Douluo: 10-year-old soul bones are auctioned at the beginning

Chapter 293 The Great Ancient Artifact Part 1

Chapter 293 One of the Top Ten Ancient Artifacts
After Lu Yun heard this vague answer, his expression was a little puzzled.

But he listened to the implication of the system, as if there was something mysterious about the reward he got this time.

Could it be that if this black ball is integrated into this box, some uncontrollable changes will really occur.

However, the final solution is the task reward this time?

"System, claim this time's reward!"

Afterwards, Lu Yun followed the system's advice and directly received the reward for this mission.

[Rewards have been issued! 】

The system continued.

As soon as the words fell, a white light flashed in front of Lu Yun.

As the white light flickered, there was an inexplicable fluctuating sound in the whole room.

It seems to be a kind of sound of strings being plucked, which sounds very calming.

From here to the sound of the piano, Lu Yun enjoyed an unprecedented tranquility.

After a while, Lu Yun gradually came back to his senses, guessing in his heart, could it be that the magic weapon this time is a harp weapon?

This made Lu Yun very puzzled. After all, most of the piano weapons were used for auxiliary purposes.

Although the sound wave also has the power to kill, but the general piano can't exert that kind of power at all.

Therefore, Lu Yun was somewhat disappointed with the random artifact rewarded this time.

He originally thought that he could get a very top artifact, but it turned out to be just a piano.

Even so, Lu Yun still stared at the white light in front of him, and wanted to see what the Qin looked like.

Anyway, it's an artifact.

Under Lu Yun's curious eyes, the white light in front disappeared.

A milky white piano suddenly appeared in front of him.

The specific information of this piano also appeared in Lu Yun's mind.

The appearance of this piano is very strange, it does not look like the usual rectangle, but is based on the image of a phoenix as a whole.

The musical instrument made of jade and silk, combined with the thousand-year-old copper wood, has a gentle white light on the surface.

"This is... Fuxiqin!"

Until Lu Yun knew the name of this piano, he couldn't keep his peace for a long time.

It turned out to be Fuxiqin, one of the top ten artifacts in ancient myths and legends.

Although the Fuxiqin exists in legends, and its specific power needs to be considered, it must have an extraordinary origin to be considered a legendary artifact.


When he saw the specific information of Fuxiqin, he gradually thought that this Qin might really be one of the top ten legendary artifacts in ancient times.

[Fuxiqin (in seal): It has the effect of purifying the soul, dispelling the evil energy, and controlling the soul and mind of living beings...]

This is the specific function of Fuxiqin, but it still has many unimaginable effects, and Lu Yun needs to dig it out by himself.

Fuxiqin can not only expel the evil obstacles of greed in people's hearts, but also control human beings through their inner desires.

The sound of the piano is pervasive, even if the ears are blocked, the sound of the piano can still pass through.

"Haha, it seems that I misunderstood the system before, and actually rewarded such a heaven-defying artifact."

At this time, Lu Yun couldn't help but feel ridiculous for his previous thoughts.

I never thought that the system would be so generous this time.

He took it for granted that the piano artifacts rewarded by the system had a great auxiliary effect.

After learning about Fuxiqin, all his previous thoughts disappeared.

Fuxiqin can not only play an auxiliary role, but its greatest role is to have the power to attack Wushuang.

Now this Fuxiqin is still under seal.

After all, the level of Douluo Dalu is too low. If the full power of Fuxiqin really erupts, the entire Douluo Dalu will be destroyed in an instant.

It's no wonder that the system sealed Fuxiqin's power.

When he can break the seal of Fuxiqin one day, then he will be able to truly burst out Fuxiqin, the real ability to destroy heaven and earth.

At this moment, Lu Yun suspended the Fuxiqin in front of him, and waved his hands towards the strings.


Suddenly, a faint sound of the piano spread towards the surroundings in an instant.

At this time, Lu Yun and Fuxiqin became one, falling into the realm of harmony between man and nature.

The sound of the piano played in this realm is very magical.

The sound of the piano quickly spread out from the palace, spreading towards the entire territory of the mermaid clan.

The mermaid family is also immersed in this wonderful piano sound and enjoys it very much.

After all, the mermaid family is proficient in rhythm, but they have never heard such a piano sound.

The strong man of the mermaid clan also heard an inexplicable rhythm from this piano sound.

There is a very powerful coercion in these piano sounds.

The weak mermaids did not feel this coercion, and this coercion was not aimed at the mermaids.

On the contrary, it was this kind of piano sound, Wei Ya unintentionally released.

At this moment, Hai Liya, the king of the mermaid clan, naturally also heard the sound of the piano, and was also very amazed at the beauty of the sound.

Afterwards, Hai Liya's mental power spread towards the outside world, and she soon realized that the sound of the piano was coming from Lu Yun's room.

This made Hai Liya extremely amazed. It seems that this human soul master has many secrets.

Not only has incredible strength, but also the sound of the piano is also superb.

"However, what kind of piano is this that can play such a terrifying sound?"

A guess emerged in Hai Liya's mind. After all, to be able to play such a miraculous piano sound, the origin of the piano must be extraordinary.

But Hai Liya didn't investigate too much.

In short, it is enough that Lu Yun does not cause any harm to the mermaid clan. Anyway, their mermaid clan yearns for peace and will not initiate disputes for no reason.


Half an hour passed.

Lu Yun gradually woke up from this state, looked at Fuxiqin in front of him, and lamented the magic of Fuxiqin in his heart.

What he played just now was just the sound of the piano to soothe his mood. Even so, the sound played through the Fuxi Qin also had the breath of Mo Fei.

It's hard to imagine, if the attack is released through Fuxiqin, the terrifying power that will finally erupt is really unimaginable.

When Lu Yun got the Fuxiqin, all the piano songs on Blue Star appeared in his mind.

Thinking about it, this can be regarded as a reward from the system.

These qin tunes are nothing special on Blue Star, they are just music for people to enjoy.

But after playing the Fuxiqin, it can definitely explode with terrifying lethality.

What kind of lethality will be erupted in the end, we will not know until Lu Yun unleashes it in the future.

After a long time, Lu Yun focused on the box beside him.

Now this Fuxiqin has given him an unexpected joy, but what kind of secrets will this box bring?

Immediately afterwards, Lu Yun put Fuxiqin by his side, always preparing for the next emergency.

(End of this chapter)

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