Chapter 163 Hidden Rewards
The center of the storm contains the violent power of time and space. It stands to reason that almost nothing can escape this attack.

Unless of course the strength far surpasses him.

Lu Yun clearly felt the strength of the space-time storm, and he believed that even Contra, in the space-time storm, would not be able to resist.

Perhaps only a powerhouse at the Title Douluo level can barely resist.

This is a powerful skill that he finally exploded by fusing the power of his own six soul rings.


When this storm swept across the front, the transformed figure immediately released all its power to resist this space-time storm.

But in the end, there was no doubt that a violent force of time and space instantly strangled the figure in front of him into pieces, turned them into bits of light, and dissipated between heaven and earth.

"Huh, it's finally solved!"

When Lu Yun got rid of this figure, he let out a long sigh of relief, soothing his tired mind.

At this moment, a golden light suddenly appeared in the area where the figure disappeared, and flew towards Lu Yun's eyebrows instantly.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun did not dodge in any way, after all, he also knew the origin of this ray of light.

When the golden light entered between his eyebrows, the previous battle scene flashed in Lu Yun's mind.

His own fighting has become more and more proficient.

"Spirit Realm is indeed a supreme treasure!"

After digesting all the combat experience, Lu Yun suddenly opened his eyes, took a deep breath, and once again lamented the power of the spirit realm.

The ray of light just now contained all his previous combat experience, which further enhanced his combat effectiveness.

It can be said that at this time Lu Yun's combat power has increased to another level, and this golden light can be regarded as a benefit given by the spiritual realm.

Successfully defeating the figure transformed from the spirit world will give you all the experience of this battle.

The importance of combat experience to a soul master cannot be overstated.

Of course, if you haven't defeated the figure transformed from the spirit world, you won't be able to get this reward.

In a way, this should be the hidden reward of the spirit realm.

Immediately after Lu Yun cleared up all his thoughts, he withdrew from the natural secret realm and returned to the Star Dou Auction Pavilion.

Lu Yun planned to spread the news of the spiritual realm to the Douluo Continent when the next auction started.

Through the spiritual realm, he can also collect a large number of auction points.

When Lu Yun returned to his room, a green object suddenly flew out from the door, it was Xiao Ran who was playing in the Xingdou Auction Pavilion before.

It was getting late, nearly a day had passed, and Lu Yun saw Xiaoran looking at him with resentful eyes.

Lu Yun knew that Xiaoran obviously blamed him for disappearing for such a long time suddenly.

"Let's go, I'll take you to a place, you will definitely like it very much."

Lu Yun changed the subject, waved his hand, and disappeared in place together with Xiao Ran, entering the secret realm of chaos.

Xiaoran is an elf with natural attributes, belonging to nature, and the outside world is very dangerous. Naturally, Lu Yun will not let Xiaoran leave the Xingdou Auction Pavilion easily.

It can be said that the secret realm of chaos is a very suitable place for Xiaoran to live, especially the core of the secret realm of chaos is the place where the pure white lotus grows.

When Lu Yun and Xiao Ran appeared in this area, Xiao Ran didn't know what she sensed, she flapped her wings and flew around.

There should be an indescribable joy on the face.

"Master, what is this place? It's so beautiful!"

"And there is actually an extremely extraordinary energy in this air."

Xiaoran felt the power of this area carefully, and the whole person let out a cry of wonder.

Without waiting for Lu Yun's answer, Xiao Ran's eyes suddenly focused on a white lotus growing in the center of the Binghuo Liangyi Eye.

Although no petals have bloomed, a powerful mysterious force is faintly exuded around the lotus.

Xiaoran knows that what is so mysterious in this area is the power released by this white lotus.

"Well, not bad, this is where you will live from now on."

Seeing Xiaoran's surprise, Lu Yun probably knew that he did the right thing, so he planned to let Xiaoran live here forever.

He often enters the secret realm of chaos to practice, so Xiaoran will not feel bored.

"Thank you master!"

After hearing Lu Yun's words, Xiao Ran immediately thanked her.

Then it quickly flew to the distance, and began to fly in the chaotic secret realm, enjoying the power of nature.

Seeing this situation, Lu Yun shook his head helplessly, and then sat cross-legged next to the Jingshi Bailian, bathing in the powerful Jingshi power around him.

After digesting these days of cultivation, due to the battle, his own realm has become very stable.

Therefore, Lu Yun had a premonition that if he fell into cultivation next, his soul power would definitely rise.

So let Xiaoran play by himself, while he sat here and began to absorb the soul power around him to improve his own strength.


Another area in the secret realm of chaos is far away from where Lu Yun is.

And this woman was wearing a long silver dress, her face was like frost, and the powerful god-level coercion around her was impossible to ignore.

This person is Gu Yuena who has been in the chaotic realm for a long time.

Gu Yuena has been wandering in the secret realm of chaos, constantly observing the structure of the secret realm of chaos. After her investigation, she found that there is almost no difference between the secret realm of chaos and the outside world.

Even the soul power is many times stronger than that of the outside world.

This shocked Gu Yuena's heart. What shocked her the most was that there seemed to be a force in the secret realm of chaos, which was too profound and mysterious.

Even she felt full of pressure. Unfortunately, she didn't know what the source of this power was.

It is even countless times stronger than the power mastered by the Dragon God back then.

The source of this power is the world-purifying power emanating from the world-purifying white lotus. To Gu Yuena, this strange power is indeed very mysterious.

"How did this Star Dou Auction Pavilion obtain the secret realm of chaos? Not only does it have such a magical power, but I don't even know the rules of how to evolve soul beasts."

At this moment, Gu Yuena looked at the soul beast running around in front of her, and a thoughtful look flashed across her face.

Not to mention the energy in the secret realm of chaos, which made her feel very shocked, and these evolved soul beasts alone made Gu Yuena extremely uneasy.

Once again, she increased her impression of the Star Dou Auction Pavilion, it seems that she still underestimated the Star Dou Auction Pavilion before.

Suddenly, another idea emerged in Gu Yuena's mind, could it be that the Xingdou Auction Pavilion does not belong to the Douluo Continent or even the power of the God Realm.

Otherwise, such a magical secret realm of chaos would not make sense at all.

Such a treasure as the secret realm of chaos, even a powerhouse at the level of a god king, cannot forge it.

After all, this secret realm is almost indistinguishable from a complete world.

(End of this chapter)

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