattering attack, and they retreated madly for more than ten steps, spitting blood.

He watched the silver rays of light blast towards them.

It's a pity that they are powerless at this time, and they can't free their hands to deal with the next offensive.

"Ditian, you don't want to stay in the Star Dou Forest well, and come here to make trouble."

"Under my nose, it seems a little too much to want to hurt the people in my Star Dou Auction Pavilion!"

Just when Ditian's attack was about to succeed, the time and space in this area seemed to stand still.

Ditian, Medusa and the others were rigidly frozen in place, unable to move for a moment.

This indifferent voice spread throughout the entire area, causing Ditian's heart to ring an alarm bell, and his face became extremely frightened.

A sense of deadly threat emerged in Di Tian's heart, and he wanted to leave this place quickly.

But it was found that he was completely imprisoned in place, unable to move, and even a piece of dragon scale bestowed on him by his master could not break the blockage of the surrounding space.

This made Ditian's heart agitated, what exactly is this power?
Why is it so powerful that he has no power to resist at all.

Di Tian understood the meaning of these words, could it be that the person here is the real owner of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion?
While everyone was thinking, a burst of space power flickered, and Lu Yun walked in the void, looking indifferently at Di Tian in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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