Chapter 70 Jiuyou shot
The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape saw that Zi Ji had directly transformed into her own body and attacked them, their expressions became extremely solemn.

After all, the most powerful posture of a soul beast is the body of the soul beast, so these two soul beasts dare not underestimate Zi Ji.


The Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape didn't dare to hide, their huge bodies began to shake the ground, and then they used their powerful soul beast power to bombard them forward.

Just like that, the three ferocious beasts started a battle in this area, and countless fluctuations of soul power burst out.

Countless towering ancient trees were directly chopped off in the middle, deep pits appeared on the ground, and the whole scene was in a mess.

The most weird thing is that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion is located in this area, but it still stands intact on the open space, and it did not cause any damage due to the energy of the explosion.

This is the Star Dou Auction Pavilion presented by the system. Its specific level of strength cannot be destroyed by a battle with just a few beasts.

"Well, what's going on?"

At this moment, Lu Yun, who was retreating on the third floor of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, suddenly sensed such a powerful fluctuation of soul power outside the heart of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Immediately, Lu Yun opened his eyes, and doubts flashed in his mind.

Could it be that there are spirit beasts attacking the Star Dou Auction Pavilion...

At least there are Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape guarding the gate, and ordinary soul beasts dare not approach the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. Could it be that something happened?
With this in mind, Lu Yun's majestic mental power quickly spread to the outside world.

Immediately, the three soul beasts of the Azure Bull Python were discovered, and they were caught in a big battle.

Moreover, the Sky Blue Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape actually fell into a disadvantage in the hands of another soul beast, which is a very surprising thing.

They have all reached the level of ferocious beasts. It stands to reason that even ferocious beasts of the same level may not be opponents of Azure Bull Python and Titan Giant Ape.

After a while, lines of subtitles suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun's eyes, which were Ziji's specific information.

【Fierce Beast: Zi Ji】

[Soul Beast Age: 264846 years]

[Bloodline: Hell Demon Dragon]

[Soul Skill: Demonic Waters, Death and Withering...]

"I see. It seems that after the concentration of soul power increased by a hundred times, the beastman hidden in the Star Dou Forest woke up early."

"If there are no accidents, Ditian and the others should all be awake, but you absolutely shouldn't, absolutely shouldn't come to my Star Dou Auction Pavilion to play wild."

After Lu Yun knew Ziji's specific information, he probably understood what was going on.

Now that Zi Ji has come here, Di Tian and other ferocious beasts should be aware of the current changes in the Douluo Continent.

Perhaps the mystery of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion has not been leaked out, so Ditian did not pay attention to them.

Otherwise, it's not just sending a little guy at random.

"Jiuyou, get rid of that ferocious beast outside, if not, you can figure it out yourself!"

At this moment, Lu Yun saw that the Azure Niuban and the Titan Giant Ape were gradually losing ground, so he directly asked Jiuyou to deal with Ziji.

Speaking of before, Lu Yun was still a little worried that Di Tian and the others would dispatch all of them.

But now after being transformed by the power of good fortune, Jiuyou's strength has reached the level of a demigod, and there is Medusa again.

Now he is not afraid of all the beasts hidden in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

As long as Gu Yuena didn't wake up early, even if Di Tian led all the soul beasts under him to attack, he didn't need to shoot at all.

"Follow the Lord's orders!"

After hearing Lu Yun's words, Jiuyou nodded fiercely.

The next moment, the whole person suddenly disappeared in place. When the battle broke out outside the door, they had already sensed it.

Originally, he wanted to report this matter to Lu Yun and let the pavilion master take action, but he knew that Lu Yun was in retreat at that time, and he didn't want to disturb the pavilion master because of this matter.

So it was delayed until now, since Lu Yun gave the order, Jiuyou immediately dispatched.


At the moment when the three ferocious beasts of the Azure Bull Python were fighting, suddenly a smear of darkness enveloped everything, and the power of the ghost permeated the surroundings.

A violent demigod-level coercion was generated in the entire area, causing the three fierce beasts in front to stop immediately, and the battle stopped immediately.

After the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape felt the appearance of this breath, their bodies trembled unconsciously.

It is clear in my heart, who is coming!

Immediately, the two ferocious beasts breathed a sigh of relief. After all, Jiuyou's strength made them both feel very desperate.

Since Jiuyou made another attack today, it is impossible for Ziji to leave here unharmed.

"At the command of the pavilion master, leave this place quickly, otherwise you will stay here forever."

Bursts of black mist appeared behind Jiuyou, his body was gradually suspended in mid-air, with his hands behind his back, he looked at Zi Ji in front with majestic eyes.

"Hmph, let me go, just rely on you as a mere human soul master."

"In the territory of our soul beasts, you are so presumptuous. It seems that after so many years of development, you human soul masters really don't know the heights of the sky and the depths of the earth."

Ziji was dumbfounded when she heard that Jiuyou asked her to leave, and she reconfirmed that she had heard correctly, and then sternly shouted.

A killing intent flashed in Zi Ji's eyes, after all, human soul masters and soul beasts are enemies of life and death.

Since the human soul master in front of her came to her to seek death, then she didn't have to be polite.

Zi Ji moved her huge body, her dragon tail shook, and instantly bombarded forward.

Where the dragon's tail passed, there were bursts of bursting sounds in the air, as if everything was being destroyed.


Seeing that Ziji didn't listen to persuasion, Jiuyou took the lead in making the move, a meaningful smile flashed across his face, and a serious tone came out.


In Jiuyou's right hand, wisps of black and purple soul power appeared in a trance.

Immediately, a series of dark chains like ink were formed, releasing a strong power of the nether world.

Then, a shocking scene happened. Behind Jiuyou, an illusory black dragon appeared in an instant, and the dragon's body was filled with the ultimate ghost power.

Nine soul rings appeared on Jiuyou's body, the shocking configuration of six black and three red soul rings made people turn pale with shock.

"Why is this martial spirit coercion so strong, and the color of this spirit ring..."

"Sure enough, after the concentration of soul power is increased, he will benefit more than us."

At this moment, the Azure Niuban and the Titan Giant Ape, who were standing aside, saw Jiuyou's martial soul and the configuration of the soul ring.

The two soul beasts were dumbfounded, their faces full of disbelief.

After all, they felt a deadly sense of threat from Jiuyou, and that martial spirit-like coercion made them unable to resist.

There is no doubt that Jiuyou's martial spirit level is too high, they can see that Jiuyou's martial spirit is a dragon-type martial spirit.

If there is no accident, this kind of martial soul is also the top-level existence among dragon martial souls.

Seeing this situation, the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape did not dare to move at all.

Before Jiuyou took action and captured the two of them to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, I still felt extremely fearful in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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