Chapter 326 Dragon Valley core area
As for the power of space left by the space dragon king in front, it is not worth mentioning under the barrier of time and space.

Only by breaking this power of space can the real bones of the Space Dragon King be found.

As long as the area in front is covered by the barrier of time and space, the internal time and space will be reduced to nothingness.

Then the power left by the space dragon king will also gradually disappear, and the real scene will appear.

It's just that he is not sure whether the ninth soul skill he has exerted with all his strength can do everything he guessed?

After a silver-white barrier spreads, all the power of space gradually turns into nothingness wherever it passes.

The area in front of him suddenly changed, it was no longer an endless plain, but a deep pit full of destruction.

The deep pit was extremely dark and filled with a terrifying aura. As for the surrounding land, it was almost destroyed.

"Finally found!"

Seeing the huge corpse in the deep pit, with the terrifying power of space revealed all the time on the surface, it is known that this keel must be the corpse of the Space Dragon King.

Lu Yun inspected carefully, and he didn't notice any remnant soul power from the bones. Presumably, during the battle, the space dragon king's soul power completely dissipated.

Lu Yun no longer had any worries, the power of time and space filled his hands, and immediately sucked a piece of silver-white divine bone into his hands.

After feeling the powerful divine power in this divine bone of the head, a faint smile appeared on his face.

After a while, the divine bone was directly put into the system space.

At this moment, Lu Yun noticed that a burst of weak space power flashed.

Soon, the figure of "Tian" appeared beside him out of thin air.


"what's the situation?"

After Lu Yun saw this situation, he couldn't help but let out a voice of doubt.

Didn't "Heaven" go to find the Dragon King's soul bone, why did he come back so soon?
In addition to the head soul bone of the space dragon king in his hand, he already has the god bones of the five great dragon kings on his body.

There were still four divine bones left, and since "Heaven" was extremely powerful, he was asked to find the remaining three divine bones.

Now that "Heaven" has come to him, could it be that he has found all of them?
"That's right, with the location you gave me, I have successfully obtained the bones of the Mountain Dragon King, Earth Dragon King and White Dragon King."

Hearing this, "Tian" nodded slightly, and with a wave of his big hand, three divine bones floated in front of Lu Yun's body, each releasing a god-level terrifying coercion.

"So fast!"

Lu Yun knew the final result, his face was full of astonishment, and he couldn't keep calm in his heart.

Although he spent a lot of trouble in the process of finding the bone of the Space Dragon King, he quickly found a solution.

But who would have thought that just after he put away the divine bones of the Space Dragon King, "Heaven" had already found three divine bones.

Even with the specific position he gave, the speed is a bit too fast.

After a while, Lu Yun shook his head secretly. After all, the strength of "Heaven" is beyond the limit of Douluo Continent.

Being able to do this doesn't seem like a big deal.

Therefore, Lu Yun calmed down his inner emotions, and now there is still a piece of divine bone left that has not been found.

"In that case, the two of us will go together to find the last piece of divine bone."

Lu Yun intends to set off with "Tian" to find the last piece of bone, which is the bone of the Colorful Dragon King.

However, the location of this divine bone is relatively remote.

Without hesitating for too long, the two set off directly, but on the way, they used their mental power to pay attention to other spirit bones in Dragon Valley.

Even though most of the spirit bones were destroyed by powerful forces, there were still some complete spirit bones.

Dragon Valley is the final battlefield of the Great War, and almost all the participants in the battle are god-level powerhouses.

Therefore, almost all the bones found along the way were god bones. As for the soul bones below the god level, most of them were destroyed by powerful forces.

Half an hour later, Lu Yun and the two came to a mountain range.

Compared with other mountain ranges, this mountain range is relatively intact.

Moreover, the surrounding area of ​​this mountain range is full of oppressive atmosphere, and a powerful force bursts out from time to time, spreading towards all directions.

"Pavilion Master, be careful. This mountain range is not simple. It seems that there is a very powerful energy fluctuation in the mountain range."

After "Tian" came here, he immediately sensed something was wrong, and said seriously to Lu Yun.

This mountain range is really weird. Compared with other areas in Dragon Valley, there is an inexplicable depressive atmosphere here, which appears from time to time.

The most notable thing is that there is a mass of energy that destroys the world in this mountain range.

Although there was no threat in his eyes, he still reminded Lu Yun in detail.

No one can guarantee whether there will be other accidents.


After hearing the reminder from "Heaven", Lu Yun immediately raised his eyebrows, released his mental power, and felt the breath of this mountain range.

"Could it be that this mountain range is the core area of ​​Dragon Valley, and that terrifying force is the core of Dragon God?"

Combined with some things he knew before, a guess gradually emerged in Lu Yun's mind.

After all, there are no living creatures in the Dragon Valley, but it can burst out and make "Heaven" feel solemn, which is probably the core of the Dragon God.

The core of the Dragon God contains the original power of the Dragon God's life.

Even if it explodes, it can definitely injure a strong person at the level of a god king.

As a result, Lu Yun's eyes became very serious, and it seemed that he could not relax his vigilance next.

If there is no accident, I am afraid that Gu Yuena has successfully gone to the place where the Dragon God's core is located at this time.

"Let's go, let's take a look at the strength of the Dragon God's core."

After sorting out all his thoughts, an expression of interest appeared on Lu Yun's face, and he said slowly.

After some perception, he found the specific entrance directly, and his whole body turned into a stream of light, flying towards the front of the mountains in an instant.

When Lu Yun touched the mountain range, a burst of silver ripples spread around, passing through the mountain range in the blink of an eye.It was not blocked in any way.

The "Heaven" behind him followed closely and walked into the mountains.

A burst of darkness struck, and when the two opened their eyes again, they found that they had come to another strange place.

This place is full of darkness, and even a trace of soul power cannot be felt.

It's just that there was a light not far away, which attracted Lu Yun's mind.

However, Lu Yun was always alert to the movement around him, and walked forward with light steps.

Be aware of the energy fluctuations around you.

He also didn't know if Dragon God left any other means after his death.

After Lu Yun and the two left the dark land and came to the light land, looking at the scene ahead, Lu Yun showed a shocked expression.

Even the expression of "Heaven" on the side has changed.

(End of this chapter)

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