Chapter 357
Just like that, Lu Yun looked at the mysterious picture scroll hanging quietly on the wall nearby.

The mysterious picture he was looking at had a dark and unclear look in his eyes.

After a while, Lu Yun sighed leisurely, and his thoughts sank into his mind. What on earth did he want to see about all of this?
"System, can you tell me the origin of this mysterious scroll?"

At this moment, Lu Yun said solemnly, after all, the mysterious woman had already said it before.

If you want to know her identity, you only need to ask the system in his mind.

[Why didn’t this system tell you the identity of that woman before? Naturally, there is a great power of cause and effect. Now that the woman over there has shown that you can know her identity, this system can give you some general information. 】

[The specific name of that woman is not clear to this system. I only know that outsiders call her the goddess of heaven. She is one of the most powerful people in the world. As for why she appears here, the strength of the host is basically No way of knowing. 】

[But host, you can rest assured that the goddess is not in any danger to you, host. 】

As soon as he finished speaking, the cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind, roughly introducing the origin of the mysterious woman.

Hearing this, Lu Yun fell into deep thought. After all, the introduction of the system was too vague.

I only know the name of that woman, and outsiders call her the Goddess, but I have heard the system say that the Goddess is the strongest group of people in the world.

That is to say, the origin of that woman is extraordinary.

His current strength is extremely weak. If he rashly knows the specific origin of the goddess, he will indeed have to withstand a very large force of cause and effect.

Lu Yun, who knew everything, had no intention of pursuing the matter further.

Anyway, the system has already said that the goddess does not pose any threat to him, so there is no need for him to pay too much attention.

I believe that one day, Tiannu will leave Douluo Continent. With her status, she cannot stay in this low-level Douluo Continent forever.

"That's all, let her stay here!"

Lu Yun shook his head secretly. At worst, he would find another room to rest in the future.

Immediately, Lu Yun threw away the distracting thoughts in his mind and began to prepare to use the summoning card he had drawn.

Look at this opportunity, what kind of strong man can be summoned?

Lu Yun stood there, and a golden card suddenly appeared in his hand, floating in front of him.


Lu Yun exerted force with both hands, and his divine power burst out, and the golden card instantly turned into golden light spots.

A golden portal formed in the void ahead, emitting dazzling light.

Lu Yun stood in front of the portal, looking forward expectantly. He wondered if he could summon a top powerhouse this time?


After time passed slowly, suddenly the golden portal in front began to tremble violently, as if it was about to collapse.

"There is a play!"

When Lu Yun saw this situation, his eyes lit up and he felt a little surprised. It seemed that the character summoned this time was definitely not simple.

After all, when "Heaven" was summoned before, the entire golden portal collapsed into pieces because it could not withstand the powerful pressure.

In an instant, a white light flew out from the golden portal, and the portal behind him shattered.

After the white light fell to the ground, Lu Yun was shocked and confused when he saw this scene.

At this moment, a white fox suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun.

A charming aura flickered in the void, especially the nine tails on the back of this white fox swaying in the wind, exuding an astonishing aura.

Lu Yun clearly felt the heart-stopping power of blood within the fox, and quickly used his invincible domain to offset the blood pressure.

"System, what's going on? Why was a fox summoned this time?" Lu Yun, who was not sure what was going on, asked the system in his mind.

Before this, the summoning cards he used and the things he summoned were all characters.

But why this time, a fox was actually summoned? This is so strange.

[The summoning card is to summon powerful existences in the heavens and the world, and the things summoned are not limited to humans, but may also be spiritual beasts, mythical beasts, etc. 】

[As long as a creature with strong strength has a chance to be sensed by the summoning card. 】

The cold voice of the system sounded in Lu Yun's mind, answering his doubts.

After Lu Yun heard this information, he nodded slightly and did not pursue the matter further.

He looked curiously at the white fox in front of him, wondering where this fox came from?
"Huh? Where is this?"


I saw the white fox in front of me, taking light steps to explore the surrounding scene, and then a charming voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing the fox speak, Lu Yun realized that the strength of this fox must not be simple.

Therefore, Lu Yun directly used the system's capabilities to begin to explore the specific information about this fox.

[Nine-tailed Sky Fox (young body): From the supreme race of the Qingqiu Fox Clan, the body contains the blood of the Nine-tailed Celestial Fox, the supreme race of the Fox Clan...]

[Cultivation: Above God King (Sealing.)]


Lu Yun was shocked when he saw the specific information about this fox.

The legendary Qingqiu Fox Clan is the most powerful race in the world.

The nine-tailed sky fox's bloodline power can also be said to be the highest among the fox clan.

But he didn't expect that this very ordinary-looking fox contained the blood of the Nine-tailed Sky Fox.

And it is from the Qingqiu Fox Clan. This fox has an extraordinary status in the Qingqiu Fox Clan.

Just in the juvenile body, the strength has already broken through to the level of the God King, but it is still under seal.

If his strength had not been sealed, he didn't know what level of cultivation this fox had.

"Who are you? Where is this place?"

The fox looked curiously at Lu Yun in front of him.

There was no fear in his eyes, as if he didn't take Lu Yun in front of him seriously.

What makes this fox strange the most is where exactly is the place it came to.

It originally secretly escaped from the territory of the Qingqiu Fox Clan and went to the outside world to play, but suddenly it found a golden portal on its way to escape.

So, without thinking, it stepped directly in. When it opened its eyes again, it found that it had entered this strange world.

"Hey, what's going on? Why is my strength sealed?"

The fox suddenly realized its own strength and was sealed by a powerful force.

The fox's expression changed, and the nine-tailed sky fox bloodline in his body was immediately activated. At this moment, the power of the seal exploded, impacting the body.

But no matter how it exploded with tyrannical bloodline power, it was all to no avail in the end. Its strength was still forcibly sealed.

(End of this chapter)

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