Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 376 Taking the God Transformation Pill

Chapter 376 Taking the God Transformation Pill

However, after hearing the next sentence, Bibi Dong nodded without hesitation.

Facing the fatal crisis in Douluo Continent, Wuhun Palace will never sit idly by.

It can be said that this condition is optional.


Then, the majestic divine power in Lu Yun's body burst out, his fingers came together, and a ray of golden light flashed, directly touching Bibi Dong's eyebrows.

The next moment, violent divine power rushed directly inside Bibi Dong's body, constantly breaking the sealing power in Bibi Dong's body.

After a long time, when the seal inside Bibi Dong's body was broken, she clearly felt that her situation had changed drastically.

The surrounding soul power continued to pour into the body, which was not like the previous situation at all.

The emergence of this state means that the seal in her body is completely broken.

During the period of time when there was a seal in her body, no matter how much soul power she absorbed, it would disappear silently.

It's hard to be like today when the soul power in the body is so full.

"Thank you again, Star Auction Pavilion, for helping me lift the seal in my body."

Bibi Dong tried hard to calm down the joy in her heart and thanked Lu Yun again.

"Okay, within this year, improve your strength as soon as possible. After all, the crisis in one year will be more serious than you think."

"Our Star Auction Pavilion has the ability to solve this crisis, but there is no way to guarantee the life of every soul master. Therefore, you still need to survive this crisis on your own."

At this moment, Lu Yun once again reminded Bibi Dong to pay attention to this crisis in Douluo Continent.

Hearing this, Bibi Dong nodded fiercely. After all, she also knew that the change in the far north shocked the entire Douluo Continent.

Even though she was far away, she could still feel the strange aura released by those red lights.

Bibi Dong naturally takes this crisis very seriously.

Afterwards, Bibi Dong left the Star Dou Auction Pavilion and headed to the Spirit Hall with great anticipation.

She can't wait to take this god-transforming pill and completely step into the god-level realm.

Become the first powerful person with artifacts besides the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Of course, she was just a human soul master. Bibi Dong knew very well that the mysterious woman who had set the seal in her body before was definitely at the god level.

Bibi Dong didn't feel clearly how strong he was at the time, but he was definitely not weaker than ordinary god-level experts.


Half an hour later, Bibi Dong quickly returned to Wuhun Hall.

Next, she began to instruct Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo to guard the Pope's Palace and never let any powerful person disturb her retreat.

After all, the next period of time will be crucial. Whether you can become a god depends on this opportunity.

So Bibi Dong continued to send more powerful men to guard her retreat place.

During this time, absolutely no one is allowed to interrupt.

Bibi Dong came to the secret room and directly suspended the red God Transformation Pill in front of her, releasing a huge god-level aura.

Bibi Dong looked at the Transformation Pill in front of her expectantly, took a deep breath, and began to adapt to the changes in her strength.

After more than ten minutes, Bibi Dong completely adjusted her condition and took the magic pill.

In an instant, the majestic effect of the God Transformation Pill poured into Bibi Dong's limbs and bones like a river.

"What a powerful force!" Bibi Dong felt such a huge power and exclaimed in disbelief.

The huge aura that was inadvertently generated within the body spread violently towards the surroundings.

Under the impact of this momentum, cracks appeared in the surrounding walls, which may collapse at any time.

Fortunately, Bibi Dong adjusted in time and slowly drained the powerful power of the divine pill into her body.

He began to fall into deep seclusion, absorbing the power of this magical elixir, striving to break the bottleneck in his body and ascend to the throne of God.

As the effect of the Transformation Pill continued to integrate into her body, Bibi Dong's aura became more and more powerful at this moment.

This momentum is above the level of demigods and below the level of gods, and the two are hovering between each other.

Bibi Dong's two martial souls constantly reflected each other in her body, forming a strange balance and strength.

The evil force directly attacks the outside world. It is too powerful and cannot be ignored at all.

Outside the secret room, Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo, who were guarding Bibi Dong's safety, naturally felt this powerful evil aura.

Immediately, their faces became stern, but when they thought that soon after the Pope crowned himself, he might become a god-level powerhouse, the two of them became extremely excited.


Time passed by, and three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The aura around Bibi Dong became extremely stable, and the effect of the God Transformation Pill in her body was almost exhausted.

"Do you think His Majesty the Pope has succeeded? Why has the movement in the secret room become smaller and smaller in the past three days?"

"This is very wrong."

During these three days, Ju Douluo had been paying attention to the movements in the secret room, but he could no longer feel any bursts of powerful aura.

Ju Douluo inevitably had a doubt in his heart. Could it be that something unexpected happened to His Majesty the Pope in the process of breaking through to the god level?
"I don't know either. Logically speaking, as time goes by, the Pope's momentum should be getting stronger and stronger, but why is it almost calm now? It's really weird."

When Ghost Douluo heard what Ju Douluo said, he obviously had doubts in his heart.

A feeling of worry arose in the two of them. Could it be that His Majesty the Pope's breakthrough failed?

Just as the two of them were meditating, a stronger aura suddenly appeared in the secret room.

The overwhelming aura blasted directly out of the secret room.

The extremely strong door to the secret room instantly shattered into pieces under this powerful momentum.

The violent evil force rushed forward. Ju Douluo and Ghost Douluo's expressions changed drastically after feeling the momentum.

He tried his best to resist this evil force, but the momentum was too strong and it was useless.

In the blink of an eye, he was pushed back hundreds of meters by this powerful aura, and finally fell heavily to the ground.

When the dust cleared, Ju Douluo and the two stood up, with indescribable ecstasy in their eyes.

"With this momentum, could it be that His Majesty the Pope succeeded?"

At this moment, Ju Douluo murmured in an anxious tone.

"That's right. This momentum is completely different from soul power. It should be the divine power born in the body of the legendary god-level strongman."

Ghost Douluo said with great certainty, feeling relieved.

Before, they were also worried that His Majesty the Pope's breakthrough would fail.

I never thought that His Majesty the Pope would succeed in just three days.

(End of this chapter)

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