Chapter 269 Ice and Snow Bow
Lu Yun understood the heaven-defying part of the secret realm of enlightenment, and then he dodged and entered the secret realm again.

He also told everyone in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion about the function of the Dao Enlightenment Secret Realm.

Let them go in and out of the secret realm of enlightenment at will, to absorb the nine-colored light in the sky, so as to improve their own strength.

Anyway, there is still a month before the next auction, and the soul masters in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion can use this time to greatly improve their own strength.

Lu Yun also began to absorb the light of enlightenment to improve his own strength, hoping to break through to a god-level powerhouse as soon as possible.

Time passed, and ten days passed in a blink of an eye.

Lu Yun suddenly opened his eyes in the secret realm of enlightenment, and the next moment he restrained his aura and returned to calm.

After nearly ten days, I fell into enlightenment every moment.

Lu Yun's mastery of his own soul skills and the application of martial souls has reached a level of perfection.

It can be said that his strength at this time has improved to a higher level than before.

And with the benefits of enlightenment, he is gradually approaching the level of soul power of Limit Douluo.

Immediately, Lu Yun withdrew from the secret realm of enlightenment, while the others were still practicing.

Back in the room, Lu Yun was about to draw a lottery, which he hadn't done for a long time.

It's just a month before the auction, and it won't be long.

I hope this time, I can draw out a baby that satisfies him.

Just like that, Lu Yun sank his thoughts into his mind as usual, and directly entered the [-] auction points.

"Start the lottery!"

A huge golden disc began to rotate violently, and golden lights flashed in front of Lu Yun.

Less than a moment later, the ten items were completely drawn out, and the specific names of the ten auction items sounded in Lu Yun's mind at this time.

"It seems that luck this time is pretty good!"

When Lu Yun heard what was drawn in his mind, a delighted smile appeared on his face.

Except for a few things that I don't know the specific function of after listening to the name, other things are good.

Especially one of the nine-level soul guides.

He knew that it would be extremely difficult to forge a ninth-level soul guide, and it would not be possible to forge it in a short period of time.

But I didn't expect that a ninth-level soul guide would be drawn out in this lottery draw.

The selling price of any ninth-level soul guide in a god-level store far exceeds 10 auction points.

That is to say, he is not at a loss just by relying on this nine-level soul guide.

What's more, there are other babies.

Lu Yun touched one of the golden lights with his right hand, and his soul power circulated, and this ninth-level soul guide also showed its true colors.

Suddenly, an ice-blue bow appeared in Lu Yun's hand.

The icy blue lines on the surface looked extremely noble, and from the moment this bow appeared, the entire room was instantly covered in endless cold.

The whole bow looks like it contains very powerful power of ice and snow.

"This is the ninth-level soul guide: Bow of Ice and Snow. It is actually an ice-type soul guide. The power released should reach the level of the ultimate ice."

It wasn't until Lu Yun touched the Bow of Ice and Snow that he felt how powerful this cold force was.

Moreover, the power level of this kind of ice has reached the level of the ultimate ice, which is enough to see that this ice and snow bow is also an outstanding one among the ninth-level soul guides.

Immediately, Lu Yun's eyes released a burst of golden light, wanting to see how this ice and snow bow was made.

But no matter how he observes, he can't see the specific construction method of this ice and snow bow. The surface is very coherent, and there is not even a trace of flaws.

"I hope that the ultimate power of this ice and snow bow will not disappoint me."

At this time, Lu Yun knew the attack method of this ice and snow bow, but he felt a sense of anticipation in his heart.

This ninth-level soul tool only has a bow and no arrows.

But this is also the peculiarity of this nine-level soul guide.

Pull this ice and snow bow, then you can completely condense an ice blue bow and arrow by yourself.

With the amount of soul power injected, it also determines the power released by the arrow.

As for the ultimate power limit of this ice and snow bow, it should be below the god level.

This ice and snow bow is only a ninth-level soul guide, and it does not reach the category of a divine weapon.

Lu Yun wanted to try the power of this ice and snow bow.

Thinking of this, Lu Yun left the Xingdou Auction Pavilion in an instant, came to the outside world, and was suspended in mid-air.

He looked in an unknown direction.

"I don't know how many people you evil soul masters will lose this time?"

Lu Yun looked indifferently not far away, with a strange smile on his face.

That's right!

That direction is where the headquarters of the evil soul master is located. Before that, he asked Medusa to find out where the headquarters of the evil soul master is located.

Exactly that position.

When Lu Yun got the Bow of Ice and Snow, an idea came to his mind.

It is to let the evil soul master try the power of this ice and snow bow.

After a while, Lu Yun didn't delay anymore, holding the Ice and Snow Bow in his right hand, and pulling the bowstring with his left hand.


The soul power in the body was poured into the Bow of Ice and Snow continuously.

Immediately afterwards, an arrow completely condensed by the power of ice appeared on the bowstring of the Bow of Ice and Snow, and endless cold power burst out from it.

With the surge of Lu Yun's soul power, the aura unintentionally erupted from this ice and snow bow even froze the entire void.

Everything around was plunged into a frozen world, enough to imagine how powerful this ice and snow bow is.

"go with!"

After the soul power had condensed to a certain level, Lu Yun let go of his left hand, and the ice-blue arrow pierced through the void.

After a long time, the arrow suddenly turned into a virtual ice phoenix, spreading its wings and soaring.

Wherever it passed, the endless cold directly penetrated the void and flew towards the direction where Lu Yun's gaze was.

With the spread of this icy power, the top powerhouses in the entire Sun Moon Continent sensed this cold breath, and everyone showed serious expressions.


"What kind of power is this? It actually contains such a terrifying ice breath!"

At this moment, Xu Hao, the emperor of the Sun Moon Empire, naturally also noticed a huge pressure of soul power flashing in the sky.

Came to the outside world, looking at the phoenix soaring in the sky.

Although soaring in the sky, he could not ignore the power of ice unintentionally emitted.

Unconsciously use soul power to dispel the surrounding cold.

A gust of wind blew by, and an old man suddenly appeared beside Xu Hao.

When Xu Hao saw the old man, there was no surprise on his face, and he asked in a serious tone: "Old man, can you feel the strength of this ice force?"

(End of this chapter)

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