Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 301 The Magical Use of the World Tree

Chapter 301 The Magical Use of the World Tree
As time passed slowly, Lu Yun's attention had been focused on this withered branch of the world tree, and he was very much looking forward to its successful germination.

I don't know how long it has passed, but suddenly Lu Yun sensed a vast aura appearing in a trance.

Like the newborn sunshine, Lu Yun immediately noticed something was wrong.

Afterwards, Lu Yun looked at the soil ahead, and saw a green light quietly emerge.

"Is it really successful?"

Lu Yun murmured softly in his heart, and then the soil in front of him moved slightly, and a green sprout suddenly emerged from the soil.

Lu Yun's spiritual power immediately probed into the soil, and found a green bud growing on the surface of the branch of the world tree that was about to wither.

"Great, it seems that it was really successful, so many auction points were not wasted to maintain the vitality of this World Tree branch."

"It is indeed the core area in the secret realm of chaos. If it is placed elsewhere, it really may not be able to successfully germinate this withered branch of the world tree."

Sensing all these changes, Lu Yun suddenly had a flash of surprise in his eyes.

This was completely beyond his expectation. Originally, he didn't have much hope in his heart, but it turned out to be a success.

After a while, Lu Yun exerted all the strength in his body, gathered the soul power of the entire core area, and entered the bud in front of him.

After all, the World Tree has just sprouted successfully, and it still needs a huge soul power to support it.

If he ignored it and fell into withering again, then Lu Yun really had no place to cry.


With the infusion of soul power, this bud will not refuse anyone who comes, frantically devouring the surrounding soul power, and the buds of the world tree also begin to grow rapidly.

After a long time, Lu Yun sensed that the soul power absorbed by the buds of the world tree had reached saturation level, so Lu Yun stopped the injection of soul power.

A half-meter-high small tree appeared in front of Lu Yun. Golden lines were engraved on the emerald green leaves, which looked very magical.

And among the leaves, it seems that a world is about to be born, which is extremely magical.

"As expected of the World Tree, it can release the breath of the origin of all things just in its infancy."

"I just don't know when will the World Tree be able to grow to its peak state?"

At this moment, another fantasy was born in Lu Yun's heart.

But he quickly shook his head and put this unrealistic thought out of his mind.

The system once said that relying on his own strength, trying to make the World Tree grow to its peak state is simply a dream.

Even if the World Tree has not grown to its peak, it can bring unimaginable benefits.

"It seems that with the World Tree, the barriers in the secret realm of chaos are stronger, and it looks more like a brand new world."

Lu Yun's mental power swept across the entire chaotic secret realm, and after exploring, he found a change.

Before that, although the secret realm of chaos was strong enough to withstand the attacks of god-level powerhouses, it could only reach a certain endurance.

But now the world tree has successfully germinated, and the effect is extremely obvious, and the entire secret realm of chaos has become stronger.

As for the extent to which it has reached, even Lu Yun didn't feel it, and the entire chaotic secret realm was completely evolving towards a real world.

Perhaps when the World Tree grows for a period of time, the secret realm of chaos will really evolve a creature on its own.

This is also the scene that Lu Yunya would like to see.

After that, Lu Yun ignored the World Tree. This World Tree has self-awareness and can continuously absorb the soul power in the secret realm of chaos.

And feed back the power of the world, constantly strengthen the barriers around the secret realm of chaos, and perfect the power of the rules inside, in order to evolve real creatures in the future.

Lu Yun sat cross-legged beside the World Tree, and began to feel the mystery of the power of the world with his heart. After all, this is equivalent to the original evolution of a world.

Of course, Lu Yun couldn't miss such an opportunity.

He will often come here to practice in the future, not only the World Tree, but also the Pure World White Lotus.

Practicing here has indescribable benefits.


Lu Yun practiced in the Chaos Secret Realm for a few days, and it was a bit boring, so he left the Chaos Secret Realm and went to the outside world.

In the room, Lu Yun began to sort out the future development of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"It has been more than a year since I came to Douluo Dalu without knowing it."

Lu Yun couldn't help sighing.

"This auction is an annual large-scale auction, so the next auction item must be carefully considered."

Lu Yun remembered a very important thing. Before that, he had announced that a small auction would be held once a month, and a large auction would be held once a year.

Including the previous auction and the time he stayed in the Sun Moon Continent, it seems that almost a year has passed.

Lu Yun plans to hold the annual large-scale auction throughout the month, and will not let go of this plan to collect a large number of soul crystals.

On the other hand, he spent a full 500 million auction points in order to seal the devil.

It must be earned back through this auction, otherwise it will be a big loss.

Lu Yun intends to think carefully during this period of time, what kind of five auction items will be auctioned this time?
The preciousness of the auction item is definitely not comparable to that of a small auction.

There are still more than ten years before this auction, and there is enough time.


In a blink of an eye, another day passed.

In an area far away from the Star Dou Great Forest, a man in white robes appeared out of nowhere.

The young man was holding a strange mirror in his hand, and kept checking the surroundings. This person was exactly Lu Yun who came here from the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

"It's not far from the burial place of one of the dragon kings!"

Lu Yun looked at the map on the magic mirror in his hand, and murmured softly.

Lu Yun, who had nothing to do in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, planned to implement the previous plan thoroughly.

That is to find the burial places of several other dragon kings.

After all, the nine dragon kings of the dragon clan were all divine beasts with the combat power of a first-level god at their peak.

Leaving aside the places where their bones were buried, there may be precious treasures. Their bones are also genuine god bones, and the value they bring is simply unimaginable.

With the magic mirror, a heaven-defying artifact, Lu Yun can completely track down the burial places of several dragon kings.

The area I came to at this time is the burial place of the Dark Dragon King.

This is the closest place to the Xingdou Auction Pavilion. For the sake of convenience, Lu Yun planned to go ahead and find the burial place of the Dark Dragon King.

As for Dragon Valley, it was Lu Yun's final destination.

After Lu Yun knew that the route was correct, he didn't continue to stay in place. The power of space in front of him flashed, and he disappeared in place instantly.

(End of this chapter)

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