Chapter 249 To the Sun Moon Continent
In an area far away from the Spirit Hall, there is a newly established faction.

This sect is the new residence of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect, but this residence is in the process of being built, and it will take a year to complete it.

"I don't know what's going on with Rongrong now. No matter how many people I send, I can't find her."

At this moment, Ning Fengzhi shook his head secretly, and he let out a sigh.

When Spirit Hall attacked Shrek Academy before, he, Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo stopped Bibi Dong and the others.

He didn't have the time to protect Ning Rongrong, so he let his daughter follow Tang San and the others to escape from the clutches of the Spirit Hall.

It's been more than a month, and he doesn't know what's going on with his daughter.

During this period, he also sent his sect's disciples to search the entire Douluo Continent, but they still couldn't find any news about his daughter.

Fortunately, there is no bad news now. For him, no news is better than bad news.

Even so, Ning Fengzhi didn't stop, and sent more people to search for Ning Rongrong's trace.

"This is indeed a troublesome matter, but Rong Rongji people have their own aura, so they should be safe and sound."

Sword Douluo at the side also said worriedly, but he still persuaded Ning Fengzhi not to worry too much.

The current situation is not something they can change, and now the Wuhundian has also sent a large number of people to search for the traces of the disciples of the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile School.

During this period of time, the disciples of the sect could only hide their identities.

After everything returns to the right track, there is no need to be afraid of Wuhundian.

"Oh, if only!"

Ning Fengzhi didn't say anything, but just sighed.

Scenes like the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School and the Wuhun Palace also happened among other top forces.

With their strength, they can naturally see the vision caused by the killing capital. Not everyone can guess that this is the scene that triggers the divine test.


In the blink of an eye, nearly ten days passed.

In the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, Lu Yun has slowly started all the plans, and it is time to go to the Sun Moon Continent and spread the word about the existence of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

I saw a few people gathered on the first floor of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, and Lu Yun looked forward with a serious expression.

"Next, I have a plan to tell you. I plan to go to the Sun Moon Continent to spread the majesty of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion to the Sun Moon Continent, so as to facilitate future layout."

At this moment, Lu Yun directly told everyone present his plan to go to the Sun Moon Continent.

As soon as the words fell, Jiuyou, Xuanshuang and others did not show any expressions.

Since the pavilion master said that he wanted to go to the Sun Moon Continent, there shouldn't be any problem, they just need to obey the order.

But Dugu Bo, who was standing aside, showed doubts on his face.

Where is the Sun Moon Continent?
Why has he stayed in Douluo Continent for such a long time and never heard of it?

"By the way, Pavilion Master, where is the Sun Moon Continent? Why have I never heard of it?"

Therefore, Dugu Bo had no choice but to express the doubts in his heart, very curious, what is this continent?
"The Sun Moon Continent is not within the scope of the Douluo Continent, you don't know it very well."

"The Douluo Continent is very vast. Even a strong Douluo with the title can hardly cross the entire continent in a short period of time. The edge of the continent is a sea area, and there is also a continent on the other side of the sea area, named: Sun Moon mainland."

"No one in the Douluo Continent knows the existence of the Sun Moon Continent, but the soul masters in the Sun Moon Continent will also not know the existence of the Douluo Continent."

Lu Yun said slowly, and told Dugu Bo the news about Sun Moon Continent.

"What! There is another continent on the other side of the sea?"


Dugu Bo was shocked when he heard the news.

Did he hear it right?

It's shocking that there is another place similar to Douluo Dalu.

It is no wonder that the Sun Moon Continent is on the other side of the sea.

After all, the area of ​​the sea area is comparable to that of Douluo Continent, and they don't have the leisure time to roam the sea area.

If you consume soul power in the sea for a long time, there is even no way to cross the entire sea at one time.

It's no wonder that the soul masters of Douluo Dalu don't know the existence of Sun Moon Dalu.

"That's right, the other side of the sea is where the Sun Moon Continent is located, and this time we are going to that strange continent to build the Star Dou Auction Pavilion on the Sun Moon Continent."

Lu Yun confirmed again.

"Then... Pavilion Master, can I go and see the existence of the Sun Moon Continent?"

Dugu Bo calmed down his shock, and immediately showed hesitation.

For an unfamiliar continent, their eyes are darkened, and they don't know the specific strength of the Sun Moon Continent.

But he also wanted to see another strange continent, and after a while, Dugu Bo strengthened his inner thoughts.

Go to the Sun Moon Continent!
Going to know another strange continent may be beneficial to his strength.

His current strength has reached a certain bottleneck, and there is no way to improve it too much just by retreating.


Hearing this, Lu Yun thought for a while, and directly agreed to let Dugu Bo follow him to the Sun Moon Continent.

It is impossible for him to go to the Sun Moon Continent alone on this trip, he must bring a few masters there.

He didn't know what kind of changes would happen to the Sun Moon Continent, and what he knew was only the situation of the Sun Moon Continent ten thousand years later.

He is really not sure about the power and strength of the current Sun Moon Continent.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, it is still necessary to bring as many experts as possible.

"I, Jiuyou, Dugu Bo, and Medusa will go to the Sun Moon Continent this time. You guys will accompany me to the Sun Moon Continent."

"Xuan Shuang, you will be in charge of hosting the next auction of Your Excellency Star Dou Auction. After all, we don't know how long it will take to go to the Sun Moon Continent. It is very likely that we will not be able to make it to the start of the next auction."

"As for the auction item for the next auction, I have already placed it in my room, and you only need to auction it at that time."

Lu Yun arranged several people here, and Dugu Bo and others followed him to the Sun Moon Continent.

Xuanshuang stayed in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion to preside over the next auction.

"Okay, Pavilion Master!"

When the rest of the people heard Lu Yun's arrangement, they nodded slightly without refuting anything.

"Now that it's been arranged, let's set off now."

After Lu Yun arranged the few people present, he didn't continue to say anything.

As for the Black Dragon, Yan Lingji and others in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, they are responsible for guarding the safety of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion.

(End of this chapter)

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