Chapter 334 Divine Dragon Sword

Lu Yun has completely recognized the owner of this sword. After all, the refined weapon has no owner.

Only by establishing a connection with it through one's own blood essence can it be easily used.

Then, the nine-colored sword in front of him suddenly appeared in front of Lu Yun.

Holding the hilt of the divine sword, Lu Yun felt the power released by the divine sword, and he was eager to try it.

Want to see what kind of power this divine sword can unleash?

Before Lu Yun could go on experimenting, all of a sudden, patches of dark clouds flashed above the entire chaotic secret realm.

Purple arcs flickered in the dark clouds, filled with a strong and oppressive atmosphere.

"Huh? What's going on here?"

"Could it be the legendary Thunder Tribulation?"

At this moment, Lu Yun raised his head and saw the power of thunder flashing in the sky, but he didn't respond at the first moment, what was going on.

He quickly remembered the record in "The Art of Refining Artifacts", if someone forges a peerless weapon, then the heaven and the earth will rain down thunder and catastrophe.

If the weapon survives the thunder calamity, its power will increase greatly, but if it fails, it will become a pile of scrap iron.

This is also the test of heaven for a peerless weapon.

It never occurred to Lu Yun that a divine sword he had forged at will could draw out a thunder calamity!


Although he, as the master of the secret realm of chaos, could completely erase this thunder disaster, he did not do so.

It is recorded in "The Art of Refining Weapons" that if a weapon successfully survives the thunder disaster, then the power of this weapon will be improved to a higher level.

Lu Yun also didn't want to miss this opportunity for no reason.

When the power of thunder continued to flicker in the sky, creating a terrifying coercion, Lu Yun directly removed the blockade on the nine-colored sword.

The next moment, the Nine-Look Excalibur burst out of the air, producing a powerful sword energy that frightened the world.

In the blink of an eye, this divine sword quickly blasted towards the thunder calamity in the sky, carrying the edge of destroying everything, as if it could tear the sky and the earth into pieces.


Lu Yun was extremely shocked when he saw how brave this divine sword was.

What shocked Lu Yun even more was that the divine sword rushed directly into Lei Jie.

A nine-colored sword aura immediately traversed the world, and the powerful thunderstorm in the sky was torn in half by this nine-colored sword aura.

After a while, the thunder in the sky gradually dissipated, and it took a long time before Lu Yun gradually recovered.

"Good guy, what kind of weapon did I refine?"

Lu Yun couldn't help sighing in his heart.

It is said in "The Art of Refining Weapons" that for any weapon that can attract thunder, the chance of successfully surviving the thunder is only [-]%.

As a result, he refined this divine sword, and directly blasted through Lei Jie with an invincible aura. Lu Yun was extremely puzzled by this scene.

But after thinking about it, he probably understood what was going on?

Perhaps it is because in the secret realm of chaos, the current rules of heaven and earth are not perfect, and the thunder calamity produced is not very strong, which is why the divine sword can easily destroy the thunder calamity.

When the thunder calamity dissipated, a golden light in the sky entered the Nine-Colored Excalibur.

This is covered with a layer of mystery on the surface of the Excalibur, releasing a more powerful aura, and its sharpness has more than doubled compared to before.

For this opportunity, Lu Yun was very pleasantly surprised.

Afterwards, Lu Yun ignored this matter and began to check the specific power of this divine sword.

The power of this divine sword contains a very powerful sword energy, and it has the destructive power to destroy everything.

The most notable point is that this divine sword can suppress all soul beasts in Douluo Continent.

This is definitely a god-defying artifact.

It can be said that as long as he holds this divine sword, he will fight with the soul beasts of Douluo Dalu.

Then the opponent's strength should be suppressed by at least half, the lower the bloodline of the soul beast, the more strength it would be suppressed.

"too frightening!"

Regarding this function, Lu Yun was secretly stunned. He originally thought that the powerful power of this sword was enough to shock him.

In the end, this divine sword turned out to be a huge nightmare for the soul beast clan
But after a little thought, I think it makes sense.

The raw materials of this divine sword are the bones of the dragon god and the bones of the other nine dragon kings.

The bloodlines of these soul beasts are the top existence in the soul beast clan of Douluo Continent.

Even the blood of the dragon god is superior to all soul beasts.

It is not surprising that this divine sword has such a function.

"In that case, then this sword is called: Shenlong Sword."

Lu Yun rubbed his chin with his hand, and gave this nine-color sword a name.

"With the divine sword, there is still a scabbard missing."

Lu Yun didn't know what he thought of, and murmured softly.

A peerless divine sword must at least have a scabbard, but he didn't have good materials in his hands.

So Lu Yun focused his attention on the god-level store.


Directly spent a lot of auction points, bought related materials, and used the refining furnace again to refine the scabbard of the Shenlong Sword.


The core area of ​​the Star Dou Great Forest.

In a different space under the lake of life, this space is full of colorful gems, shining brightly.

Especially the huge ice bed in the center is eye-catching.

Gu Yuena sat on the ice bed, looking at the broken Dragon God core in front of her, with a sad face.

She wanted to repair the Dragon God's core, but it was of no avail in the end, which made Gu Yuena extremely upset.

This core of the Dragon God is a big plan related to the soul beast family. If the core of the Dragon God is broken, the Dragon God will completely dissipate in the world.

Doesn't the soul beast family have no hope of revival?

Moreover, the power in the Dragon God's core was almost lost.

Even if the Dragon God can't appear in this world, the chances of her wanting to rely on the power in the Dragon God's core to go further are really too small.


Gu Yuena was still full of anger towards Lu Yun and the others, but her strength was far from being able to ignore the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

He could only suppress his anger in his heart, and kept trying to repair the Dragon God core.

"Who the hell is spying on me?"

In the end, Gu Yuena's complexion suddenly became extremely serious, and she temporarily put aside the core matters of the Dragon God.

On the way back to the Star Dou Great Forest, she suddenly felt a strong sense of peeping, but it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

This feeling is very worrying, Gu Yuena does not believe her perception, there will be any mistakes.

Then there is only one possibility, that someone has indeed noticed her whereabouts.

But the first object of suspicion in Gu Yuena's heart was the group of hypocritical gods in the God Realm.

Thinking that the God Realm knew of her existence, Gu Yuena looked extremely worried.

At present, she doesn't have the capital to completely kill the gods, so she can only cultivate herself secretly.

It seems that during this period of time, she cannot show her face in public. If the God Realm finds out, then the soul beast clan may usher in another catastrophe.

(End of this chapter)

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