Chapter 202 Mysterious Smile

Bibi Dong thought farther, now the status of Wuhun Hall has been slightly loosened.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Sect is about to give birth to an extreme Douluo expert who also possesses a second martial soul: a god-level martial soul.

Therefore, the status of the Spirit Hall is not very stable now. With the threat of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Sect always present, perhaps irreversible changes will really occur in the Spirit Hall in the future.

Bibi Dong wanted to use this opportunity to see if she could know the future of Wuhundian.

At that time, a series of plans can also be deployed.

"Yes, Your Majesty the Pope!"

Ju Douluo nodded slightly when he heard Bibi Dong's words.

In Ju Douluo's heart, he had the same idea as Gu Yuena and others, and he didn't quite believe that Xingdou Auction Pavilion could see through a person's future.

It's too scary to say this.

Even so, he still obeyed Bibi Dong's order, hope this opportunity is real!
He didn't hold out much hope in his heart.

As for the other forces, they almost all have unbelievable thoughts.

But there are still very few forces who believe in the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

"Seeing through the future, this matter is an act against the heavens. It goes without saying how precious it is. Therefore, the first auction price for this opportunity is 30 soul crystals!"

At this moment, Xuanshuang announced the first auction price of the last auction item, which reached 30 soul crystals.

When this price appeared, most of the soul masters were speechless and gave up the competition directly.

As for some vacillating forces before, after hearing the price, they also shook their heads secretly and withdrew from the competition.

After all, the price is too expensive.

They also don't want to spend so many soul crystals and auction an uncertain opportunity.

"30 soul crystals!"

After Ju Douluo received Bibi Dong's hint, he took the lead in bidding for price competition.

The time is long, 10 minutes have passed.

There are very few forces participating in the competition.

Moreover, there are not many soul crystals for each price increase, which makes the soul masters present even more convinced that this finale auction is likely to be fake.

Such a change naturally attracted the attention of the third layer, Lu Yun.

"Huh? What's going on?"

"Such a small number of forces participated in the competition?"

When Lu Yun saw the forces participating in the competition, he was very puzzled. He didn't expect that the ship would turn over this time.

There are only a dozen or so forces participating in the competition, and the price increases for these forces are not many.

After 10 minutes, this final auction item has only reached 40 soul crystals, which is obviously very strange.

Lu Yun felt that the overall value of the final auction item was much more precious than all the items that had appeared before.

But why is there no soul master willing to take this chance?

As we all know, the future is an unspeakable event for a soul master.

This is obviously very unreasonable.

After careful deliberation, Lu Yun probably understood that perhaps Douluo Dalu soul masters had too low a vision, and they were uncertain about seeing opportunities in the future.

The previous auction items from the Star Dou Auction Pavilion were almost all real objects, but this time they were only virtual objects, an opportunity to see through the future.

Most of the soul masters don't believe that the Star Dou Auction Pavilion has such means.

As a direct result, most forces are unwilling to waste so many soul crystals and auction off an illusory thing.

Lu Yun felt that his guess was right, and soon Lu Yun stopped worrying about this matter.

That's it!

It depends on who gets the last chance.

Lu Yun has given up all hope for the transaction price of the last auction item.

If he wants to use the Three Life Stone once, he only needs to consume [-] soul crystals to activate the Three Life Stone.

The first auction price for this opportunity was 30 soul crystals, no matter how you look at it, he made a profit.

That being the case, then this finale auction item should be regarded as a bonus.

Lu Yun began to sit calmly on the chair, waiting for the final result.

Suddenly, more than ten minutes passed, and the competition gradually came to an end.

"63 soul crystals!"

When this price was called out, individual forces were withdrawn from the competition.

All the soul masters became silent, and no one continued to increase the price.

"63 soul crystals once!"

"63 soul crystals twice!"

"63 soul crystals three times!"

"Since no one continues to increase the price, this auction item will belong to Box No. [-]."

After repeated confirmations, Xuanshuang had no power to continue raising the price, and directly announced that the finale auction item had been taken by Box No. [-].

The people in box No. [-] were exactly Bibi Dong and the others.

After Xuanshuang saw that box five had won this opportunity, she looked at box five meaningfully.

Suddenly, a mysterious smile appeared, as if he was very surprised by the wise move of the fifth box.

After all, Xuanshuang is very aware of the preciousness of this opportunity. If a soul master's future can be seen, then everything in the future will not be determined.

The benefits in the end are simply indescribable.

As for the other soul masters, I am also very curious, which faction wasted more than 60 soul crystals to take this illusory opportunity?
But before they could continue to think, they suddenly saw Xuanshuang's meaningful smile.

Let individual top powerhouses realize something is wrong.

Is it possible...

"Uncle Jian, Uncle Bone, could it be that the last auction item is real?"

Ning Fengzhi naturally and clearly saw the smile on Xuanshuang's face.

Immediately, a wise light flashed in his eyes, and an incredible idea emerged in his heart.

Xuanshuang is a member of the Xingdou Auction Pavilion, so he should know whether the last auction item is real or not.

That smile that Xuanshuang showed at the end made Ning Fengzhi sway like a drum beating in his heart.

Could it be that he really guessed wrong?
"This...I don't know either."

"But based on the smile on the auctioneer's face, it's very likely to be true."

Seeing this scene, Jian Douluo also sank to the bottom of his heart.

He also saw Xuanshuang's last smile, which obviously showed a hint of appreciation and satisfaction.

From this point of view, the last auction item is very likely to be real.


After Ning Fengzhi got this answer, the guesses in his heart were almost the same.

The whole person felt a little regretful, and sure enough, they still missed this opportunity.

What worried Ning Fengzhi the most was, which faction succeeded in taking this opportunity?

Seeing through the future, no one knows which aspect of the future the forces that took this opportunity will look at.

Ning Fengzhi was extremely worried about things full of uncertainty.

As for Sword Douluo and Bone Douluo at the side, similar thoughts also emerged.

(End of this chapter)

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