Chapter 315 Star Sea Boundary
When Bibi Dong called out this price, after a while, no other forces chose to increase the price.

Seeing such a situation, Xuanshuang also knew the ultimate ownership of this auction item.

After waiting for a while, no one continued to increase the price, ready to end the auction of this auction item.

"1972 soul crystals once!"

"1972 soul crystals twice!"

"1972 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, then the two soul ring year upgrade cards will belong to the tenth box."

After repeated confirmation, Xuanshuang directly announced the final ownership of this auction item, which was won by Bibi Dong.

After the third auction item was taken by Bibi Dong, Xuanshuang didn't delay further, and immediately started the auction of the fourth auction item.

Under the expectant eyes of many soul masters, Xuanshuang waved his hand.


Countless stars lit up in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and many soul masters seemed to be in the boundless sea of ​​stars, extremely beautiful.

In an instant, under the guidance of a soul force, the stars in the sky gathered in front of Xuanshuang.

Immediately afterwards, all the stars disappeared suddenly, turning into streamers of blue light, forming a blue ball of light in front of them.

Star sea-like vortices emerged from the surface of the entire photosphere, and the overall look was very mysterious.

"What kind of treasure is this? It's like being in the sea of ​​stars, it's so beautiful!"

"The value of this auction item must have far exceeded our expectations. I wonder what its specific function is?"

"Hope it doesn't disappoint us too much!"


Many soul masters saw this blue light ball, and everyone expressed their inner doubts.

Of course, it was more of anticipation, after all, the first three auction items had already surprised them enough.

They will not be disappointed even if they want to come to this auction item.

So under the curious expressions of everyone, Xuanshuang began to introduce the origin of this blue light ball.

"As you can see, this blue light ball is the fourth auction item in our Star Dou Auction Pavilion. The name of this light ball is: Star Sea Realm."

"Just listening to the name, you may not know what the specific function of this realm of the star sea is. Next, let you experience for yourself the power of the realm of the star sea."

Xuanshuang left a mysterious smile, soul power surged in both hands, and the volume of the light ball in his hand expanded ten times, slowly floating in the center of the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Under the interference of soul power, the realm of the star sea revolved slowly, as if it were a planet.

"You can use your strongest attack to bombard the realm of the star sea. Perhaps from this aspect, you should roughly know the specific function of the realm of the star sea."

Xuanshuang asked many soul masters to launch the most powerful attack.

After everyone heard Xuanshuang's words, a big doubt appeared on their faces.

How is this going?

Why let them concentrate all their soul power and use the most powerful force to attack this star sea realm.

Could it be that there is something strange about this realm of the star sea?
Everyone was extremely puzzled, and no one acted immediately.

They have no way to guarantee that if they accidentally use the most powerful attack and break the ball, will the Star Dou Auction Pavilion make them compensate?
After a while, Xuanshuang saw everyone's hesitant expressions, and probably guessed why they didn't make a move.

So he had no choice but to speak slowly, which solved the doubts in everyone's mind.

"Don't worry, the hardness of this star sea boundary is far beyond your imagination. Even if you accidentally break it, our Star Dou Auction Pavilion will not let you pay compensation."

"I just let you experience how precious this auction item is."


"In that case, I'll take the lead first!"

At this moment, a soul master suddenly came out from the seat on the first floor, and the aura of this person was at the level of a soul saint.

I saw that the middle-aged man immediately released his own martial soul, which was a kind of wolf-like martial soul, displaying his own martial soul avatar.

"Sixth Soul Skill: The Power of Wolf Extermination!"

The sixth ten thousand year spirit ring on this man released a monstrous black light.

The man's hands were in the shape of wolf claws, emitting a dark light. After the soul power in his body was condensed to a certain level, he crossed his hands and waved them forward.


Two wolf paw prints slammed into the star sea in front of them.

Everyone stared ahead, wanting to see what would happen.

The next scene that surprised them happened. They saw that the two wolf paw prints landed on the star sea realm, and there was no strange change.

It seemed that a slight mark had been drawn on the ball, but in the blink of an eye, the entire ball of light returned to its original state.

It looks like that attack never happened.

"This is my full blow, and it didn't cause any damage to the ball?"

The middle-aged man was shocked when he saw this scene, and murmured in disbelief.

This sound of astonishment was also heard by other soul masters, and combined with the scene they had seen before, some strong men were also eager to try.

They also did not expect that the defensive power of this ball would be so surprising.

However, many soul masters have also guessed that the function of the fourth auction item should be defensive power.

It's just that I don't know what kind of powerful blow this realm of the star sea can resist?

As a result, some strong players chose to make a move.

Most of them are Soul Douluo powerhouses, and there are also some powerhouses who have just stepped into Title Douluo.

As a result, no one could do anything to cause any damage to this star sea realm.


At this time, in the second box.

The soul master in this box is Bo Saixi and others from Sea God Island.

"Great offering, shall we make a move?"

Seahorse Douluo at the side, after seeing the change ahead, turned his head to look at Bo Saixi.

Ask them if Seagod Island is going to take action, and test the strength of this star sea boundary.

"It seems that the defensive power of this treasure may be beyond our expectations."

"Since that's the case, let me personally test the defense of the Star Sea Realm. If possible, we at Sea God Island will do our best to take this treasure."

Hearing this, Bo Saixi said in a solemn tone, planning to try it out.

Although Seagod Island is far away from Douluo Continent, there is not much danger.

But she always had a bad premonition in her heart. It seemed that a big event would happen to Sea God Island in the future, even endangering the entire Sea God Island.

In order to prevent this from happening, Bo Saixi also wanted to make a move to take down this piece of Star Sea Realm.

Of course, for the authenticity of this treasure, she still has to try it out herself.

Seahorse Douluo was also shocked when he heard that Bo Saixi wanted to attack himself, but he didn't say anything.

Looking forward, he also wanted to see if the great priest could break the defense of the Star Sea Realm with his own hands?
(End of this chapter)

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