Chapter 55
On the other hand, Lu Yun spent a lot of auction points to buy the specific coagulation method of the soul crystal.

But these auction sites are also equivalent to being given to him by everyone present, so Lu Yun doesn't feel bad.

Afterwards, Xuanshuang waved his hand, and a copy of Xuantian Kungfu appeared in front of him. A surge of soul power sent every copy of Xuantian Kungfu to everyone.

The specific method of condensing the soul crystal was also told to everyone present, and then spread to the entire Douluo Continent by the major forces.

I believe that in less than a month, Soul Crystal will be completely popularized in the Luo Continent and become the most important trading currency among Soul Masters.

"Soul crystals, a heaven-defying transaction currency, can be used as a transaction currency between soul masters. As for the previous golden soul coins, they can be used as a transaction currency for ordinary civilians."

"This task is still handed over to Wuhundian, please forgive me."

Xuanshuang informed Wuhundian, hoping that they could use the influence of Wuhundian to popularize soul crystals and completely separate the two.

Don't worry about Douluo Dalu civilians being unable to condense soul crystals, so they are eliminated by Douluo Dalu.

From now on, the golden soul coin will be used as the trading currency of ordinary people without soul power, which greatly avoids the collapse of the original trading system.

"Okay, our Spirit Hall will take on the responsibility of promoting soul crystals."

When Bibidong heard Xuanshuang's words, although endless curiosity about the soul crystal emerged in her heart, she still took the responsibility.

If Wuhundian wants to dominate the Douluo Continent in the future, it must win the hearts of the people, so the appearance of the soul crystal gave her a chance.

She wants to take this opportunity to completely elevate the status of Wuhun Hall to another level.

However, when the other forces heard that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion handed over the responsibility to Wuhundian, their expressions were slightly ugly.

They know that the strength of Wuhundian is extremely powerful, and after this incident, I am afraid that the status of Wuhundian will be as high as the sky in the future.

This is very unfavorable to other forces, but they dare not refute.

Immediately afterwards, everyone got the specific method of condensing the soul crystal, and everyone's face showed a look of amazement.

Unexpectedly, condensing soul crystals is so miraculous, and finally learning that soul crystals can be used for cultivation made everyone feel turbulent.

This soul crystal will completely change the trading system of Douluo Continent.

This made everyone even more curious about the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. Such a mysterious Xingdou Auction Pavilion, time and time again, brought out treasures that shocked the Douluo Continent, which simply made them amazed.

However, the Star Dou Auction Pavilion announced the birth of the soul crystal, which can greatly improve the soul power level of the soul masters of the Douluo Continent.

It is of great benefit to the overall development of Douluo Continent.

"This Xuantian Kungfu is actually several levels higher than the Qibaoming idea passed down by our sect."

At this time, after Ning Fengzhi understood the specific condensing method of the soul crystal, he was also extremely horrified in his heart.

Soon, he fell in love with the Xuantian Kungfu meditation method in his hand, and the more he looked back, the shock in his heart became stronger.

What kind of top meditation method is this?

It is several grades higher than the Qibaoming ideas that their Qibao Liulizong has passed down over the years.

Moreover, Xuantian Kung Fu is divided into ten layers. If one adds a layer to the soul master's training system of Douluo Continent, one can break through the tenth level of soul power.

Doesn't that mean that if someone can break through the tenth level of Xuantian Kungfu, he can step into the god-level domain that no one has touched in the Douluo Continent until now.

This made Ning Fengzhi even more unable to calm down, causing waves of monstrous waves.

This can be regarded as a real top-level meditation method. If any force possesses such a top-level meditation method as Xuantian Kungfu, it is not impossible to break through to a god-level powerhouse in the future.

Even titled Douluo-level powerhouses will spring up like bamboo shoots in the Douluo Continent.

This made Ning Fengzhi and others realize the seriousness of this matter, but it's a pity that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion completely popularized the Xuantian Kungfu to the Douluo Continent.

In other words, from now on, most soul masters will be able to practice Xuantian Kung Fu, and then improve their soul power level.

They had no advantage, so Ning Fengzhi planned to go back and teach Xuantian Kungfu to every disciple in the sect.

Let them seize the time to practice Xuantian Kungfu and try to raise their soul power to a higher level.

In the next great world, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School must come out on top.

"What a mysterious Xuantian Kungfu. I didn't expect that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion would even give this top-level meditation method to everyone. It's unbelievable."

Bibi Dong held the Xuan Tian Kung in her hand, and she couldn't hide the astonishment in her eyes.

Soon, Bibi Dong realized the seriousness of this matter.

She thinks farther than other forces. In the future, the number of titled Douluo powerhouses in the Douluo Continent will definitely increase.

At that time, their status in Wuhundian will definitely be threatened.

At this time, Bibi Dong had a series of plans in mind.

In any case, we must seize this opportunity and strive to make more titled Douluo born in Wuhundian.

"Okay, this is our Star Dou Auction Pavilion, what I'm telling you this time, remember, remember to bring soul crystals to the next auction, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will not recognize gold soul coins."

Xuanshuang saw the changes on everyone's faces, and then nodded in relief.

As expected of the pavilion master, the things he brought out every time were enough to shock everyone.

"After you leave, there will be a fortune in the Douluo Continent. I hope the major forces can grasp it and don't miss it."

Xuanshuang saw that many forces were about to leave this place, and then another shocking news broke out.

That's right!

Xuanshuang learned from Lu Yun that a terrifying force would erupt from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion later on, increasing the overall soul power concentration of Douluo Dalu by a hundred times.

Knowing the news, Xuanshuang couldn't keep calm.

Although she is a character created by the system, she is also aware of the current situation in Douluo Dalu. The master of the pavilion can be said to be almost superior to Douluo Dalu, which is too terrifying.

This made Xuanshuang more respectful towards Lu Yun.

"Huh? Shocking fortune, what is that? Why is the Star Dou Auction Pavilion always tantalizing?"

"Since the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has said that it is a shocking fortune, the next opportunity is absolutely huge, we must not miss it."

"That's right, after I leave the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, I must always guard this opportunity and absolutely not let it slip away from me."


When many forces heard these words, everyone put their spirits up and began to look forward to the good fortune that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion said next.

What the hell is an astonishing fortune?
Even Bibi Dong and other peerless powerhouses are full of expectations for this shocking fortune.

Go back and plan to order everyone in the Wuhun Hall to wait for this opportunity to appear.


PS: Let me tell you, the Xuantian Kungfu and the soul crystal condensing method sent out are to allow others to condense more soul crystals, which is equivalent to the protagonist's tool man (used for auction sites).

Another aspect of sending Xuantian Kungfu is to disgust Tang San.

I don't know why some people always understand that the protagonist is licking dogs, licking the power of the mainland.

(End of this chapter)

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