Chapter 23

Who knew that this Nine Heart Profound Grass would be able to achieve it, it's simply unbelievable.

As for why Xuanshuang knew about this fairy grass, such detailed information was naturally checked by Lu Yun through the system.

And the system gave a reminder that if a Contra-level powerhouse consumes the Nine Heart Profound Grass, his soul power can indeed break through level 1~2.

Moreover, the level of this Nine Heart Profound Grass is far higher than the level of the fairy grass in Binghuo Liangyi's eyes.

He even reached the title of King of Immortals.

As for why Lu Yun didn't plan to take this Nine Heart Profound Grass, but chose to put it up for auction.

Naturally, he has a choice, on the one hand, he uses this fairy grass to completely open the way to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

On the other hand, with the existence of the system, not to mention this Nine Heart Profound Grass, even the more precious fairy herbs can be obtained at hand.

Therefore, in Lu Yun's eyes, this Nine Heart Profound Grass was simply inconspicuous.

"This is a fairy herb, so the first auction price: 500 million gold soul coins!"

After a while, Xuanshuang directly stated the first auction price of this Nine Heart Profound Grass.

As soon as the price came out, most of the people present gasped.

so horrible!

Did they hear correctly!

The price of a small grass has actually reached 500 million gold soul coins, which is too amazing.

Although after they heard Xuanshuang's introduction of the specific information about the Nine Hearts Profound Grass, some of the weaker soul masters obviously didn't know how important spiritual power was to them.

Most people don't understand why the first auction price of this Nine Heart Profound Grass has reached 500 million gold soul coins, which is too outrageous.

Only those who have truly reached the level of Soul Sage will know how precious this Nine Heart Profound Grass is, which cannot be measured by money.

Almost all the top powerhouses looked greedily at the Nine Hearts Profound Grass, wishing to immediately take this fairy grass as their own.

But they knew that they were in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, so naturally they would not make a move to snatch this Nine Hearts Profound Grass.

Unless they are impatient.

"500 gold soul coins!"

At this moment, an old man in the middle of the first floor called out the price first.

The strength of this old man is at the top level of the soul saint, and he can break through to Contra with only a small distance.

But it is this small distance that has trapped so many talented soul masters.

The vitality of this old man is passing away quickly, so he wants to rely on this Nine Heart Profound Grass to completely break through the soul sage and reach the realm of Contra.

"550 gold soul coins!"

Immediately afterwards, another middle-aged man on the first floor below also called out the price.

If there is no accident, this Nine Heart Profound Grass also has a great effect on him.

Just like that, the price of the Nine Heart Profound Grass soared all the way.


"1000 gold soul coins!"

At this moment, a voice full of air suddenly came from another strange box.

The power and influence it carried made everyone present look horrified.

"This is, the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, they even made a move!"

Some of the well-informed soul masters, knowing the characters in the box, couldn't help but take a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, this Nine Heart Profound Grass would actually attract the Landian Tyrannosaurus family to take action.

It seems that this auction is really too intense. The most powerful forces in the Douluo Continent, the Wuhun Palace, the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School, and the Blue Lightning Overlord School all made their bids.

This also made some people of small powers keep silent and give up the next fight.

After all, the prestige of these three forces is really too strong, even if they were lucky enough to spend a huge amount of gold soul coins to auction off this Nine Heart Profound Grass.

Then they still have the strength in the end, can they keep the grass jelly?
Therefore, most people had no choice but to give up the auction of the Nine Heart Profound Grass, and let these major forces compete with each other.

"This...Uncle Jian, shall we continue? Judging by the aura of the Wuhun Palace and the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, it seems that they are bound to win this Nine Heart Profound Grass!"

"Although this Nine-Heart Profound Grass is an extremely rare spiritual treasure, there are also some substitute treasures in the treasury of our Seven Treasure Glazed Tile School!"

As soon as this price appeared, the major forces present fell silent, discussing continuously whether the auction should continue or not.

"It's up to you to decide, the next auction will be getting trickier!"

Hearing this, Sword Douluo sighed leisurely, and let Ning Fengzhi decide for himself.

"1500 gold soul coins!"

At this moment, Chrysanthemum Douluo directly increased the price by 500 million gold soul coins, and he was bound to auction off this Nine Heart Profound Grass for the Pope.

"Sovereign, shall we continue to follow?"

In the box where the Landian Tyrannosaurus Rex family was located, there were three men. The leader was an old man with clear eyes and a surging aura all over his body.

Obviously a powerful Title Douluo expert, this old man is the strongest of the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family, Yu Yuanzhen, is a 96-level Super Douluo.

The Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family is one of the three of the seven major sects in the Douluo Continent, and one of the most powerful families on the Continent.

The disciples of the sect possessed the powerful Blue Lightning Overlord Dragon Wuhun, and won the title of the world's number one beast Wuhun by virtue of "Dragon Transformation" tyrannical body and "Thunder and Lightning Control".

"Follow, no matter what, this Nine Heart Profound Grass must be auctioned off."

After thinking for a moment, Yu Yuanzhen ordered loudly to continue following.

This Nine Heart Profound Grass is too important, no matter what the price is, it must be auctioned off.

As for why Yu Yuanzhen wanted this Nine Heart Profound Grass, it was naturally because his soul power had reached the peak of level 96.

After spending decades, he couldn't make any progress, as if there was an invisible bottleneck imprisoning him, preventing him from breaking through.

Yu Yuanzhen understood what was the bottleneck that puzzled him, and it was mental strength.

His soul power has reached the critical point, but his spiritual power is obviously not enough to support him, breaking through to the 97th level Super Douluo.

As long as he successfully consumes this Nine Heart Profound Grass, he is 97% sure that he can break through to level [-].

At that time, the strength and status of their Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus rex family will be raised to a higher level.

After all, the powerhouses after level 95 Title Douluo have a huge difference in their final strength every time their soul power increases, and it cannot be made up for by simple cultivation.


Members of the Landian Tyrannosaurus family, after hearing Yu Yuanzhen's order, said with a serious expression, and continued to increase the price.

Be sure to auction off the Nine Heart Profound Grass!
In the entire Star Dou Auction Pavilion, only the Wuhundian and the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus family are competing with each other, and the price is increasing in an incredible direction.

Many forces are amazed, it is indeed a competition among the top forces in the Douluo Continent, and people dare not easily intervene in it.

(End of this chapter)

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