Chapter 338 Ice Temple


Hearing this, Xue Di also fell into hesitation.

The Ice Temple is the supreme holy place in the Far North, and even since she was born, she has never stepped into the Ice Temple.

As for what's inside?She really doesn't know anything.

However, according to the legend, the Ice Temple is the palace left behind by a god in the extreme north.

Since ancient times, there was a battle between soul beasts and soul masters, and the ice god also fell completely in that battle, and his palace was left in the extreme north.

At that time, her cultivation base was relatively weak, and she did not dare to step into the Ice Temple rashly.

If things go on like this, she no longer pays attention to the Ice Temple.

Even so, she would not let other spirit beasts step into the supreme holy land of the Far North.

But now the Ice Jade Divine Bead is out of her control and has entered the Ice Temple.

This made Snow Emperor very hesitant, wondering if he wanted to enter the Ice Temple to find out.

"Let's go, let's enter the Ice Temple."

"After all, the Ice Jade Divine Orb is a top-level treasure, and we have no reason to give it up. Besides, I believe that Lord Ice God, knowing the purpose of our trip, will not blame us for entering his dormant place rashly."

Snow Emperor hesitated for a while, but decisively agreed to enter the Ice Temple.

As soon as the words fell, Ice Emperor nodded slightly, agreeing to enter the Ice Temple with Snow Emperor.

Xuedi and the two walked towards the cave ahead with heavy steps.

At the same time, the soul power surged violently in his body, and he was always ready to deal with the upcoming crisis.

They have never stepped into the Ice Temple before, so naturally they don't know what kind of opportunities and dangers are contained in it.

After Xuedi and the two entered the cave, a world made of ice was everywhere in front of them.

As the distance deepened, the area of ​​the scene in the entire cave became larger and larger, until an ice-blue palace appeared in front of the two Snow Emperors.

The overall look is brilliant and majestic, and even contains an inexplicable divine power.

"This throbbing?"

Xue Di looked up at the huge palace in front of him, and felt a throbbing feeling in his blood.

It was as if there was a call from ancient times that made her enter this hall impatiently.


Suddenly, Snow Emperor noticed a plaque above the ice-blue gate, with three ice-blue characters on it: Ice Temple.

"This should be the resting place of the Ice God. We didn't see the Ice Jade God Orb on the road. I think the Ice Jade God Orb has already entered the Ice God Palace."

Snow Emperor said with a serious expression.

Only by entering the Ice Temple can the Ice Jade Divine Bead be retrieved.

Besides, they have already come here, and there is no reason to go back.

A ray of soul power appeared in Xuedi's palm and flew towards the front door.

This ray of soul power passed through the gate directly, and Xue Di sensed that there was no power on the gate.

Afterwards, Xue Di slowly pushed the door open while being vigilant about the changes inside the door.

Until the Ice Temple was completely opened, there was no danger at all.

Seeing this situation, Xuedi and the two secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

After a little thought, I probably understand what is going on here?

After all, the ice god has completely fallen, and even if the power of the ice god remains in the ice temple, it has already completely dissipated within hundreds of thousands of years.


After entering the Ice Temple, what greets the eyes is an ice-blue world, full of scenes of destruction everywhere.

There are corpses on the ground that have been frozen into ice sculptures. These corpses include the bones of various spirit beasts, as well as the corpses of human soul masters. The overall look is very strange.

"What's going on? Why are there still bones of soul beasts and soul masters in the Ice Temple?"

"Could it be that there was also a battle between soul masters and soul beasts in the Ice Temple back then."

Seeing this scene, Xuedi was even more puzzled.

It stands to reason that the Ice God Temple is the dormant place of the Ice God, but why are there so many bones here?
And looking at the surrounding scenes, it was obvious that a big battle had taken place.

As the gate of the Ice Temple opened, a gust of wind blew past.

Under the breeze, the originally frozen corpse suddenly turned into pieces of fly ash and dissipated between the sky and the earth.

After the scene inside the Ice Temple became empty, the thing at the front caught the attention of the two of them.

I saw an ice-blue seat in front of me. On the ordinary seat, sat a monster who looked like a human being but not a human, a beast but not a beast.

The monster was frozen into an ice sculpture, lifeless. The most notable thing was that there was an ice-blue long sword inserted into the monster's chest.

"No way!"

Suddenly, Xue Di's attention was focused on that ice-blue long sword.

After a little perception of mental power, Xuedi's breathing became short of breath.

His eyes were fixed on the ice-blue long sword.

At this time, the Ice Empress obviously noticed something was wrong, and her expression was almost exactly the same as that of the Snow Empress.

Bingdi turned her head and looked at Xuedi with bright eyes, wondering if her guess was right?

"If our guess is correct, that ice-blue long sword is the sword that Lord Ice God used back then: Ice God Sword."

At this moment, Xuedi said firmly.

The Ice God Sword, as the divine weapon of the Lord Ice God back then, was even forged in the Extreme North, which resulted in the Ice God Sword completely containing the power of heaven and earth from the Extreme North.

She just noticed an inexplicable movement from the long sword, as if this sword had a very strong connection with the extreme north.

Combined with the appearance of this long sword, Snow Emperor also knew that this long sword was the sword that Lord Ice God used back then: Ice God Sword.

"But why is Lord Ice God's artifact here, and there is no bone of Lord Ice God?"

Ice Empress asked suspiciously.

As the most powerful artifact of the Ice God, the Ice God Sword should always be carried with him.

But the Ice God Sword appeared here strangely.

The ice god has become a god-level powerhouse, even if he dies, his own bones will not rot.

But apart from the monster on the chair and the Ice God Sword, there is no third thing here.

All these doubts emerged in the hearts of the two Xuedi, which made them extremely incomprehensible.

He didn't dare to pull out the Ice God Sword without authorization.

"Snow Emperor, should we take out the Ice God Sword? It is a real artifact. If we have the Ice God Sword, the extreme north will be safer."

The Ice Empress was eager to try.

"What should I do if something happens when I pull out the Ice God Sword?"

Hearing this, Snow Emperor sighed.

After all, the Ice God Sword is here, and it feels very strange from every aspect.

Xue Di didn't dare to pull out the Excalibur, lest it cause uncontrollable changes.

At that time, not only the two of them will be injured, but even the entire northern land will not be spared.

To be on the safe side, Xue Di fell into hesitation.

(End of this chapter)

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