Chapter 238 Origin of Soul Crystal Vein
"As expected, it is a Juyuan tree that can gather the surrounding soul power. Around this small tree, I found that my soul power is running faster."

"With it, the slow speed of our soul beast clan's cultivation will be alleviated to a certain extent."

Ditian's eyes lit up when he saw the Juyuan tree sent by Xuanshuang.

Especially from the moment this Juyuan tree appeared in this box, the surrounding soul power instantly poured into this box.

Under the package of rich soul power, Di Tian and several other ferocious beasts, each of them sensed the bottleneck of their own soul beast's age, and they were a little loose.

Such a situation has been in the past, but it has never appeared.

Even if it is practiced under the lake of life, it is far less effective than around this Juyuan tree.

"It seems that this time we have found a treasure."

Di Tian quickly put away the Juyuan tree, a look of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Some useless soul crystals were exchanged for a top treasure that could gather the surrounding soul power endlessly.

Really good deal.

After all, condensing soul crystals only needs to consume part of their time, and there is no other price to pay.

"This Juyuan tree is indeed extremely rare. It is beneficial for the soul beasts to improve their strength. After returning, they will use a lot of resources to make this Juyuan tree grow."

"I have a hunch that this Juyuan tree will surprise us unexpectedly."

Afterwards, Gu Yuena said lightly.

For some reason, she always had a hunch in her heart that it seemed that when this Juyuan tree grew up, it would bring them some unexpected gains.

"Okay, my lord!"

Hearing this, Di Tian nodded slightly.

I stopped paying attention to this matter, and began to sit quietly in the box, waiting for the final auction item to appear.

As for other forces, they don't know anything about what happened in Ditian and Bibidong's box.

But they were also a little frustrated at this time.

At the same time, I was even more curious, what kind of force is inside the No. [-] box?

Why do you have such a huge soul crystal?

Of the five auction items in this auction, three of them fell into the hands of Box No. [-].

so horrible!

As before, there has never been such a situation.

This made everyone very curious about the soul master in the tenth box.

"The fourth auction item is over, and the last auction item of this auction will be announced next."

Xuanshuang announced that the first four auction items had ended, and it was time to start the auction of the final auction item.

It is also the most anticipated auction item for many soul masters.


Xuanshuang didn't hold back, and waved his big hand forward.

In an instant, the scene in front of everyone's eyes changed suddenly, and golden lines appeared around Xuanshuang's body.

Connected together, forming a burst of bright brilliance.

These brilliance contained a very pure breath of soul power.

The soul masters closest to the auction platform couldn't help absorbing the breath of soul power unintentionally released.

"What the hell is this? Why is the soul power so pure? I only absorbed a trace of its breath, and my own soul power level is almost breaking through."

"As expected of the last auction item, it's hard to imagine just how rich the soul power contained in this golden brilliance is based on the soul power unintentionally released!"

"According to the rules of previous auctions, this finale auction item must be countless times cheaper and more precious than the previous four auction items."


Many soul masters absorbed the golden streamer that was unintentionally released, and everyone showed shock, expressing their inner opinions.

Almost everyone is very interested in the last auction item, especially the pure soul power contained in it.

"The golden brilliance around me is the finale auction item this time, and its name is the origin of the soul crystal vein."

"As the name suggests, this soul crystal vein can produce soul crystals indefinitely, but sooner or later, the longer the time, the more soul crystals will be condensed from the soul crystal vein, and the soul power contained in the soul crystal will also be more intense, very It is good for cultivation."

"If you put the source of the soul crystal veins underground, and you practice on the ground, I don't need to say more about the benefits you will get in the end."

"After all, you have just absorbed a trace of breath unintentionally released from the source of this soul crystal vein, so you can naturally feel the purity of the soul power in it."

"Cultivating on this soul crystal vein, you will not have any soul power bottlenecks, which can fully support you to continue practicing, as long as you don't destroy the original source of this soul crystal vein."

Xuanshuang roughly introduced the name and specific function of the last auction item to the soul masters present.

That's right!

It is a mineral vein that can produce soul crystals endlessly.

This was also the last auction item Lu Yun took out.

Lu Yun also saw such things from a god-level store before. Originally, his idea was to buy a few soul crystal veins by himself and put them in the secret realm of chaos.

Soul crystals can be continuously produced, and then exchanged to the system to be converted into auction points.

But this idea was interrupted by the system before it could be implemented.

The system said that soul crystals can only be converted into auction sites through the transaction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

As for all other ways, they cannot be converted.

So Lu Yun also thought of another way, that he can sell the soul crystal veins to one of the factions, and that faction will get a steady stream of soul crystals to participate in the auction of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

In the end, these soul crystals will also fall into his hands, and then turned into auction sites.

"The last auction item turned out to be a vein that can produce soul crystals indefinitely!"

When Bibi Dong heard the last auction item, unprecedented surprise appeared in her eyes.

She is very clear about the benefits brought by the soul crystal.

Not only can it be used to participate in the auction held by the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, but it can also absorb the soul power in the soul crystal for cultivation.

It can be said that the soul crystal has become an irreplaceable thing in cultivation in Bibi Dong's heart.

The finale auction item that Star Dou Auction Pavilion took out this time can produce soul crystals indefinitely.

Doesn't that mean that she doesn't need to spend a lot of time condensing soul crystals in the future, she just needs to dig out this soul crystal vein.

At this time, Bibi Dong felt a little lucky, although the first four auction items were not destined for her.

But this soul crystal vein is very precious, and even to a certain extent, its value is much higher than that of the previous Juyuan tree.

This time Bibi Dong also intends to make a move, competing for the last auction item.

Suddenly, Bibi Dong didn't know what to think of, and glanced lightly at the No. [-] box not far away.

She was afraid that the last box No. [-] would interrupt her plan again.

She didn't know which faction was in the tenth box, and how many soul crystals were left.

Next, Bibi Dong had to be very vigilant, so as not to make another somersault in the hands of the tenth box.

(End of this chapter)

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