Chapter 247 Attack of the Slaughter King

In another direction of the killing capital.

There was a gloomy aura everywhere, and under the majestic killing power, a figure appeared in a trance.

The man's face was covered with black and red lines, and he had a pair of bat wings on his back, exuding the coercion of Limit Douluo from his whole body.

This person is the Slaughter Capital, the master on the bright side, Tang Chen who is possessed by a 10-year-old soul beast, and his strength is at the limit Douluo level.

"This aura actually contains the sword aura of the Asura Demon Sword!"

The Slaughter King saw the red light that shot straight into the sky not far away, and also felt that there was a trace of a god in this breath.

What is even more surprising is that this red light contains the sword energy of Shura's Demon Sword.

Logically speaking, the Asura Demon Sword has always been in his hands, but why did such a terrifying sword energy suddenly erupt?
As soon as he thought of this, the Slaughter King flew behind him in an instant, and found that the Shura Demon Sword that had been placed here before had disappeared out of thin air.

"Interesting! Someone actually took the Asura Demon Sword away from me without knowing it. I want to see which soul master in the capital of killing dares to do such a thing."

The Slaughter King's eyes turned extremely scarlet, and his powerful aura instantly scattered all the killing power around him.

The whole person chased in the direction of Tang San and the others.

Prior to this, the Asura Demon Sword had always been in his hands, and the Slaughter King should have believed that no one else could drive the Asura Demon Sword except him.

Less than a moment later, the Slaughter King was suspended in mid-air, and a palace appeared out of thin air in front of him.

"Sura Temple?"

"How is it possible? I have stayed in the Slaughter City for so many years, and I have never seen a building like the Shrine of Shura."

"Could it be..."

The Slaughter King looked towards the palace ahead, a thoughtful look flashed in his eyes.

Soon he became extremely puzzled why the Shrine of Shura appeared in this area.

Suddenly, a bad premonition popped up in the Slaughter King's heart.

The Shura Temple appeared out of thin air, but the Shura Demon Sword disappeared out of thin air without him noticing anything.

Could it be that in the capital of killing, someone successfully opened the Asura Divine Examination?
Thinking of this, the Slaughter King couldn't help but turn ugly.

He also passed the Asura Divine Examination, but it was only because he failed the examination that he fell into this situation.

Unexpectedly, someone was here and started the Asura Divine Examination.

A gloomy look flashed in the eyes of the Slaughter King, quietly suspended in mid-air, waiting for the Shura Temple to open again.

He wanted to see who it was, and asked Shura Demon Sword to start the divine test for them. He didn't have this kind of treatment back then.

As for the Slaughter King, he originally wanted to enter the Shura Temple, but this is a palace built by gods after all.

Even if he used all his strength, he couldn't open it forcefully, he could only wait for the people inside to come out.


In Shura Temple.

After Zhu Zhuqing finished measuring the level of the divine test, the red light on the surface of the Shura Demon Sword gradually became restrained.

"How is it? Is the difficulty of your assessment high?"

Tang San asked the people beside him curiously.

Before this, Tang San knew the assessment levels of Dai Mubai and the others.

It has not reached the level of Shura's Nine Examinations. Even so, after completing each assessment, the rewards obtained in the end cannot be ignored.

"My first assessment content is also to complete a hundred consecutive victories in the killing field, but the time limit is three years, so the difficulty is not very great."

Dai Mubai slowly said the content and time of his first test.

As soon as the words fell, the rest of the people nodded to each other.

Their time limit is almost three years, and overall there is not much difference.

After Tang San heard this answer, he thought to himself: Sure enough.

The higher the assessment level, the less time limit, that is to say, the most difficult task to complete the first assessment.

It seems that it is very difficult for him to complete the Asura Nine Tests.

I don't know if the first assessment can be completed within a year?
This is related to his future, the key to whether he can successfully inherit the throne of Shura, and there must be no sloppy.

"Little San, where's yours?"

Dai Mubai asked Tang San, and also wanted to know the time of his first test, after all what Tang San got was the Asura Nine Tests.

"I only have one year!"

Tang San sighed leisurely.


After telling the specific time, Dai Mu and the others couldn't help but gasped.

There is only one year, and the time is too rushed.

Although Tang San used more than a month to complete thirty consecutive victories.

But these are just the opponents we encountered in the early stage, and they are not very strong yet.

And it is too difficult to win another [-] games in a row within a year.

With Tang San's current strength, when the streak reaches a certain level, he will inevitably fall into a certain bottleneck.

Only when the strength is improved again, can they continue to enter the killing field and complete a hundred consecutive victories.

A year is too fast.

"I have a hunch that the difficulty of my subsequent assessment will be countless times more difficult than the first one."

Tang San sighed helplessly, and then his expression suddenly became extremely firm.

For the hatred in his heart, even if he gritted his teeth, he still had to complete the Asura Nine Trials.

"Don't worry, little San, the boat will be straight when it reaches the bridge. We believe that with your strength, you can easily complete the Asura Nine Trials."

Dai Mubai patted Tang San's shoulder, and encouraged him aloud.

Tang San's talent is the highest among them.

There is great hope that he can complete the Nine Trials of Shura and successfully inherit the throne of Shura.

"Since we already know our corresponding assessment level, let's leave now and try to complete the assessment as quickly as possible."

Tang San didn't say much, and proposed the idea of ​​leaving Shura Temple.

The rest of the people nodded, followed Tang San's figure, and walked towards the periphery of Shura Temple.

The Slaughter King, who had been waiting outside the Shrine of Shura for a long time, saw the gate of the Shrine of Shura open slightly, and a flash of light flashed across his scarlet pupils.

When Tang San's figure appeared, the Slaughter King obviously had a hint of surprise on his face.

Especially seeing Tang San at the front.

For these seven people, the Slaughter King also has an impression.

In the killing field, the talents of these seven people are outstanding.

In particular, the young man in the lead had completed [-] consecutive victories in just one month, which simply broke the record of the fastest [-] consecutive victories in the history of Slaughter Capital.


Then the Slaughter King no longer hid his figure, teleported in front of Tang San and the others, with the aura of a Limit Douluo, he unabashedly pressed towards Tang San and the others.

"not good!"

After Tang San and the others saw the figure of the Slaughter King, they quickly felt the coercion of Limit Douluo, and their expressions became extremely horrified.

(End of this chapter)

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