Chapter 265 Blocking Everything

Lu Yun looked at the soul beast ahead, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes, and he soon calmed down.

According to his perception, this soul beast has the blessing of the power of the heaven and earth in this incomplete secret realm, and its strength has infinitely approached that of a god-level powerhouse.

As a result, he only slightly used the first soul skill, using the power of time and space around him, to restrict the movement of this soul beast.

As a result, no matter what means it used, it couldn't break free.

From this aspect, Lu Yun realized his strength.

He has nine million-year-level soul rings, plus the current level of soul power.

As for the lowest-level god powerhouse, Lu Yun is also certain that he can defeat them.


The Chaos-level Martial Soul, coupled with a million-year-old soul ring, erupted with a very powerful power.

Fighting over the next level is as simple as eating and drinking.

"It's time to end!"

After Lu Yun had roughly figured out his own strength, he didn't intend to continue wasting time with this soul beast.

"Second Soul Skill: Time and Space Strangling!"

When Lu Yun raised his right hand, the second golden soul ring on his body also lit up.

The power of time and space around this soul beast began to surge violently, forming silver blades.

These blades are completely condensed by the power of time and space, they are everywhere, and they can hurt everything.

Carrying the weird power of time and space, it stabbed directly at the soul beast.

Lu Yun restrained its movements, and then launched a fatal blow.

There is no way for anyone to successfully escape this fatal crisis.

Mu Tianxing, who was behind him, felt Lu Yun, and the terrifying murderous aura contained in this soul skill, also couldn't help but tremble in his heart, but more excited.

The culprit who killed his parents is finally dying.

Just like that, Mu Tianxing stared straight ahead, waiting for this surprising scene.


This soul beast sensed the violent aura of the power of time and space around it, and slashed at its body with endless sharp power.

The whole body of the soul beast was shaken, and it lost its human body and turned into a soul beast.

A huge wolf-like soul beast appeared in mid-air, covered in dark green hair, exuding breathtaking power.

In particular, there is a touch of red light between the eyebrows, which also contains mysterious power.

Even though it turned into a beast body and its strength was greatly improved, it still couldn't break free from Lu Yun's imprisonment.

This soul beast also clearly realized how huge the gap in strength between the two parties was.

Even if it turned into a beast body and tried to break free from the surrounding blockade with the most powerful force, the final result was of no avail.

The soul beast looked around desperately, feeling that the fatal crisis was getting closer.


At this moment, the mutation protruded!
Suddenly, a roar came from the cave.

Carrying an irreversible momentum, it rushed directly to the blockade around Lu Yun.

Sensing this aura, the soul beast suddenly had a gleam of light in its eyes.

"call out!"

I saw the red light at the center of the soul beast's eyebrows, and immediately flew towards the side.

Soon, a red light flew out from the cave.


Seeing this strange scene, Lu Yun waved his big hand, ready to block the convergence of these two rays of light.

But then a strange scene happened, under the interference of Lu Yun's power, the two red rays of light passed through silently.

Just like that, the two red rays of light gradually merged together.

"No, this is the joint attack of those two soul beasts."

Mu Tianxing, who was behind him, saw this sudden change and two very familiar red rays of light, and immediately realized something was wrong.

So, he hurriedly spoke, and solemnly reminded Lu Yun in front that he must be vigilant against the joint attack of the next two soul beasts.

The previous him almost fell completely in this attack.

And he can also feel the red light today, which is even more dazzling than a year ago, and it is countless times stronger.

"Be careful, the strength of this human soul master is really too strong. To be on the safe side, we have to detonate this incomplete secret realm, and then we take advantage of the chaos to stay away from this area."

"Otherwise, both of us will die here today!"

The soul beast that was controlled before sent a sound transmission to another soul beast, and a serious look appeared in his eyes.


Less than a moment later, the two red rays of light merged together, forming a huge beam of light, rushing towards the sky.

These two soul beasts emit a more powerful green light, and the power of heaven and earth in the entire incomplete secret realm continuously converges towards this red light.

A huge aura is generated, shaking the surrounding area, as if it is about to be destroyed in the next moment.

"Huh? How dare you detonate the entire secret realm in front of me, you don't take me seriously!"

Lu Yun was vigilant about the next movement, and suddenly sensed that the entire secret realm was gradually heading for destruction, and he also realized the plan of these two soul beasts.

He didn't expect these two soul beasts to be so decisive that they would directly detonate the entire secret realm in order to escape.

After detonating the secret realm, the hope of these two soul beasts surviving is also very small.

It is a pity that it is simply impossible to detonate the secret realm in front of him.

Lu Yun opened his arms, and the power generated at this moment instantly shattered everything around him.


Under the horrified eyes of several people, the eighth soul ring on Lu Yun's body began to move, releasing golden light, shining all day long.

"Eighth Soul Skill: Time and Space Blockade!"

In an instant, the soul power in Lu Yun's body burst out instantly, and the power of time and space in the entire secret realm began to stagnate.

The moment Lu Yun put his hands together, the time and space of the entire secret realm suddenly stopped.

Everything stayed in place, unable to move for half a minute.

Only Jiuyou could barely move his body, but he was still affected by this powerful force of time and space.

It can be seen from this that the strength of Lu Yun's eighth soul ability can even restrict the actions of gods.

"This is……"

Mu Tianxing, who was beside Jiuyou at this time, was not much better. Originally, he sensed that the entire secret realm was about to be broken, and wanted to urge Lu Yun and others to leave here quickly.

Before he could continue speaking, he found that his body was completely locked in place, unable to move.

Only thoughts were running, and what he didn't understand was what was going on.

Wherever he looked, everything in the world seemed to stand still.

For this scene, Mu Tianxing couldn't calm down for a long time.

Is this method really the limit that a human soul master can achieve?

The two soul beasts in front had terrified expressions in their eyes.

Originally they planned to detonate this secret realm, but a powerful force unexpectedly completely imprisoned them in mid-air.

Even this strange power completely sealed off the entire secret realm.

(End of this chapter)

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